Accredited Branches
by NBA, New Delhi
(Validity up to June 2026)
(Validity up to June 2027)


Accredited with A Grade

CET Code: E133
COMEDK Code: E055

COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING-Accredited by NBA, New Delhi (Validity: 01.07.2017 - 30.06.2020, 01.07.2020 - 30.06.2023 & 01.07.2023 - 30.06.2026)


About The Department 

Intake of the Department = 120

  • Established in 2003 with an intake of 60 students and later increased to 120 in take in 2012.
  • Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi from 01.07.2017 to 30.06.2020, 01.07.2020 to 30.06.2023 and 01.07.2023 to 30.06.2026
  • The department has 21 faculty members with 3 Ph.D’s. and 12 are pursuing Ph.D in various disciplines.
  • 93% of the final year students are placed in reputed companies with the highest package of Rs. 21.04 Lakhs Per Annum.
  • The department has bagged 4 VTU Ranks: 3 in UG and 1 in UG.
  • VTU recognized Research Centre is established which facilitates faculty members to pursue their PhD.
  • The department has acquired Rs 30 Lakhs funds from Vision Group on Science and Technology (VGST), Government of Karnataka for establishment of “Innovative Smart Systems and IoT Laboratory” during the period 2016-2019.
  • Received Best Accredited Student Branch Award from CSI for 3 consecutive years.
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) has been formally signed between GSSSIETW, Mysuru with leading industries.
  • The department encourages the students to participate in International/National Conferences/workshops, to showcase the knowledge or to imbibe valuable professional development opportunities.
  • Department has required infrastructure as per AICTE and VTU norms.

Vision :

Knowledge dissemination with development of future leaders in Information Technology having a research blend

Mission :

M1: To equip students with continuous learning process to acquire Hardware, Software and Computing knowledge to face new challenges.
M2: To inculcate the core Computer Science and Engineering components with discipline among the students by providing the state-of-the-art learner centric environment.
M3: To impart essential knowledge through quality and value based education to mould them as a complete Computer Science Engineer with ethical values, leadership roles by possessing good communication skills and ability to work effectively as a team member.
M4: To provide a platform to collaborate with successful people from entrepreneurial and research domains to learn and accomplish.

Program Educational Objectives

PEO1  To produce graduates satisfying Computer Science Engineering challenges.

PEO2  To meet dynamic requirements of IT industries professionally and ethically along with social responsibilities.

PEO3  To provide Computer Science and Engineering graduates to support nation’s self employment growth with women entrepreneurial skills.

PEO4  To equip Graduates with minimum research blend for further career challenges internationally.

Program Outcomes :

PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

PO2:Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

PO3:Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO4:Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5:Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6:The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO7:Environment and sustainability: Understand theimpact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development. 

PO8:Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

PO9:Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO10:Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PO11:Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO12:Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcomes

PSO1 Enable students to design system and system architecture, inculcating software, computing and analytical ability.

PSO2 Enhance skills to be successful in National, International level competition like GATE, GRE, GMAT.

About The Course :

The chart below gives the distribution of course contents representing blending of subjects of different skill areas of the   UG Course.







Lab-1: A122L1

Web Technology Laboratory with Mini Project | GSSSIETW

(66 Sq. Mt.)

Lab 1:


 Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning/C Programming Laboratory

  • Explain Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • AI and ML algorithm and their use in appropriate applications
  • Explain problem statements and identify appropriate solutions 
  • Demonstrate the use of IDE, C Compiler, and identify and rectify the syntax and syntactic errors during programming.
  • Development of algorithms and programs using constructs of C programming language 
  • Reporting the observations 

Even Semester 

Computer Graphics & Image Processing Laboratory

  • Demonstrate the use of Open GL. 
  • Demonstrate the different geometric object drawing using openGL 
  • Demonstration of 2D/3D transformation on simple objects. 
  • Demonstration of lighting effects on the created objects. 
  • Demonstration of Image processing operations on image/s.

Major Equipments :

HP 280 G4 MT Desktop Intel Core i7 - 8700 8th Generation 6 core, 3.2GHz 12MB Cache Intel® Original H370 Mother board, 1*8GB DDR4-2666 2*DIMM slot, RAM Upto 32 GB, 1 TB 7200 RPM 3.5 Hard Drive, HP USB Keyboard, HP USB Mouse, Integrated Gigabit(10/100/1000) Network Card, 1 PCIe x1; 1 PCIe x16; 8 USB 2.0; 2 USB 3.0; 1 microphone; 1 headphone;1 audio line in; 1 audio line out; 1 HDMI; 1 VGA; 1 RJ-45 , Hp 18.5” LED Monitor  

HP 280 G6 MT Desktop Intel Core i5-10500 10th Generation 6 core, 3.10GHz 9MB Cache Intel® Original H370 Mother board, 1*8GB DDR4 RAM, HP 19.5” Monitor, HP USB Keyboard, HP USB Mouse


Lab-2 - A122L2

Design and Analysis of Algorithm | Machine Learning Laboratory | GSSSIETW

(66 Sq. Mt.)

Lab -2

Odd Semester

C# Programming Laboratory

  • To learn basic features of C# programming 
  • To understand C# support for OOP with programming examples 
  • To gain experience of modern tool usage (VS Code, Visual Studio or any other] in developing C# programs

Even Semester

Fullstack Development Laboratory

  • Explain the use of learning full stack web development.
  • Make use of rapid application development in the design of responsive web pages.
  • Illustrate Models, Views and Templates with their connectivity in Django for full stack web development.
  • Demonstrate the use of state management and admin interfaces automation in Django.
  • Design and implement Django apps containing dynamic pages with SQL databases.

Major Equipments :

HP 280 G6 MT - Intel Corei5 10500/10th Generation processor upto 4.6 Ghzs - H 470 chipset, RAM- 1*8 GB DDR4 supportable up to 64 GB, 1TB SATA HDD with 7200 RPM, Hp USB Keyboard and USB Mouse, OS Dos, Expansion slot - 1 M.2 2280;1 PCIe 2 x16; 2 PCle 1x1; 1sD 4.0 media card reader, ports:- USB 3.1*4, USB 2.0* 4,1 HDMI, Integrated  Gigabit(10/100/1000) Network Card, Monitor 19.5", LED with HDMI port

HP 280 Pro G6 MT Desktop Intel Core i5-10500 10th Generation 6 core, 3.10GHz 9MB Cache Intel® Original H370 Mother board, 1*8GB DDR4 RAM, HP 19.5” Monitor.

HP Pro 3330 Desktop Intel Core i3   - HP Pro 3330 Series 300 W APFC MT Chassis, Intel Core i3- 3.3 Ghz 3 M HD 2500 Processor, 4 GB PC3 RAM, 500 GB 7200 RPM SATA HDD, HP Super Multi DVD Writer, Free Dos 2.0, HP USB Optical Blk Mouse, HP USB Standard Keyboard, HP 18.5" Wide TFT Monitor


Lab-3 : A122L3

Computer Graphics Lab with Mini Project | DBMS | GSSSIETW 

Room No : A122 L3
Carpet Area : (66 Sq. Mt.)

Lab 3

Odd Semester – DBMS Lab with Mini Project/Operating system Laboratory

  • Create, update and query on the database.
  • Demonstrate the working of different concepts of DBMS.
  • Implement, analyze and evaluate the project developed for an application.
  • Demonstrate the need for OS and different types of OS
  • Apply suitable techniques for management of different resources
  • Use processor, memory, storage and file system commands
  • Realize the different concepts of OS in platform of usage through case studies

Even Semester – Database Management system Laboratory

  • Foundation knowledge in database concepts, technology and practice to groom students into well-informed database application developers.  Strong practice in SQL programming through a variety of database problems.
  • Develop database applications using front-end tools and back-end DBMS

Major Equipments :

HP 280 Pro G6 MT Desktop Intel Core i5-10500 10th Generation 6 core, 3.10GHz 9MB Cache Intel® Original H370 Mother board, 1*8GB DDR4 RAM, HP 19.5” Monitor.

