Accredited Branches
by NBA, New Delhi
(Validity up to June 2026)
(Validity up to June 2027)


Accredited with A Grade

CET Code: E133
COMEDK Code: E055



About The Department 

Intake of the Department = 6

The Department of Computer Science & Engineering is a synergistic product of many proactive minds. A team of highly qualified and dedicated Teaching and Technical Staff unanimously harness the potential in all aspects to take the department to greater heights. All laboratories are well equipped with state-of-the-art technology facilities. B.E. in Computer Science and Engineering was started in 2003 with an intake of 60 and later increased to 120 in take in 2012.

M. Tech in CSE was started in the year 2013, with an approved intake of 18 and a current intake of 6 from the academic year 2022-23 onwards. The department is also a recognized Research Centre for Ph.D. in CSE since 2016. Currently ten research scholars are pursuing Ph.D. in the Research Centre of CSE Department in various domains like Image Processing, Distributed Computing, Wireless Communication Networks and Network Security, Big Data and Internet of Things.

The average teaching experience of Faculty members of CSE department is 09 Years. Three Professors with doctorate degree in CSE guide the faculty at the lower level to take the department to greater heights. 09 Faculty members are pursuing Ph.D. in CSE at VTU, Belagavi. B.E., M. Tech & Ph.D. Programmes are affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, approved by AICTE, New Delhi and Govt. of Karnataka. The department is accredited by NBA, New Delhi for a period of three years from July 2017- June 2020.

The department has acquired Rs 30 Lakhs funds from Vision Group on Science and Technology (VGST), Government of Karnataka for establishment of “Innovative Smart Systems and IoT Laboratory” during the period 2016-2019.

Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) have been formally signed between GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru with leading industries like IBM, Infosys, Wipro, EMC2, Nihon Communication Systems, DalvikApps, AllInnov and iQuest.

Vision :

Knowledge dissemination with development of future leaders in Information Technology having a research blend

Mission :

M1: To equip students with continuous learning process to acquire Hardware, Software and Computing knowledge to face new challenges.
M2: To inculcate the core Computer Science and Engineering components with discipline among the students by providing the state-of-the-art learner centric environment.
M3: To impart essential knowledge through quality and value based education to mould them as a complete Computer Science Engineer with ethical values, leadership roles by possessing good communication skills and ability to work effectively as a team member.
M4: To provide a platform to collaborate with successful people from entrepreneurial and research domains to learn and accomplish.

About The Course :

The curriculum is aimed to give theoretical and hands on in the areas of Advances in Operating Systems, Advances in DBMS, Advanced Algorithms, Computer Networks and a host of elective subjects like Optical Networks, Advances in Digital Image Processing, Computer Graphics & Visualization, Topics in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, Advances in Storage Area Networks, Information Security etc.
The following Pie Chart shows the distribution of course content, representing blending of subjects of different skill area.

M.Tech in Comuter Science | GSSSIETW


The Laboratory is equipped with latest machines with high end configurations working in fully networked environment providing excellent learning platform to both student and researcher staff alike. Students have exclusive one–to-one computing facilities. The lab has 18 PCs with latest configurations running Windows as well as Linux.  The laboratory is supported with softwares such as Oracle 9i, MS Visual Studio, Ubuntu, MySQL, Eclipse, Apache Web Server and JDK, Windows 7,Windows 8.1, Linux Fedora 14,Visual studio 2008 and 2010, Microsoft Packages. 

Lab 1 :

Advances in Operating System Laboratory | GSSSIETW

A318C (85 Sq. Mt.)


Advances in Operating System Laboratory( Odd Semester):

  • To Design and Develop a shell, program to implement lazy buddy system algorithm and to write a multi-class multithreaded program that simulates multiple sleeping barbers , program to realize the virus classification.

Advanced Algorithms Laboratory( Even Semester):

  • To design and implement graph search algorithms, string matching algorithms, modular linear equations.

Major Equipments:

  • HCL INFINITIL A350 Pro, Intel Core i3 Processor 550, 3.2 GHz, 4MB Cache Memory, 500 GB SATA HDD – 18 Systems

Network Components:

  • Cisco Switch-24Port– 1 No
  • Router Belkin Wireless - N600 – 1 No.
  • PCI WIFI Card D-Link – 8 No

Class Room :

D014 (37 Sq.Mt.)