HP 280 G2 MT Desktop  Intel Core i3 -6100 3.7GHz, HD 4400 CPU 4 GB DDR3L-1600 DIMM RAM, 1 TB 7200 RPM SATA 6G 3.5 HDD, 18.5 Inch Monitor, Serial Port and Parallel Port, USB Keyboard & Optical

HP Pro 3330 Desktop Intel Core i3  HP 18.5" Wide TFT Monitor, CPU - HP Pro 3330 Series 300 W APFC MT Chassis, Intel Core i3- 3.3 Ghz 3 M HD 2500 Processor, 4 GB PC3 RAM, 500 GB 7200 RPM SATA HDD, HP Super Multi DVD Writer, Free Dos 2.0, HP USB Optical Blk Mouse, HP USB Standard Keyboard 


Lab-4 : A122L4

System Software and Operating Systems Laboratory | GSSSIETW

   (66 Sq. Mt.)

Lab - 4:

Odd Semester – Computer Networks Laboratory/Operating System Laboratory

  • Analyze and compare various networking protocols.
  • Demonstrate the working of different concepts of networking
  • Implement, analyze and evaluate networking protocols in NS2/NS3.

Even Semester – Analysis & Design of Algorithms Laboratory

  • Implement and demonstrate Lexer’s and Parser’s.
  • Evaluate different algorithms required for management, scheduling, allocation and communication used in Operating System.

Major Equipments :

HP 280 G4 MT Desktop Intel Core i7-8700 8th Generation 12 core, 3.2 GHz 12MB Cache Intel® Original H370 Mother board, 1*8GB DDR4-2666 2*DIMM slot, RAM Upto 32 GB, 1 TB 7200 RPM 3.5 Hard Drive, HP USB Keyboard, HP USB Mouse, Integrated Gigabit(10/100/1000) Network Card, no Dvd writer 1 PCIe x1; 1 PCIe x16; 8 USB 2.0; 2 USB 3.0;Hp 18.5” LED Monitor.

HP 280 G2 MT Desktop, Intel Core - i7 3.4Ghz, 8 GB DDR4 RAM, 1TB HDD,  HP 18.5" LED MONITOR WITH KEYBOARD & MOUSE

HP 280 Pro G6 MT Desktop Intel Core i5-10500 10th Generation 6 core, 3.10GHz 9MB Cache Intel® Original H370 Mother board, 1*8GB DDR4 RAM, HP 19.5” Monitor.


Lab-5 : A315L1

Data Structures with C Laboratory | GSSSIETW

(80 Sq. Mt.)

Lab – 5

Odd Semester – Data Structures Laboratory/C Programming Laboratory

  • Analyze and compare various linear and non-linear data structures.
  • Code, debug and demonstrate the working nature of different types of data structures and their applications.
  • Choose the appropriate data structures for solving real world problems.

Even Semester – Computer Programming Lab/C++ Laboratory

  • Achieve knowledge of design and development of C problem solving skills.
  • Understand the basic principles of Programming in C language.
  • Design and develop modular programming skills.

Major Equipments :

Assembled Intel Core i3 4160 Processor, Gigabyte H81M-S2PH Intel® H81 Express Chipset , 1 x D-Sub port,1 x HDMI port, Maximum shared memory of 1 GB, Serial Port, LPT Port USB 4+ Port, True power SMS (AR-VIP400 Gold),  DATA DDR3 4GB RAM. LG DVD RW, Artis ATX Cabinet 811, Logitech MK120 Keyboard and Mouse, HP 18.5" LED Monitor


HP 280 G1 MT Desktop Intel Core i3-4160 3.60GHz 3MB, Intel® H81 Express chipset 4GB DDR3-1600 DIMM RAM, Upto 16 GB, 500 GB 7200 RPM 3.5 Hard Drive, HP USB, Keyboard /HP USB Mouse 10/100/1000 Network Card, 18 Square TFT Monitor

Lab-6 - A315L2

Analog and Digital Electronics Laboratory | GSSSIETW


Room No : A315L2
Carpet Area : (80 Sq. Mt.)

Lab - 6

Odd Semester –Digital Design & Computer Organization Laboratory

  • Make use of simplifying techniques in the design of combinational circuits. 
  • Illustrate combinational and sequential digital circuits 
  • Demonstrate the use of flipflops and apply for registers
  • Design and test counters, Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog conversion techniques

Major Equipments :

  • CRO-30 MHz, Dual Trace Oscilloscope
  • Digital IC Trainer Kits, MOSFET Kit
  • Universal IC Tester,
  • Multiwave Signal Generator 3 MHz,
  • Rheostat 25?/6A, Decade Resistance Box-5 Dials
  • Linear Modular Dual Tracking Power Supply output +/- 15V/2A, Dual Power Supply 0-32V/2A
  • I/O Card ALS-PCI-07 48 Lines D/I/O Card with Timer

Minor Equipments :

  • Bread Board,
  • Ammeter(0-2A) Table Top,
  • Voltmeter (0-30V) Table Top,
  • Power Supply ( 5V, 1.5A, +/- 12V,100ma)

Even Semester

Microcontroller & Embedded Systems Laboratory/Technical writing using LATEX Laboratory

  • Understandthe fundamentals of ARM basedsystems, basic hardware components, selection methods and attributes of an embedded system.
  • Program ARM controller using the various instructions 
  • Identify the applicability of the embedded system
  • Comprehend the real time operating system used for the embedded system

Major Equipments :

Acer Power Series Intel P IV, Intel 2.93 / 2.66 GHz Processor 910 GL Chipset mother Board, , 1 GB RAM, 80 GB HDD, 1.44 FDD, CD ROM Drive (Optional), Acer Keyboard, Acer optical Mouse, Acer Make 15" CRT


Lab-7: A316L

Computer Programming Lab | GSSSIETW

 (80 Sq. Mt.)

Lab – 7

Odd Semester /Even Semester  – Python Programming Lab

  • Demonstrate the use of IDLE or PyCharm IDE to create Python Applications
  • Using Python programming language to develop programs for solving real-world problems
  • Implement the Object-Oriented Programming concepts in Python.
  • Appraise the need for working with various documents like Excel, PDF, Word and Others  Demonstrate regular expression using python programming

Major Equipments :

HP Pro 3330 Series Intel Core i3 - 300 W APFC MT Chassis, 3.3 Ghz 3 M HD 2500 Processor, 4 GB PC3 RAM, 500 GB 7200 RPM SATA HDD, HP Super Multi DVD Writer, HP USB Optical Blk Mouse, HP USB Standard Keyboard, HP 18.5" Wide TFT Monitor


Class Rooms


(84 Sq.Mt.)


(84 Sq.Mt.)


(84 Sq.Mt.)


(84 Sq.Mt.)


(84 Sq.Mt.)


(95 Sq.Mt.)

The class rooms are supported with Digital Light Projectors (DLP’s) & white board projection, glass board, with seating capacity: 75

Server Room :

Server Room | GSSS Engineering & Technology for Women

Server Room
(17 Sq.Mt.)

Network Connectivity :

  • 110 MBPS of Internet Bandwidth is supported by an IBM Server configured to be accessed on both LAN and Wi-Fi.

Major Equipments :

  • HP 280 G1 MT Desktop Intel Core i3-4160 3.60GHz 3MB, Intel® H81 Express chipset 4GB DDR3-1600 DIMM RAM, upto 16 GB, 500 GB 7200 RPM 3.5 Hard Drive, HP USB, Keyboard /HP USB Mouse 10/100/1000 Network Card, 18 Square TFT Monitor
  • HP 280 G2 MT Desktop   Intel Core i3-6100 3.7GHz, HD 4400 CPU 4 GB DDR3L-1600 DIMM RAM, 1 TB 7200 RPM SATA 6G 3.5 HDD, 18.5 Inch Monitor, Serial Port and Parallel Port, USB Keyboard & Optical Mouse

UPS Room :

UPS Room | GSSS Engineering & Technology for Women

UPS Room A-119
 (20 Sq. Mt.)


  • Aplab 15 KVA, 3 ph-1ph providing backup for Server Room , Lab 1 , Lab 2, Lab 3 and Lab 4.
  • APLab 20 KVA UPS with Battery providing backup for Lab 5,Lab 6, Lab 7.

HOD’s Room & Department Office :

HOD’s Room | GSSS Engineering & Technology for Women

(17 Sq.Mt.)

Department Office | GSSS Engineering & Technology for Women

(17 Sq.Mt.)


Faculty Rooms

Faculty Room 1 | GSSSIETW

 (17 Sq.Mt.)

Faculty Room 2 | GSSSIETW

(84 Sq.Mt.)

Faculty Room 3 | GSSSIETW

(84 Sq.Mt.)