  • Class Room supported with LCD Projector with White Screen for projection and White Board.
  • Seating Capacity -20

 Tutorial Room :

D115 (37 Sq.Mt.)

  • Class Room supported with LCD Projector with White Screen for projection and White Board.
  • Seating Capacity -20

Seminar Hall :

A seminar hall with a minimum of 250 seating capacity | GSSSIETW

A317S1 (180 Sq.Mt.)

  • A seminar hall with a minimum of 250 seating capacity. It is well equipped with audio and visual systems.


Students Achievements

Departmental Achievements







Students Achievements 2022-23

Sl No. Achievements Name of the Student Academic Year
1 Secured 5th Rank in the VTU Examination Zuha Azmi 2020 - 2022
2 Received Best Paper Award for the title “Automated Detection of PCOS using Follicle Recognition Techniques” in the International Conference on Engineering Innovation (ICEI – 2022), organized by Jain Institute of Technology, Davanagere on 3rd June 2022. Zuha Azmi 2020 - 2022
3 Participated in SERB Sponsored ML/DL Application Enablement on PARAM Utkarsh HPC System at CDAC, Bengaluru from 18th to 22nd July 2022 Mamatha B 2021 - 2023
4 Participated in SERB Sponsored ML/DL Application Enablement on PARAM Utkarsh HPC System at CDAC, Bengaluru from 18th to 22nd July 2022 Nischitha B S 2021 - 2023
5 1. Placed in Cognizant with 4 LPA
2. Placed in Capgemini with 4.25 LPA
Mamatha B 2021 - 2023
6 Published a paper “A Novel Approach Chatbot Service for Fertilizer Prediction using Logistic Regression” in IJRASET. Nischitha B S 2021 -2023
7 Published a paper “A Novel Approach for Identification and Quality Analysis of Rice, Grains using Convolution Neural Network” in IRJMETS. Mamatha B 2021 -2023

Technical Seminar / Workshops organized by Department

Sl No. Title of the event Resource Person Date
1 Report writing, Plagarism reference styling using Latex   Manjuprasad, Assistant Prof, Dept. of CSE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru 22 March 2018
2 Hands-on  on  Audino   Manjuprasad, Assistant Prof, Dept. of CSE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru 25 April 2018
3 Hands-on  on  Mobile Application Development   Khateeja Ambareen, Assistant Prof, Dept. of CSE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru 8  May 2018
1 National Level PG Project Symposium on Electronics, Communication and Computer Science GSSSIETW, Mysuru 27th May 2017
2 PG Technical Symposium GSSSIETW, Mysuru 22nd April 2017
3 Technical talk on “IoT ” Mr. B Saravana Vikram, Project Manager, Kaynes Technologies, Mysuru 22nd April 2017
4 Hands on session on “SSH protocol” Mr. Manjuprasad B, Assistant Prof, Dept. of CSE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru 27th April 2017
5 Technical talk on “Internet of Things and its Applications” Mr. Manjunath Kikkeri, CEO, iQuest, Mysuru 13th March 2017
1 Technical talk on “General awareness of company hierarchy and organization” for III & I Sem M.Tech students Mr. Panduranga Y, Senior Program Manager, Alten Calsoftlabs, Mysuru 6th Dec 2016
2 Technical talk on “Virtual WLAN and its applications” for III & I Sem M.Tech students Ms. Pushpa T, Module lead,  Alten Calsoftlabs, Mysuru 6th Dec 2016
3 Industrial visit to “RTTC – BSNL”, Mysuru for I Sem M.Tech students - 26th Nov 2016
4 Hands-on session on “Packet Tracer” held at RTTC – BSNL, Mysuru for I Sem M.Tech students Mr. A.V Srikanthan, Principal, RTTC - Mysuru 26th Nov 2016
5 Three day webinar on “Networking, Simulation and related technologies using NETSIM Software” for I Sem M.Tech students Webinar - Dellsoft 3rd – 5th Oct 2016
6 Open day at Skanray Technologies Mysuru Skanray Technologies Mysuru 21st May 2016
7 Hands-on session on “Packet Tracer” Mr. Ajay Kumar, Security Engineer, Wipro Mysuru 28th April 2016
8 National level PG Project Symposium on Electronics & Communication, Computer Science and Management Studies Sekhar Subramanian, Member of Education, Training and Assessment, Infosys, Mysuru 23rd April 2016
9  One day workshop on “Cyber Security”, NIE Mysuru NIE Mysuru  March 2016
10  Demonstration by APCOG on “Wireless Sensor Networks” Mr J Nikhil and Harsha HN, System Engineer, APCOG Bengaluru  13th Feb 2016
11  Industrial visit to BSNL RTTC Mysuru 2nd Sem, M.Tech DCN Students  1st Jan 2016