Safety Precautionary

First Aid Box | GSSS Engineering & Technology for Women

First Aid Box

Fire Extinguisher & Over Load Protection | GSSSIETW

Fire Extinguisher & Over Load Protection


Objectives of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU):

  • To set up the Research Laboratory and provide research facilities for students and faculty members.
  • To provide resource persons to conduct workshops, technical talk, conferences and training programs (with hands on session).
  • To provide Internship, industrial visits and assist students for placements. To arrange training programs on the topics related to curriculum.

GSSSIETW, Mysuru signs MoU with Drona Aviation Private Limited , Thane, Maharashtra

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru and Drona Aviation Private Limited , Thane, Maharashtra was signed on 27.07.2022 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru with a focus on preparing students for Internship programmes, organizing workshops and other skill development programmes for the benefit of the students of Computer Science and Engineering.

Drona Aviation Pvt. Ltd., Thane, Maharashtra is one of the top Skill Development Company registered under Government of India. It has partnered with many higher educational Institutions in Maharashtra and other States including Karnataka State. The regularly conduct workshops on recent technologies for the benefit of the students as well as faculty members of Engineering Colleges. They also offer Internship programmes for the benefit of the students to encourage them to become future entrepreneurs by imparting critical thinking skills leading to creativity and innovation. The MoU was signed by Mr. Dinesh Sain, Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder of Drona Aviation Pvt. Ltd, Thane, Maharashtra and Dr. Shivakumar M, Principal, GSSSIETW, Mysuru.


Standing from Left to Right: Mrs. Asha Rani M, Asst.Professor, Department of CSE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, Dr. Roopashree H R, Associate Professor, Department of CSE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru , Shri R K Bharath, CEO, Management Committee member GSSS (R), Mysuru, Dr. Shivakumar M, Principal, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, Mr. Amit Thool, Associate partner, Drona Aviation Private Limited , Maharashtra , Dr S Meenakshi Sundaram, Professor and Head, Department of CSE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, Mr. Gaurav Singh, Associate partner, Drona Aviation Private Limited , Maharashtra , Mr. Ravish Rajput, Jr Engineer, Drona Aviation Private Limited, Maharashtra.

The main objective of signing this MoU is to enhance the technical skills of the students of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering with an intent to provide sufficient knowledge and skills for preparing students of CSE to participate in National Level Technical competition, creating opportunity for students to carry out internship programmes, organizing of Skill development programmes like workshops and seminars/webinars in advanced technology areas like Android mobile Applications, IoT, Python programming, Data Science, Web Development, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

GSSSIETW, Mysuru signs MoU with Karunadu Technologies Private Limited, Bengaluru

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru and Karunadu Technologies Private Limited, Bengaluru was signed on 04.12.2021 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru with a focus on preparing students for Hackathon competitions, internship programmes, organizing workshops and other skill development programmes for the benefit of the students of Computer Science and Engineering.

Karunadu Technologies Private Limited, Bengaluru is a premier start up industry having a strong background in hardware, software and offers a wide range of skill development programmes for the benefit of the student community. The MoU was signed by Mr. Mahesh Deginal, MD of Karunadu Technologies and Dr. Shivakumar M, Principal representing GSSSIETW, Mysuru.


Standing from Left to Right: Shri R K Bharath, CEO, GSSS (R), Mysuru, Dr. Shivakumar M, Principal, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, Mr. Mahesh Deginal, Managing Director Karuandu Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru, Dr S Meenakshi Sundaram, Professor and Head, Department of CSE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, , Dr. Roopashree H R, Associate Professor, Department of CSE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru

The main objective of signing this MoU is to enhance the technical skills of the students of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering with an intent to provide sufficient knowledge and skills for preparing students of CSE to participate in National Level Hackathon events, creating opportunity for students to carry out internship programmes, organizing of Skill development programmes like workshops and seminars/webinars in advanced technology areas. Karunadu Technologies will also try to bridge the skill gaps of students which are highly essential for accreditation bodies like National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi and

Tequed Labs, Bengaluru

An MoU was established with Tequed Labs, Bengaluru on 10th August 2019 to create a Centre of Excellence in IoT, to host Student Competitions and Hackathons on IoT and to train GSSSIETW students for national, international level competitions and Hackathons.

Allinnov Research & Development Pvt. Ltd., Mysuru

An MoU was established with Allinnov Research & Development Pvt. Ltd., Mysuru on 14th March 2018 to collaborate and develop innovated patented products of industry with the help of Industry’s representatives and research team along with students and faculties of institution.


A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was formally signed between GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women (GSSSIETW), Mysuru and Allinnov R&D Pvt. Ltd., Mysuru 14th March 2018.




Hackathon Winners


"Congratulations to Ms. Niprama M.P, Ms. Sangam Kumari, Ms. Rakshitha C, and Ms. Nidhi, students of the 3rd semester, Department of CSE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, for securing first place with a cash prize of rupees 16,000/-, in the VEDHA Hackathon held on 30 November 2024 at Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysore"

hackhathon_1.jpg  hackhathon_2.jpg

5th Semester Students Lakshmi A, Divya Umesh Deshnur, Kruthi J, and Sanjana S won 2nd Place
with cash prize of rupees 50,000/- in Hackathon conducted by
cirrus labs, Bengaluru on 12-12-2022. 

VTU Rank Holders

VTU Rank 2016


Epiroc Scholarship 2021-22

Epiroc Scholarship

Toppers List Even 2023-2024/strong>






Student Achievements- 2023-2024

Sl. No. Title of the event Student Name Date
1 Digitise-2k24 Event project exhibition Bhoomika K P, Chaitra A L, M Ishani Kuttappa 7th june 2024
2 Smart India Hackathon-2023 Pooja L H, Deeksha V, Naga Vaishnavi G S, Srashti Kumbar, Tanushree S, Varshini N 3rd jan 2024
3 Participation in INFOTHON 2.0,National Level Hackathon Kushi B G, Amoolya S, Lakshmi Jain S B, Madhoolika T K, Harshitha M, Adishree Devoor 20th-21st jan 2024
4 Participation in HACKSPRINT National level Hackathon Anam Irfan, Safeya Zakir, Gana S, Dhanyashree B U, Gowthami K S, Spoorthi S R, Niveditha A Bhat, Suchithra N, Supriya H N, Anagha H R, Sadhana M S, Neha Premnath D, Pavana N, Navya S, Aishwarya s, Pushpavalli P 5th & 6th jan 2024
5 Attended and completed the RC building workshop Anupama, Anam Irfan, Krupa M U, Bhoomika M H 16th and 17th jan 2024

Student Achievements-2022-23

Sl. No. Title of the event Student Name Date
1 Secured First Place in VTU Mysuru Division Women’s Shuttle Badminton Tournament 2022-2023 Shruthi Desai
Shreya R
2 Second Runner-up inVTU State Level Women’s Kho-Kho Tournament 2022-2023 Anu Priya
Keerthana A K
Bhoomika H D
Amrutha S L
R Yashaswini
Ganavi A
Tejaswini G
Kamini M
Panchami N
Harshitha P P
3 Runner-up inVTU Inter Collegiate Rest of Bengalore Division Women Kho-Kho Tournament 2022-2023 Harshitha P P
Tejaswini G
Chaitra M N
Madhushree N
Kamini M
Amrutha S L
Ganavi A
Sahana C
Keerthana A K
Panchami N
R Yashwini
Impana Koushik B
4 Secured Second Prize in Technical Quiz by IEEE student branch on National Energy Conservation Day NagaVaibhavi G S 14-12-2022
5 Python for Beginners Manasa N 8-12-2022
6 First Runner Up in HACK Lab-2K22 HACKATHON Team has Won Cash Prize of 50000/- Kruthi J 10-12-2022
7 Web Xplore India 2022 India’s Biggest One Day Practical Website Development and Live Hosting Workshop Deeksha R 17-12-2022
8 Secured 3rd Prize in Techno Spectrum Raksha H Kamath 22-12-2022
9 Secured 3rd Prize in E-Poster Design Kushi T S 22-12-2022
10 Python for Beginners Deeksha R 20-11-2022
11 AWS Certification on Machine Learning Deeksha R 12-11-2022
12 Machine learning Reetha B Hosamani
Sushma Raj K B
Supreetha E M
Surabhi D