Students Achievements :

Sl No.  Title of the event  Student Name  Date
1 Presented a paper titled “A Survey on IOT Based Smart Hospitals” at National Conference held at SJBIT, Bangalore   Maria Rufina P, Roopa T N  9 May 2018.
2 Presented a paper titled “A Survey on Applications of Machine Learning ” at National Conference held at SJBIT, Bangalore  Shwetha M N, Akhila C V   9 May 2018.
3 Presented a paper titled “Smart Home Automation Using Natural Language Processing” at NCICCNDA18 , organized by  GSSSIETW,Mysuru. Roopa T N  28 April  2018
4 Presented a paper titled “A Survey On Collaborative Learning Approach For Speech And Speaker Recognition” at NCICCNDA18  organized by  GSSSIETW,Mysuru. Akhila C.V 28 April  2018

Presented a paper titled “Use of Wireless Sensor Network and Cloud to Monitor the Prevention of Vehicle to Vehicle Collision” at NCICCNDA18 organized by  GSSSIETW,Mysuru.

Shwetha M N 28 April  2018
7 Published a paper titled “Developers guide for android applications” in  Advanced International Journal in Research Chaitra M N May Edition
8 Published a paper titled “A Survey on Agricultural Application based on Android” in  Advanced International Journal in Research Navya S May Edition
1 Attended Two days workshop on “Internet of Things(IoT)”, Visvesvaraya  Technological University Hanchya-Sathagali Layout, Outer Ring Road, Mysuru

Kavyashree E.D, Deepthi Wilson R,
Gagana M.S

17th - 18th April, 2017
2 Published a paper on "A Survey on Distributed Mutual Exclusion in Real Time Operating System Scheduling", " RETIC'S17", College of Engineering Trikaripur Sowmya M C 22nd April 2017
3 Published a paper on "A Survey on State Awareness and Healing Process in Storage Area Network", " RETIC'S17", College of Engineering Trikaripur Megha S R, Madhuri C A, Navya S 22nd April 2017
4 Published a paper on "A Survey on Distributed Mutual Exclusion in Real Time Operating System", "Presented at RETIC'S17", College of Engineering Trikaripur Navya S 22nd April 2017
5 Published a paper on "A Survey on Secure Data Sharing and Access Control in Cloud Computing", "CCSO", "Dr AIT, IT Department, Bangalore Chaitra M N, Likitha V 30th- 31st March 2017
6 Published a paper on Emospark: Human Emotions Through “Artificial Intelligence Console”, An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology Kavyashree E.D , Deepthi Wilson R , Gagana M.S , Chaitrashree, Manju Prasad B March-2017
7 Published a paper on “Multi Store Database Synchronization and Reports in POS”, International Symposium, NIE, Mysuru Kavyashree E.D 17th March 2017
8 Published a paper on “A Review on Providing Quality Assurance for POS”, Presented a paper at in International Symposium, NIE, Mysuru Deepthi Wilson R 17thMarch 2017
9 Published a paper on "Analysis of Multimedia Database approaches for Real Time Applications", "CCSO", "Dr AIT, IT Department, Bangalore Navya S, Tejakshi N S, Sowmya M C 30th- 31st March 2017
10 Published a paper on “Current Trends and Security Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Journal of Computer, Internet and Network Security, Volume2 Issue 1, pg 1-8 Kavyashree E.D

February 2017
( Free Journal)

11 Published a paper on “Survey on Cloud Computing”, Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Volume 2 Issue 1,pg 1-6 Kavyashree E.D, Kavya P

February 2017
( Free Journal)

1 Presented a paper “Traceback Mechanisms to Identify IP Snoofers”, M.Tech National Level Project Symposium on Electronics and Communication and Computer Science, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, pp. 223-226, 23rd May 2016. Pooja P 23rd May 2016
2 Presented a paper “Keywords Classification Technique Supporting Sub-dictionaries over Encrypted Cloud Data”, M.Tech National Level PG Project Symposium on Electronics and Communication and Computer Science, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, pp. 223-226, 23rd May 2016. Tejaswini S 23rd May 2016
3 Presented a paper “A Novel Approach for Trust-Based Friend Recommendation in Online Social Network”, National Level PG Project Symposium on Electronics & Communication, Computer Science, Management Studies, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, pp 208-211, 23rd May 2016. Lakshmi H S 23rd May 2016
4 Presented a paper “Condensed-Sphere Ship Detection on Space Borne Optical Image Using Machine Learning Approach”, National Level PG Project Symposium on Electronics & Communication, Computer Science, Management Studies, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, pp 198-201, 23rd May 2016. Pavithra 23rd May 2016
5 Presented a paper “System to Verify and Validates the Keywords in SEO Factors”, M.Tech National Level Project Symposium on Electronics and Communication, Computer Science, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, pp. 250-254, 23rd May 2016. Bhagyalakshmi R 23rd May 2016
6 Presented a paper “An Enhanced Method to Protect the software from Various Kind of Software Piracy&quot”, International Conference onComputers, Communication and Applied Sciences,ThinkIT Innovation Labs,Bengaluru, May 7th 2016. Sahana B R 7th May 2016
7 Published a paper  “Designing a Sales Enhancement Dashboard using Key Performance Indicators” International Conference onComputers, Communication and Applied Sciences on May 7th 2016, ThinkITInnovation Labs, Bengaluru. Ashwini G S 7th May
8 Presented a paper “Disclosing The Location Of IP Spoofers Using Passive Traceback Approach” International Conference on Computers, Communication and Applied Sciences, ThinkIT Innovation Labs, Bengaluru, 7th May 2016. Pooja P 7th May 2016
9 Presented a paper “An Efficient Extraction of Liver Tumor with Reference to Backbone using SVM Classification”, International Conference on Computers, Communication and Applied Sciences, ThinkIT Innovation Labs, Bengaluru, 7th May 2016. Pruthvi P R 7th May 2016
10 Presented a paper “Classification Technique for Keywords under the Cloud Environments based on Ranking of Keywords” International Conference on Computers, Communication and Applied Sciences, ThinkIT Innovation Labs, Bengaluru, 7th May 2016. Tejaswini S 7th May 2016
11 Presented a paper “Evaluation of Dense Fog to assess the Road Condition using back scattered veil approach”, International Conference on Computers, Communication and Applied Sciences Technology on May 7th 2016 , ThinkIT Innovation Labs, Bengaluru,(Inpress) Sahana V 7th May 2016
12 Presented a paper “Primary Hop Friend Recommendation System in Online Social Network”, International Conference on Computers, Communication and Applied Sciences, ThinkIT Innovation Labs, Bengaluru, 7th May 2016. Lakshmi H S 7th May 2016
13 Presented a paper “Automated detection of shiptracking using optical satellite image”, International Conference on Computers, Communication and Applied Sciences, ThinkIT Innovation Labs, Bengaluru, 7th May 2016. Pavithra 7th May 2016
14 Presented a paper “Enhancing On-Page SEO Factors to Optimize the Website” International Conference on Computers, Communication and Applied Sciences, ThinkIT Innovation Labs, Bengaluru, 7th May 2016. Bhagyalakshmi R 7th May 2016
15 Presented a paper “Designing a Dashboard forSales Enhancement using KPI's”, M.Tech National Level Symposium, GSSSIETW,Mysuru, May-2016. Ashwini G S May-2016