Student Achievements- 2021-2022

Sl. No. Title of the event Student Name Date
1 Mixed Reality intern in Augmented Reality Anusha A Gowda 16-08-2022
2 Smart India Hackathon Sushmitha K
Yuktha N D
Vachana L
Shravya C
3 Participated in VTU 45th Series of Student Project Programme (SPP) project title “Monitor and Control Sensors in Green House Using LORA” is selected for Exhibition. Nameera Banu
Munnaziha Mohammadi
12-08-2022 to 13-08-2022
4 AICTE GDC FeildOps Cadet Training Program Likhitha Ram K J
Meghana K S
Mahima R
Gouthami D R
Deeksha K R
Bhuvaneshwari P N
Madhushree S
Kruthika M N
Nikitha Prasad
Kruthi J
Deepthi N
Surabhi D
Sushma Raj K B
5 Won Best Project Award in Project EXPO-2022 A National Level Project Competition and Exhibition Yogashree H C
Supritha M
6 PROJECT EXPO 2022 Nayana B S
Sahana C
RithaliSomanna M
Meenal T M
Bhumika N
Deepthi Shekar K
Aishwarya H G
7 Published a paper “Ragulation of Multifeaturesesory System for Remote Lab Management Mahima P 30-06-2022
8 SENTINEL HACK 3.O Shilpa L 20-06-2022
9 Course on Cloud Computing Nikitha Prasad
Kruthi J
10 2- Days Skill Workshop on IoT Ashley Anisha T
Sahana C
11 Published a paper on Handwritten Character Recognition usimg CNN Roopa N 06-06-2022
12 Published a paper on Campus Club Management System Mukthashree B 10-06-2022
13 Course on Cloud Computing Shilpa L 16-07-2022
14 Completed Cyber Security course Shrsti Priya 01-06-2022
15 Data Science 101 Deepthi N 16-07-2022
16 Machine Learning and Cyber Security Workshop Inchara Bhudunur M 15-07-2022
17 Career Awareness Workshop on Career as Data Scientist Soubhagyalakshmi N 08-07-2022
18 Workshop on Building Machine Learning Application Using Phython for Datascience Soubhagyalakshmi N 27-07-2022
19 Cloud Computing Soundarya R
Sona V
Prerana P
20 Machine Learning.AWS (Amazon Web Services) Shreedevi Suresh
Vibha V S
21 Secured 1st prize Women Throwball Madhushree N 15-06-2022
22 Winners in Throwball Madhushree N 07-06-2022
23 Won 2nd Prize in Ball Badminton Sushmitha K
Tejaswini N
24 Secured 2nd Prize in computer Gaming Sahana BM 23-06-2022
25 Runner Up in VTU Intercollegiate Kho-Kho Tournament Madhushree N 14-07-2022
26 Secured 2nd Prize in Lagori in EKTA-2022 Sushmitha K 18-06-2022
27 Secured 2nd Prize in Computer Gaming Nikitha Shahi 23-06-2022
28 Secured 2nd Prize in MIME in Geethyana Raksha Mahesh
Sushmitha K
29 Secured 2nd Prize in computer Gaming Sahana BM
Tejaswini N
30 Co-ordinated for the Event Anthyakshri Event in Geethyana Madhushree N
Shilpa L
31 Participated in Duet Dance in Geethyana Raksha Mahesh 23-06-2022
32 Cooking Without Fire Event Inchara M 23-06-2022
33 Secured 2nd Prize in Technical Crossword Puzzle Tejaswini N 23-06-2022
34 Secured 2nd Prize in Ek Minute Event Tejaswini N 23-06-2022
35 NSE-1 Reetha B Hosamani 09-07-2022
36 Aws Academy Cloud Foundations Roopini B K 01-09-2022
37 Data science 101 Sushma Raj K B Surabhi D 20-07- 2022
38 IP Awareness/Training program IncharaBudanur M 20-7-2022
39 Participated in the Event Technical Quiz Madhushree N 23-06-2022
40 Won the Geethashree Award Tejaswini N 23-06-2022
41 GDC FieldOps Fellowship Harshitha N 05-07-2022
42 Google Hunt, Techno Spectrum-2021 Nikitha Prasad
Shreya Suresh Shetty
43 Google Hunt using Machine Learning Nikitha Shahi
Rakshitha S
44 Pictionary in Techno Spectrum-2021 Mahalakshmi M R
Rakshitha S
45 Technical Quiz in Techno Spectrum-2021 Mahalakshmi M R 22-12-2021
46 Infosys python course Nikitha Prasad
Kruthi J
47 Internship on BOT applications Adithi S K 18-10- 2021
18-11- 2021
48 Code Igniter Bhaskara Sahithi
49 FKCCI MANTHAN “Business Plan Presentation” Kruthi J
Sahana R N
Nikhitha K M
Samriddhi Hegde Prathiksha S
Pooja M R
Shrivani S
Punyashree S
50 IBM skills build Certification Program Kruthi J 28-10-2021
51 Techno spectrum event Google Hunt Vibha V S 22-12-2021
52 Techno spectrum event Pictionary Shilpa L 22-12-2021
53 Techno spectrum event Poster Design Shilpa L 22-12-2021
54 Techno spectrum event Technical Quiz Shilpa L 22-12-2021
55 Introduction To Python Prathiksha A J
Roopini B k
Rohini C N
Surabhi D
Shreedevi Suresh
Usha J
Sona V
Vibha V S
Nireeksha G S
Prerana P
Swathi S
Puneetha M
Deshmuk Swathi S
56 Campus Ambassador Priyaanca J 26.10.2021
57 Job application essentials Rohini C N 15-11-2021
58 Job readiness program Vibha V S 28-10-2021
59 GSSSIETW, Mysuru students secured 2nd place in VTU Rest of Bangalore Zone Women Kabaddi Championship 2021-22 Smitha B 13-12-2021
14-12 2021
60 Advance excel workshop Mahalakshmi M R 06-06-2021
61 Cybersecurity bootcamp Mahalakshmi M R 07-06-2021
62 Level 1 Training under Project esaksham about Cyber Security Naidile S 18-05-2021
63 Guinness World Record Event Deepthi Shekar K 24-04-2021
64 Level 1 Training in Cyber Security Aishwarya H G 31-05-2021
65 Cyber Peace Foundation_Level-1 Training Deepthi Shekar K 31-05-2021
66 Manthan Samriddhi Hegde 25-06-2021
67 Manthan 2021 Innovation and Business Plan Presentation Prathiksha S 25-06-2021
68 FKCCI Manthan Pooja M R 25-06-2021
69 Manthan innovation and business plan presentation Sahana R N 05-10-2021
70 Manthana 2021 Shrivani S 25-06-2021
71 Manthan 2021 Punyashree S 25-06-2021
72 Blockchain and cryptocurrency Nikhitha K M 31-01-2021
73 MANTHAN-2021 Nikhitha K M 05-10-2021
74 WIMAC HACK 2021 RithaliSomanna M 12-07-2021
75 CodeFeista Ruchitha R 09-05-2021
76 Introduction to COVID-19 methods for Detection prevention response and control Akhila B 22-05-2021
77 Intern in Marketing Department with grade point 6.7/10 Vyshnavi M R 11-11-2020
78 Codepile Shreya Shetty 03-12-2020
79 Secured 999th Rank in Ninja Hire 2.0 Senior Parishruthi G 01-12-2020
80 Secured 2402 Rank in Ninja Hire 2.0 Junior (2nd & 3rd year) Sushmitha H K 02-12-2020
81 Codepile Sreeraksha M R 25-11-2020
82 Secured 2219thRankNinja Hire 2.0 junior Varshini P 08-12-2020
83 E-Cell Ambassador with Project Mantra Amrutha P 01-10-2020
84 MICROSOFT AI Classroom Series Vandana R,
Pooja HonneshwariR,
Shivani M
85 Bhagavadgita Online Course Swathi P B 22-08-2020
86 Won the First Place in Smart Campus Ideathon Swathi P B
Sreeraksha M R
87 Secured 2219th Rank with the score 70/340 at Ninja Hire 2.0 Junior Varshini P 08-12-2020
88 Online Quiz on Coding event with the score of 95% Gunitha L 07-05-2020
89 Scored 100% in C Programming Quiz Raksha Mahesh Pranjala J 08-12-2020
90 Exceptions 2K-20 Keerthana H K 28-02-2020
91 Capgemini tech challenge Sri Vaibhavi K V 16-10-2020
92 Capgemini tech challenge Sreeraksha M R 16-10-2020
93 Food for present world and the future Sreeraksha M R
Swathi P B
Sushmitha H K
Sri Vaibhavi K V
Mahalakshmi M R
94 16th India Innovation Summit 2020 CII Raksha Mahesh 14-09-2020
95 Food for present world and the future Sreeraksha M R
Swathi P B
Sushmitha H K
Sri Vaibhavi K V
Mahalakshmi M R
96 16th India Innovation Summit 2020 CII Raksha Mahesh 14-09-2020
97 3D printing for industrial application Raksha Mahesh
Preksha Rai
98 Internet of things webinar Bhargavi JK 28-10-2020
99 “Recent Trends and Job Opportunities in Automobile Industry Gunitha.L
Raksha Mahesh
Pranjala J
Monisha V
Impana A S
Aishwarya H G
Akhila B
100 Introduction to Cyber Security Sowmya N 01-04-2020
101 Covid-19 Pandemic &Technology B.S.Shanmukhi
Swathi P B
102 Introduction to IOT Anusha M 28-10-2020
103 Introduction to internet of things with its essentials Monisha O 28-10-2020
104 Magnify A National Case Competition Reetha B Hosamani 06-10-2020
105 Code Igniter 2020 Prathiksha S 09-09-2020
106 Microsoft AI Classroom Series Pooja Honneshwari R 23-12-2020
107 Microsoft AI Classroom series Shivani M 18-12-2020
108 Microsoft AI Classroom series Vandana R 21-10-2020
109 National level E quiz for engineering graphics Meghana R Gowda 23-12-2020
110 Webinar on "Applied Graph Theory - An Overview” Sreeraksha M R,
Sushmitha H K
111 Secured 2nd Prize in computer Gaming Sahana BM 23-06-2022
112 Runner Up in VTU Intercollegiate Kho-Kho Tournament Madhushree N 14-07-2022
113 Secured 2nd Prize in Lagori in EKTA-2022 Sushmitha K 18-06-2022
114 Secured 2nd Prize in Computer Gaming Nikitha Shahi 23-06-2022
115 Secured 2nd Prize in MIME in Geethyana Raksha Mahesh
Sushmitha K
116 Secured 2nd Prize in computer Gaming Sahana BM
Tejaswini N
117 Secured 2nd Prize in Technical Crossword Puzzle Tejaswini N 23-06-2022
118 Secured 2nd Prize in Ek Minute Event Tejaswini N 23-06-2022
119 Won the Geethashree Award Tejaswini N 23-06-2022