16 Presented a paper “Search Engine and Ad words Optimization for Campaign Management”, in National Level PG Project Symposium On Electronics &Communication, Computer Science, May 2016 at GSSS Institute Of Engineering And Technology For Women, Mysuru. Sneha.k May 2016
17 Presented a paper "A Review on Reference Architecture and Classification of Big Data Technologies" In Proceedings of 3rd National Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics and Communication (NCETEC-16)  at BGSIT Mandya ISBN: 978-93-84698-12-6  and ISRASE eXplore Digital Library May 2016. Deepthi Wilson R, and Chaitrashree V May 2016
18 “Survey On Security Issues And Challenges On Mapreduce In Big Data Analytics" In Proceedings of 3rd National Conference on Emerging    Trends in Electronics and Communication (NCETEC-16) at BGSIT Mandya ISBN: 978-93-84698-12-6 and ISRASE eXplore Digital Library May 2016. Kavyashree E.D, and Gagana M.S May 2016
19 Presented a paper “Protection of Software by Magnified License Maker&quot”;, M.Tech National Level Project Symposium on Electronics and communication, Computer Science , GSSSIETW, Mysuru, pp 235-237, 23 rd April2016. Sahana B R 23 rd April2016
20 Presented a paper “Evaluation of Road Condition in Dense Fog using In-Vehicle Cameras”, M.Tech National Level Project Symposium on Electronics and Communication, Computer science , GSSSIETW, Mysuru, Pg No. 218-222 , 23rd April 2016. Sahana V 23rd April 2016
21 Presented a paper “An SVM Approach to Liver Lesion Border Extraction for Liver Cancer Analysis”, M.Tech National Level PG Project Symposium on Electronics & Communication, Computer Science, Management Studies, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, PP 231-234, 23rd April 2016. Pruthvi P R 23rd April 2016
22 Presented a paper “A Survey on Data Migration Strategies in Heterogeneous Databases”, at National Conference on Signal Processing, Computing Networks and Power Engineering” at ACS college of Engineering, Bangalore, April 2016, pp 86-90. Charitha S and Pavan S April 2016
23 Presented a paper “A Framework for Data Migration in FLEXCUBE Investor Services”, at M.Tech Project Symposium, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, April 2016, pp 227-230 Charitha S and Pavan S April 2016
24 Published a paper “A Framework for Data Migration in FLEXCUBE Investor Services” Oracle Open World- International Conference, Japan 2016. Pavan S and Charitha S April 2016
25 Presented a paper “Building SDN framework using OpenDaylight controller”, proceedings of M.Tech Project Symposium, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, April 2016. Prakruthi S and Varuna Eswer April 2016
26 Presented a paper “A Hybrid Hierarchical Control Plane for Software-Defined Network”, proceedings of M.Tech Project Symposium, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, April 2016 Arpitha T and Varuna Eswer April 2016
27 Presented a paper “Survey on Google Advertisement Management System Using Dynamic Keywords”, in 2nd National Conference on Signal Processing, Computing Networks and Power Engineering, CSE91, April 2016 at ACS College of Engineering, Bangalore. Sneha.k April 2016
28 Presented a paper “Relevant Keyword Extraction for Website to Achieve Top Search Engine Results”, proceedings of M.Tech Project Symposium, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, April 2016 Ranjitha K S April 2016
29 Presented a paper “A Hybrid Hierarchical Control Plane for software-Defined Network”, proceedings of M.Tech Project Symposium, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, April 2016 Arpitha T and Varuna Eswer April 2016
30 Presented a paper “Survey on Performance of Software Defined Networking”, proceedings of 5th National conference on Emerging trends in Engineering technologies- ETET 2016, Jyothy Institute of technology, Bengaluru, March 2016. Prakruthi S and Varuna Eswer March 2016
31 Presented a paper “Applications and Security Issues Specific to Software Defined Network: A Survey”, proceedings of 5th National conference on Emerging trends in Engineering technologies- ETET 2016, Jyothy Institute of technology, Bengaluru, March 2016. Arpitha T and Varuna Eswer March 2016
32 Presented a paper “A Review on Search Engine Optimization Techniques”, proceedings of 5th National conference on Emerging trends in Engineering technologies- ETET 2016, Jyothy Institute of technology, Bengaluru, March 2016. Ranjitha K S March 2016
33 Presented a paper “Applications and Security Issues Specific to Software Defined Network: A Survey”, proceedings of 5th National conference on Emerging trends in Engineering technologies- ETET 2016, Jyothy Institute of technology, Bengaluru, March 2016. Arpitha T, and Varuna Eswer March 2016
34 Presented a paper “A Survey on Enhanced Software Protection” In proceedings: National Conference on Information and communication Technology, ISBN:978-93- 84935-74- 0, Dayananda Sagar Collegeof Engineering, Bangalore. pp: 205-207, 18 th FEB 2016. Sahana B R 18 th February2016
35 Presented a paper “A Survey on Different Conceptslike Business Intelligence, Business Performance Management and Dashboard” In proceedings: National Conference on Information and communication Technology on 18th FEB 2016, DayanandaSagar College of Engineering, Bangalore. PP: 8-10, ISBN:978-93- 84935-74- 0 Ashwini G S 18th February 2016
36 Presented a paper “Survey on Traceback Methods to Identify IP Spoofers.” In proceedings of National Conference on Information and Communication Technology, ISBN: 978-93-84935-74-0, DayanandSagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru, pp.183-186, 18th February 2016. Pooja P 18th February 2016
37 Presented a paper “Survey on Different Types of Methods Used in Segmentation of Liver from Abdominal CT Images”, National Conference on Information and Communication Technology (NCICT-16), ISBN: 978-93-84935-74-0, DayanandSagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru, PP 202-204. 18th Feb 2016. Pruthvi P R 18th Feb 2016
38 Presented a paper “Survey on Retrieval of Encrypted Data in Cloud Computing” In proceedings of National Conference on Information and Communication Technology, ISBN: 978-93-84935-74-0,  DayanandSagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru, pp.183-186, 18th February 2016. Tejaswini S 18th February 2016
39 Presented a paper “Survey on Fog Detection using In-Vehicle Cameras for Evaluation of Road Condition”, In proceedings: National Conference on information and Communication Technology(NCICT-16), ISBN: 978-93-84935-74-0, Pg No.150-153 , on 18th Feb 2016, Dayananda Sagar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. Sahana V 18th Feb 2016
40 Presented a paper “A Comprehensive Study on Primary Hop OSN Friend Circle Management”, In proceedings of National Conference on Information and Communication Technology (NCICT-16), ISBN: 978-93-84935-74-0,Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru, pp 61-63, 18th Feburary 2016. Lakshmi H S 18th Feburary 2016
41 Presented a paper “Mechanical Detection of ship track using optical satellite imagery ”, In proceedings of National Conference on Information and Communication Technology (NCICT-16), ISBN: 978-93-84935-74-0,Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru, pp 64-65, 18th February 2016. Pavithra 18th February 2016
42 Presented a paper “Survey on Search Engine Optimization’s Strategies and its Tools” In proc. of National Conference on Information and communication Technology , ISBN: 978-93-84935-74-0, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore. pp. 11-13, 18th FEB 2016 Bhagyalaskhmi R 18th February 2016
43 Published a paper  “A Survey On Different Congestion Control And Congestion Avoidance Mechanisms”, International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2016 Vol. 1, Issue 5, ISSN No. 2455-2143, pp.103-105, Feb 2016 Ashwini G S Feb 2016
44 Presented a paper “Survey on Search Engine Optimization’s Strategies and its Tools”, M.Tech Symposium, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, 19th DEC 2015. Bhagyalakshmi R 19th Dec 2015