Student Achievements- 2020-2021

Sl. No. Title of the event Student Name Date
1 GSSSIETW, Mysuru students secured 2nd place in VTU Rest of Bangalore Zone Women Kabaddi Championship 2021- 22 Smitha B 13-12-2021
14-12 2021
2 Intern in Marketing Department with grade point 6.7/10 Vyshnavi M R 11-11-2020
3 Secured 999 th Rank in Ninja Hire 2.0 Senior Parishruthi G 01-12-2020
4 Secured 2402 Rank in Ninja Hire 2.0 Junior (2nd & 3rd year) Sushmitha H K 02-12-2020
5 Secured 2219 th RankNinja Hire 2.0 junior Varshini P 08-12-2020
6 Won the First Place in Smart Campus Ideathon Swathi P B
Sreeraksha M R
7 Secured 2219 th Rank with the score 70/340 at Ninja Hire 2.0 Junior Varshini P 08-12-2020
8 Online Quiz on Coding event with the score of 95% Gunitha L 07-05-2020
9 Scored 100% in C Programming Quiz Raksha Mahesh
Pranjala J

Student Achievements- 2019-2020

Sl. No. Title of the event Student Name Date
1 MANTHAN-2020: Business Idea Presentation
Project Title- Project Title- IoT Based Smart System to Monitor the Psychological Stress
Indoor Environmental Parameters Using Succulent Plants
Rekha Seervi
Nisarga H S
Nithya P
2 MANTHAN-2020: Business Idea Presentation
Project Title- NADI NIDAN using IoT and MACHINE LEARNING
Damini Niranjan,
Neethi K T,
Kavya M,
Prarthan K M
3 VTU Project Competition – AVISHKAR 2020.
Project Title- IoT Based Smart System to Monitor the Psychological Stress
Indoor Environmental Parameters Using Succulent Plants
Rekha Seervi,
isarga H S,
ithya P
4 VTU Project Competition – AVISHKAR 2020. Project Title- NADI NIDAN using IoT and MACHINE LEARNING Damini Niranjan,eethi K T,avya M,rarthan K M 2019-2020
5 VTU Free and Open Source (FOSS) – Project Competition 2020.
Project Title- Design And Development Of Voice Based Assistant System for Institute”
Shrija H S,
Sinchana K S,
Sindhu D,
Avana T L
6 43rdSeries of Student Project Programme: 2019-20KARNATAKA STATE COUNCIL FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
Damini Niranjan,
Neethi K T,
Kavya M,
Prarthan K M
7 Aishwarya C J,
Bhavana S,
Chaitra M,
Anusha R
8 A. Vishma Somaiah ,
Keerthana B,
Grantha Bojappa J,
Kavyashree M P
9 Rakshitha B H,
Divyashree M
10 BITES - Xcelerator Student Project Awards 2020 – Phase1 Damini Niranjan,
Neethi K T,
Kavya M,
Prarthan K M
11 IoT Based Vehicle Smart Speed Monitoring System
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research
Akshaya D C
Deepthi R
Divya M
Usharani B K
May 2020
12 Bank customer complaint analysis using natural language processing and data mining
International journal of progressive research in science and engineering
Nikhitha G N
Neelashree N
Nisarga priya J
Chandana C
13 Predicting the GDP of India using Machine Learning
Navyasri S,
Nayala hafsa,
Nayana S,
Nireeksha Bilimale
May 2020
14 A Novel IoT Clone Detection Scheme for Hybrid Network
Journal of Emerging Technologies And Innovative Research(JETIR)
Sushma K.G,
Kavya N,
Kavya P.C,
Kavyashree V
15 Machine Learning based analysis of pulse rate using Panchamahabhutas and Ayurveda
International Conference on Recent Trends in Science and Technology
Damini Niranjan;
Kavya M;
Neethi KT;
Prarthan KM
16 QR Based Smart Parking System

International Journal of Programming Research in Science and Engineering
Ashmitha H A,
Manaswini B C,
Meghana Arun,
Navya N C
17 An IoT Based Vehicle Theft Detection and Remote Engine Locking System
Yashaswini S,
Vaishnavi V ,
Tejaswini ,
Spandana Suresh M
18 IOT Enabled Pesticide Sprayer with Security System by using Solar Energy
Anagha G Rao,
Fenaaz Afreen,
Moditha N,
Syeda Arshiya
19 Analysis of foreign direct investment in India using machine learning techniques
National conference on Communication and Data Science
Jayashree R,
Divya S,
Inchara T H,
Divya M

Student Achievements- 2018-19

Sl. No. Title of the event Student Name Date
1 BITES-XCELERATORest Student Project Award Divya Chatty,
Aparna Bandekar,
Mayuri Hanageri
22 June 2019
2 2 day workshop on building internet of things apllications using rassberry pi and aurdino Swathi 29th -30th March
3 MANTHAN 2018 Druthi Raghuram Shanbog 1st June 2018
4 Amateur Radio Workshop(SPARK) Nirmala D 30th March 2019
5 State level socio entrepreneurial fest Nirmala D 30th and 31st March 2019
6 Ethical hacking online training DaminiNiranjan 27th March 2019
7 Vedha Quiz Fest of Ashwamedha 2019 DaminiNiranjan 12th May 2019
8 TATA Crucible campus quiz 2019 Aishwarya C J 1st March 2019
9 SYMBOIT State Level Hackathon Nisarga H S,
Surabhi G,
Nithya P,
4th and 5th May 2019
10 Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp Preksha M,
Sindhu L,
Druthi R S,
Aishwarya M,
Janifer A,
Anusha T
25th and 27th February 2019
11 CHOWKA an intercollegiate Competition Aishwarya C J,
Preksha M,
Sindhu L,
3rd and 4th May 2019
12 Techno Spectrum 2018 Aishwarya M,
Jenifer A,
Anusha T,
Druthi R S,
Kavyashree M P,
Divya S
11th October 2018
13 32nd CSI Karnataka Students Convention Preksha,
Sindhu L
Druthi R S
1nd and 2nd March 2019
14 32nd CSI Karnataka Students Convention (3RD Prize in Gaming) Druthi R S 1nd and 2nd March 2019
15 TRAITHLON 2019 State Level Technical Competition Aishwarya M Anusha T 8th and 9th September 2018
16 Android Application Development and Security Jenifer A,
Bhavana S,
Kavyashree M P,
Divya S,
Jayashree R
23rd and 25th January 2018
17 International Women Day 2019 DaminiNiranjan,
Kavya M,
28th March 2019
18 VEDHA Quiz Fest of ASHWAMEDHA 2019 Kavya M 12th May 2019
19 TCS Tech Bytes Damini Niranjan,
Kavya M
20 Three day workshop on Android Application Development - DALVIK Apps GSSSIETW, Mysuru Aishwarya M,
Anusha T,
Kavyashree M P,
Divya S
24th to 26th September 2018
21 Idea Competition Antarprerana 2019- GSSSIETW, Mysuru Aishwarya C J,
Anusha T
29th April 2019
22 Odanadi- OdanadiSevaSamsthe Mysuru DruthiRaghuramShanbog 16thFebraury 2019
23 Three Day Workshop on Hands on training on Computer Network Security Issues and Challenges-
Aishwarya C J,
Damini Niranjan,
Jenifer A,
Anusha T,
Aishwarya M, Kavya M,
7th to 9th March 2019
24 Open Source Tools and Networking Concepts for Cluster Computing, Symposium on Networking SON 2018- VVCE ,Mysuru Afreen Salma, H K, Bhargavi N Dikshith, Chandrakala N, Kavya P 2018
25 R for Data Science organized by BYTES- GSSSIETW, Mysuru Kavya M, Damini Niranjan 10th to 12th July 2018
26 Three day workshop on android application development- Organized by DALVIK Apps at GSSSIETW, Mysuru Kavya M , Damini Niranjan 24th to 26th September 2018
27 TRIATHLON State Level Technical Competition- VVCE Mysuru KavyaM,chaithra M,Bhavana S 8th and 9th September 2019
28 Technospectrum 2018- GSSSIETW Kavya M, Damini niranjan, AkanshaSrivastava, Jayashree R 11th October 2018
29 Won 1st place in creative ideas- CSI chapter, mysuru,MIT Javeriya Firdose, Apoorva Shasthry 22nd feb 2019
30 R for data science- GSSSIETW Damini Niranjan 10-12th july
31 TRIATHLON state level technical compitation- VVCE mysuru Damininiranjan,Anusha R 8-9th September 2018
32 3 day work shop on Android application development- GSSSIETW Damininiranjan 24th-26th September 2018
33 State level debate compitation on Social media is it the root cause for corrupting young minds- JSS Law College Akansha Srivastava 17thfeb 2018
34 Vishvavedike vijaya patakae- Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama Akansha Srivastava, Bhavana S
35 3 Day Workshop on Android Application Development and Security- Organized by Emporis Software Solutions LLP, Bengaluru at GSSSIETW Mysuru Akansha Srivastava, Inchara T H, ChaithraM, Anusha R, Kumar Bindu 23rd to 25th January 2018
36 TATA Crucible Campus Quiz 2018- TATA Crucible AkanshaSrivastava,KumariBindu N 20th March 2018
37 Won first prize in Mobile App Designing in 3 day Workshop on Android Application Development- Organized by Dalvik Apps at GSSSIETW Mysuru AkanshaSrivastava,Bhavana S, Kavyashree M P, Jayashree R 24th to 26th September 2018
38 Awarded first prize in debate during National Science day 2019- IEEE WIE Affinity group, GSSSIETW Mysuru AkanshaSrivastava 28th February 2019
39 State level inter college debate competition- NIE, Mysuru AkanshaSrivastava 11th September 2018
40 Techno Spectrum 2018- GSSSIETW Mysuru Inchara T H,chaithraM,KumariBindu N 11th October 2018
41 Participated in Mobile App Designing in 3 day Workshop on Android Application Development- Organized by Dalvik Apps at GSSSIETW Mysuru AkanshaSrivastava, ChaithraM,BhavanaS,KumariBindu N 24th to 26th September 2018
42 Won second prize in kho-kho competition held during college fest Geethayaana-18- GSSSIETW, Mysuru Inchara T H 22nd to 24th
43 3 Day Workshop on object oriented analysis,Design and Modeling – Emporis Software Solutions LLP, Bengaluru Inchara T H,BhavanaS,Kumaribindu N 16th to 18th August 2017
44 Participated in Inter collegiate , Climate and Environment Science Quiz 2018 - Organized by Divecha Centre for climatic changendian Institute of Science Bangalore Chaithra M, Bhavana S, Keerthana B,Kavyashree M P 11th September 2018
45 Participated in Data Analysis work shop- NIE college,Mysuru ChaithraM,AnushaR,Bhavana S 5thoctober 2018
46 Participated in “Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp” - GSSSIETW,MYSURU Chaithra M, Anusha R 29th to 31st October 2018
47 Participated in BCIC Block chain Series part-4 program- JSS S&T University, Mysuru. Anusha R 10th August 2018
48 Attended 2 day workshop on IoT-Rajeev Institute of Technology, Hassan Anusha R 1st and 2nd March 2019
50 Won second prize in Throw ball competition held during college fest geethayaana-18- GSSSIETW Bhavana S 22nd to 24th
51 Won First price in moble App design - Organized by Dalvik Apps at GSSSIETW Bhavana S 24th to 26th September 2018
52 Participated in poster presentation competition held during college fest geethayaana-18 GSSSIETW KumariBindu N 22nd to 24th
53 Participated in Group Dance competition held during college fest geethayaana-18- GSSSIETW KumariBindu N 22nd to 24th
54 Participated in Sweden India Nobel Memorial Quiz 2018 – R V College of Engineering, Bangalore KumariBindu N 3rd October 2018
55 Participated in , business plan presentation-18- Organized by FKCCI,Bengaluru Keerthana B, Kavyashree M P 1st June 2018
56 Participated in NCICCNDA-2018- GSSSIETW, Mysuru Kavyashree M P 28th April 2018