Departmental Achievers :

Departmental Achievers (Even Semester -2020)

Semester IV



ACTIVITIES 2020-21 :

  1. Zuha Azmi, II Sem MTech (CSE) attended a live session on “Cloud Computing-Migration” by Mr.Arul Murugan S, Architect, CTS, Chennai on 21 August 2021
  2. Zuha Azmi, II Sem MTech (CSE) Participated in A technical Webinar on IoT Industrial Applications on 8th June 2021
  3. Zuha Azmi, I Sem MTech (CSE) Participated in A Webinar on “Fingerprint science in crime scene investigation”on 07/11/2020

Faculty Achievements

Faculty Achievements 2022-23


Sl No. Name of the Faculty Book/Paper Title Name of the Publisher Date
1 Madhu M Nayak Effective MRI based brain tumour detection using modified U-NET model IEEE 2nd Mysore Sub Section International Conference (MysuruCon) 16th October 2022
2 Madhu M Nayak An Efficient Hybrid Classifier for MRI Brain Images Classification using Machine Learnng Based Naive Bayes Algorithm SN Computer Science(Springer) 16th – 17th December 2022
3 Dr. Rajashekar M B Dynamic Attribute Tree for the data encryption and third party auditing for cloud storage IJST 2022
4 Dr. Rajashekar M B A Trust Model Approach for Improvement of Execution Time Employing Access Control Policies Using MA ABE Scheme Indian Journal of , Computer Science and Engineering - Web of Science 2022
5 Vishwesh J Hybrid feature extraction for EEG moto imagery classification using multi-class SVM International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems(IJIES) 2022
6 Vishwesh J Improved Differential Evolution with Stacked Auto Encoder for EEG Motor Imagery Classification Indian Journal of Science and Technology Web of Science 2023
7 Usha Rani J Regulation of Multi-Featured Sensory System for Remote Lab Management International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews  
8 Usha Rani J Real Time Human Detection for Intelligent Video Surveillance: An Empirical Research and In-depth Review of its Applications SN Computer Science(Springer) 16th – 17th December 2022
9 Amaresh A M An optimization technique designed to enhance the performance of metro rail management system SN Computer Science(Springer) 16th – 17th December 2022
10 Harshitha B Comparison of Different Classifcation Algorithms for Prediction of Heart Disease by Machine Learning Techniques SN Computer Science(Springer) 16th – 17th December 2022
11 Harshitha B A Survey on Various Types of Cancer Detection using Machine Learning Algorithms Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology 2023
12 Khateeja Ambareen A Survey on Cyber Bullying Detection Approaches using Artificial Intelligence in Social Media SN Computer Science(Springer) 16th – 17th December 2022

Faculty Development Program Attended:

Sl No. Name of the Faculty Name of the FDP
1 Madhu M Nayak One Week AICTE–VTU Joint Teachers Training Programme on “Introduction to Python Programming & its Applications” from 13th to 17th March 2023
2 Dr. Rajashekar M B One Week AICTE–VTU Joint Teachers Training Programme on “Introduction to Python Programming & its Applications” from 13th to 17th March 2023
3 Amaresh A M One Week AICTE–VTU Joint Teachers Training Programme on “Introduction to Python Programming & its Applications” from 13th to 17th March 2023
4 Vishwesh J One Week AICTE–VTU Joint Teachers Training Programme on “Introduction to Python Programming & its Applications” from 13th to 17th March 2023
5 Usha Rani J One Week AICTE–VTU Joint Teachers Training Programme on “Introduction to Python Programming & its Applications” from 13th to 17th March 2023
6 Harshitha B One Week AICTE–VTU Joint Teachers Training Programme on “Introduction to Python Programming & its Applications” from 13th to 17th March 2023
7 Khateeja Ambareen One Week AICTE–VTU Joint Teachers Training Programme on “Introduction to Python Programming & its Applications” from 13th to 17th March 2023



 Sl. No  USN  Student Name Company 
 1  4GW18SCS01  Divyashree M  INTRELLA Technologies, Mysuru
2 4GW18SCS02 Rakshitha B H INTRELLA Technologies, Mysuru


 Sl.NO  USN  Student Name  Company Details
 1  [4GW17SCS02] Akhila C V The Wednesday Groups, Bangalore
 2   [4GW17SCS03] Maria Rufina P techCentrix, Mysuru
3  [4GW17SCS04] Roopa techCentrix, Mysuru
4 [4GW17SCS05]

Shwetha M N

Unilog, Mysuru




Dr.Raviraj.P, B.E, M.Tech., Ph.D

Professor & HOD

Department of CSE

GSSS Institute Of Engineering & Technology For Women

Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone : 0821-4257304/305.(EXT-204)



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