Student Achievements- 2017-18

Sl. No. Title of the event Student Name Date
1 Code Master -IT Mysore Mrudula R, Pooja S Danihalli , Pooja R, Prithvi Venkatesh 7th & 8th May 2018.
2 3rd National Conference NCETAIT-2018IT Chikkamagaluru, Shrutha K, Shilpa M S 24th April 2018
3 Won 1st place in Web Design, Techno Spectrum , National Level Technical CompetitionSSSIETW Mysuru Mrudula on 4th April 2018
4 2nd place in Web Design, Techno Spectrum , National Level Technical CompetitionSSSIETW Mysuru Pooja R on 4th April 2018
5 2day pre-conference tutorial on “Machine Learningt Department Studies in Computer Science, University of Mysore Mayuri M Hangarge, Aparna S Bandekar 28th & 29th March 2018.
6 One Day National Seminar on “Indian Language Computing” J College of Engineering, Mysuru Apoorva M S, Nisarga S, Inchara M, Kavana H A, Neha R, Anushree J, Bhumika M, Rachana N Ghanathe, Pavithra V Bhat, Shrutha K 27th March 2018.
7 one day National Seminar on “Indian Language Computing J College of Engineering, Mysuru Neha R 27th March 2018
8 2nd place in Collage conducted as a part of Techno- Cultural Fest, at GSSSIETW MysuruSSSIETW Mysuru Pranitha R 22nd to 24th March 2018
9 Participated in TATA CRUC BLE the campus quiz, onangalore Akansha Sreevathsa, Keerthana B, Kumari Bindu N, Druthi R S, Chandrakala, Kavyashree M P 20th March 2018
10 Won 1st Prize in “Technical Quiz” and 2nd Prize in “Coding” in “CSI National Level Student ConventionSREC), Coimbatore, Divya Chatty 16th & 17th of March 2018.
11 Won 1st Prize in “Technical Quiz” and 2nd Prize in “Coding-(SREC), Coimbatore Aparna S Bandekar, 16th & 17th of March 2018.     
12 Won 2nd Prize in Treasure Hunt in “CSI National Level Student Convention--(SREC), Coimbatore Sushma K R & Srishti Maru
13 Won 3rd Prize--(SREC), Coimbatore Simran Goyal ,
14 Awarded as “Start of the event--(SREC), Coimbatore Divya Chatty
15 Participated in Code Mania & Quiz--(SREC), Coimbatore Sneha G P, Nagalakshmi, Mayuri H, Sushma K R, Sushma K R
16 Participated in Paper presentation--(SREC), Coimbatore Mayuri H, Divya Chatty, Nagalakshmi, ,
17 Participated in 3 day “Entrepreneurshi Awareness Camp” held in association with National Science &technology Entrepreneurship Development Board Department of Science &Technology, Govt. of India & Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad Neha R, Pooja S Danihalli, Nagalakshmi, Sushma K R, 26th to 28th February 2018.
18 Participated at State level Debate Competition on “Social Media-is it the root cause for corrupting young minds”- JSS law college, Kuvempunagar, Mysuru, Akansha Srivastav, 17th February 2018.
19 Participated in Diverse Developer Conference- Organized by StudyOwl Kavya M, Damini Niranjan 10th to 11th February 2018.
20 Participated in one day workshop on “Raspberry pi and python based automation system design”- IIT Madras Divya Chatty 9th January 2018.
21 Participated in Mysuru Yoga okkuta- Mysore palace Keerthana B, 28th January 2018.
22 Participated in 3 day work shop on “Challenges in Enterprise Network Security” conducted by “SLVIS Networking”- Bangalore Shrutha K, Shilpa M S, Neha R, Shena G P, Sanjana N, Pranitha R, Pooja R, Mrudula R, Nagalakshmi, Sushma K R, 29th to 31st January 2018.
23 Participated in one day workshop on “Ethical Hacking”- at IIT Madras Divya Chatty. 9th January 2018.
24 participated and perform the play “Alamelammana Shaapa” in “B V Karanth Rangothsava”- Bhumigeetha, Rangayana, Mysuru Anushree J, Bhumika M, Meghana M 28th Septerber 2017
25 won 2nd prize in Code Debugging in 31st CSI Karnataka Student Convention organized at -CIT , Gubbi Divya Chatty , 13th and 14th October 2017
26 has been selected to represent VTU South Zone Inter University Kabaddi Tournament- Mangalore University, Mangalagangotri, D K District Monica.V 16th to 19th November 2017.
27 received the student scholarship at the Grace Hopper Celebration India-17- Bangalore Bindu S, Manjula S 16th and 17th November, 2017 in.
28 Coordinated Texparx 2017 -GSSSIETW, Mysuru Divya Chatty, 4th November 2017.
29 participated in 20th VTU inter collegiate athletic (Men & Women) Meet 2017-18- VTU Campus Belagavi Harshitha O R, ,PrarthanK.M , from 3rd to 6th Nov. 2017.
30 National Level Event - ATME,Mysuru Chandana R Gowda, Nehal Bopaiah, Anu K S Harshitha M S 3rd November 2017.
31 participated for the Inter Collegiate Quiz competition- VVCE, Mysuru Angana Dawn, B Bindu Madhavi Nisha K M, Deepanjali B I 28th October 2017.
32 participated in VTU Mysuru zone inter collegiate throw ball tournament held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru Tejaswini Prabhu Rachana D Sellar, Harshitha O R , Shreya Alwa 6th to 7th October 2017
33 participated in the State Level Inter Collegiate IT FEST organized by Pooja Bhagavat Memorial Mahajan Post Graduate Centre, Mysuru Angana Dawn , Chandana R Gowda, NehalBopaiah, Pooja M P, Noor Fathima 21st and 22nd September, 2017.
34 participated in the Aarush-17 - SRM University Simran Goyal, Sindhu R ,Samitha B 16th -19th September 2017.
35 participated in VTU single zone inter collegiate weight lifting & power lifting tournament - held at SIT, Tumkur Anvitha Muthamma, Monika V ,Prarthan K M, on 15th to 17th September 2017.
36 participated for the Climate Change Quiz- in IIS, Bengaluru Divya Chatty, Aparna S Bandakar, Sneha S Narayan, Ifra Anjum , Mayuri M Hangarge 14th September 2017.
37 attended Entrepreneurship development program in GSSSIETW , Mysuru Students, 30th Aug and 1st September 2017.
38 One day Symposium on “Use of technology to conserve and harvest water in Current Scenario”- NSS Cell, Govt Engineering college, Hassan Simran Goyal, Sindhu R 9th November 2017
39 Mission impossible Event Science Fest 2017, PES University Akansha Srivastava 18 march 2017
40 One Day National Seminar on “Indian Language Computing”-CSI Neha R 27 March 2018
41 Partipicated in 17th VTU Youth Festival “ Yuva Kalangi”- VTU, “Jnana Sangama” Bindu Madhavi, Angana Dawn 16-19 March 2017
42 Bangalores Most Diverse Developer Conference –Study OWL

Damini Niranjan, Kavya M

10-11 Feb 2018
43 Recent Development in Science, Engineering and Technology”- ATME, Mysuru Nagalakshmi, Sindhu R 10 Oct 20-17
44 Open Innovation Hackathon on “Smart Village Karnataka”-AgRuTech2018, Bangalore Sindhu R, Shringa K C, Simran Goyal, 10-11 April 2018
45 Volunteers for Graphic Design event of Geethayaana -2018 Simran Goyal, Shringa K C, Prakruthi M P, Neha R 22-24 March 2018       
46 Participated in Technical Quiz, Geethayaana -2018 Pooja R
47 Participated in Computer Gaming, Geethayaana -2018 Mrudula R
48 Second Prize in Collage, Geethayaana -2018 Pranitha R
49 Participated in Technical Crossword, Geethayaana -2018 Pranitha R
50 Participated in Computer Gaming, Geethayaana -2018 Pranitha R
51 Participated in Technical Quiz, Geethayaana -2018 Sanjana N
52 Participated in Technical Quiz, Geethayaana -2018 Neha R
53 Participated in SDLC Event – Technospectrum- GSSSIETW, Mysuru Shringa K C 4 April 2018  
54 Secured 2 Place in Web Page Design- Web Mania-Technospectrum GSSSIETW, Mysuru Pooja R  
55 Secured 1 Place in Web Page Design- Web Mania-Technospectrum GSSSIETW, Mysuru Mrudula R  
56 Participated in Code Storm Event– Technospectrum GSSSIETW, Mysuru Shrutha K  
57 Participated in Code Storm, Web Mania,Green Brain Event–Technospectrum GSSSIETW, Mysuru Mrudula R  
58 Participated in SDLC Build,GreenBrain , Word Build Event–Technospectrum GSSSIETW, Mysuru Pooja S Danihalli  
59 Participated in Web Mania, Code Storm Event–Technospectrum GSSSIETW, Mysuru Pooja R  
60 Participated in Web Mania, Green Brain Event–Technospectrum GSSSIETW, Mysuru Pranitha R  
61 Participated in Code Storm Event–Technospectrum GSSSIETW, Mysuru Sanjana N  
62 Intercollege Quiz event-ERGO -18-Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Simran Goyal, Srishti Maru, Sushma k R, Sneha G P 17 March 2018  
63 CSI National Level Student Convention-Techstorm-18.Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Srishti Maru STAR of the Event 16-17 March 2018
64 CSI National Level Student Convention-Techstorm-18.Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Simran Goyal STAR of the Event 16-17 March 2018
65 Participated in TREASURE HUNT. CSI National Level Student Convention-Techstorm-18. Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Srishti Maru 16-17 March 2018
66 Participated in CODEATHON. CSI National Level Student Convention-Techstorm-18.Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Simran Goyal 16-17 March 2018
67 Participated in “QUIZ BEST MANAGER” CSI National Level Student Convention-Techstorm-18. Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Simran Goyal 16-17 March 2018
68 Participated in QUIZ CODE MANIA. CSI National Level Student Convention-Techstorm-18. Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Srishti Maru 16-17 March 2018
69 Participated in QUIZ CODE MANIA, TREASURE HUNT.CODEATHON CSI National Level Student Convention-Techstorm-18. Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Sindhu R 16-17 March 2018
70 Participated in PAPER PRESENTATION, CODEATHON,QUIZ CSI National Level Student Convention-Techstorm-18. Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Nagalakshmi 16-17 March 2018
71 Participated in PAPER PRESENTATION, QUIZ, Code MANIA CSI National Level Student Convention-Techstorm-18. Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Mayuri M Hangarge 16-17 March 2018
72 Participated in PAPER PRESENTATION CSI National Level Student Convention-Techstorm-18. Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Divya Chatty 16-17 March 2018
73 Participated in QUIZ CODE MANIA, TREASURE HUNT CSI National Level Student Convention-Techstorm-18. Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Sneha G P 16-17 March 2018
74 CSI National Level Student Convention-Techstorm-18. Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Divya Chatty , Won I Place in Technical Quiz  
75 CSI National Level Student Convention-Techstorm-18. Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Divya Chatty STAR of the Event  
76 Participated in QUIZ CODE MANIA, CODEATHON, TREASURE HUNT CSI National Level Student Convention-Techstorm-18. Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Sushma k R 16-17 March 2018
77 CSI National Level Student Convention-Techstorm-18. Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Sushma k R STAR of the Event  
78 Participated in QUIZ CODE MANIA, CSI National Level Student Convention-Techstorm-18. Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College Nallagatla Swathi 16-17 March 2018
79 Developers guide for android applications”dvanced International Journal in Research Chaitra M N May 2018
80 A Survey on Agricultural Application based on Androiddvanced International Journal in Research Navya S May 2018
81 A Survey on Collaborative Learning Approach for Speech and Speaker Recognitiondvanced International Journal in Research Akhila C V May 2018
82 A Survey on IOT Based Smart Hospitals”ational Conference held at SJBIT, Bangalore Maria Rufina P, Roopa T N on 9thMay 2018
83 A Survey on Applications of Machine Learningational Conference held at SJBIT, Bangalore Shwetha M N, Akhila C V on 9thMay 2018
84 Building High Performance Computing Cluster for Paralel Computingational Conference held at SJBIT, Bangalore Afrin Salma H K, Bhargavi N Dikshith, Chandrakala N, Kavya K P on 9thMay 2018
85 Secured data Sharing & Access Control for Cloud Computing System Using Cp-ABE Algorithm with VDational Conference held at BGSIT Mandya Nikitha R, Kavya P, Manjula S, Neethu Kuwar 4thMay 2018
86 Smart Home Automation Using Natural Language ProcessingCICCNDA18 held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru Roopa T N 28thApril 2018
87 A Survey on Collaborative Learning Approach for Speech and Speaker RecognitionCICCNDA18 held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru Akhila C.V 28thApril 2018
88 Iot based real time monitoring of user’s-healthcare for smart hospitals deploying fog computingCICCNDA18 held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru Maria Rufina P 28thApril 2018
89 Use of Wireless Sensor Network and Cloud to Monitor the Prevention of Vehicle to Vehicle CollisionCICCNDA18 held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru Shwetha M N 28thApril 2018
90 Open-Source Tools and Networking Concept for Cluster Computingymposium on Networking organized by VVCE Mysore Afrin Salma H K, Bhargavi N Dikshith, Chandrakala N, Kavya K P March 2018
91 Blind Hurdle Stick:Android integrated Voice Based Intimation Via GPS with Panic Alert Systemational conference NCCOCE18 at Christ College,Bangalore Vani Walvekar, Shruthi N, Swathi T Shetty, Yashaswini B R 8thto 9thMarch 2018.
92 7 ‘B’ 3 rd National Conference on NCETAIT-2018 at AIT, Chikkamagaluru Ramya Shree S, Shrutha K, Shilpa M S, Roopa G, SanjanaN, Nagalakshmi, Sanjana N, 24thApril 2018
93 Ontology Based Text Mining Method Using Cluster ApproachAIJR: Chinmayee C, S. Keerthana N S, Manikya S, Nitya Hegde M May 2018
94 Effective Data Access Control in Mobile Cloud Computing Using LDSS CP-ABEAIJR: Anusha R, S. Asha P, Bhargavi Y, Bindu Jayaram May 2018
95 Road Safety Surveillance and Intelligent Traffic Management System Sushma S, Swathi S, Tulasi G, Vinutha M May 2018
96 Power Generation Using LiveCode AIJR: Sanjana K, Sindhu G, Siri M, Sripriya R, May 2018
97 Remote Tutor – A Novel Interactive Collaborative Teaching Method for E-learning an application of Raspberry Pi AIJR: Shivani S Patel, Swati Bhaskar Bhat, Tanuspoorthi M S, Vandana B V May 2018
98 Quick Dr: A Smart Mobile Application for Health Care AIJR: Bhumica M J, Inchara S, M R Spoorthi Raj, Neha M R May 2018
99 Hand Gesture Recognition Based Social Assistive Robot Controls for Wheelchair Applications AIJR: Anushree S A, Chandana S, Pallavi M Hegde, Pooja M M May 2018
100 Smart Phone Application on MIMO (Organ Donation) AIJR: Pramoda Devi B, Priya M O, Varsha S Sannur, Vinutha C K May 2018
101 Secured Data Sharing and Access Control for Cloud Computing Systems using CP-ABE Algorithm with Verifiable Delegation AIJR: Kavya P, Manjula S, Neethu Kuwar, Nikitha R May 2018
102 Dynamic Facet Ordering for Faceted Product Search Engines AIJR: Bhagyashree S, Bindu S, Meghana K, Nisha H N May 2018
103 Blind Hurdle Stick: Android Integrated Voice Based Intimation via GPS with Panic Alert System AIJR: Vani Walvekar, Swathi T Shetty, Shruthi N, Yashaswini B R May 2018
104 An Intelligent Intensive Care Unit for Patient Monitoring System AIJR: Manasa I R, Pallavi M, Priyanka S G, Suma B May 2018
105 Enhanced Performance and Security for Manet’s Against Blackhole Attack Blackhole Attacks AIJR: Priya P, Shravani Reddy R, Sushma H D, Vaishnavi S May 2018
106 BLE Beacon Based Museum Knowledge Sharing Platform AIJR: Bhargavi S Swamy, Harinishree M S, Harshitha R, Sankeerthi Venkatesh May 2018
107 A Smart Waste Bin for Waste Disposal AIJR: Ashwini M P, Meghana S R, Rakshitha D, Sushmitha S May 2018
108 An Android Application on Wi-Fi Direct AIJR: Pooja M P, Pooja V S, Poonam S, Yashaswini K K May 2018
109 GPS Based Toll Collection System AIJR: S Aishwarya Rao, Sahana S, Priyanka N S, Inchara G May 2018
110 Wireless Home Security Surveillance System Using Android Application AIJR: Aishwarya More, Monisha S, P Sahithi, Varshini Vinay Vittal May 2018
111 IOT Based Load Monitoring and Auditing System AIJR: Rajatha U, Sheema Wazir, Sheetal R, Bi Ameena May 2018
112 Compatible and Confidentiality-Preserving Friend Matching in Mobile Cloud AIJR: Sowmya H S, Kavitha M, Ruhi Khanum, Punitha C C May 2018
113 Security System for Cloud Based Services AIJR: Jasna Susan Alias, Manasa M, Pallavi Krishna B R May 2018
114 CAN Based Vehicle Health Monitoring System AIJR: Swathi M C, Dilnavincent ,, Navya S. R, Muhajira U P May 2018
115 Intelligent Parking Based on Geolocation Using IoT AIJR: Fathima Huda Sirur, Harini P, Javeriya Sajjad, Noor Fathima F May 2018
116 Secured Certificate Based Authentication AIJR: Madhura S Patil, Priyanka R Megharaj, Sindhu V, Sushma H S May 2018
117 An Android Application for Employee Information Security at Master Control Facility AIJR: Sanghavi V, Sanjana B Mohan, Shreya M, Swathi Jain May 2018
118 Scalable Approach for Content-Based Image Retrieval in Peer-to-Peer Networks AIJR: Akshatha M N, Chaitra S, Monisha B S May 2018
119 Prediction of Crime Pattern and Suspects Using Datamining Techniques AIJR: Aishwarya D S, Madhumalathi S, Manisha U A, Sushma K M May 2018
120 Intelligent Parking System Using IOT AIJR: Sushma, Sushma M, Rachana Raj A N, Zoya Fathima May 2018
121 TE AROHA Aashika Rajesh, Apoorva S, Harshini G, Keerthana Yadunath May 2018
122 Graphical Password with Convex Hull Anusha S, Shobha C Nannoji, Ranjini P, Tejashwini T V May 2018
123 Bank Authentication for Mobile Payment Services Sanjana Reddy B, Smitha H B, Priyanka Aryan M P, Shradha Janib May 2018
124 A Survey on Agricultural Application based on Android Navya S May 2018
125 Developers Guide for Android Applications Chaitra M N May 2018
126 Data Migration Techniques in Cloud Madhuri C A, Megha S R May 2018
127 Implementing of Data Quality in KYC using Cloud Environment Sowmya M C, Manjuprasad B, S. Meenakshi Sundaram May 2018
128 Measuring of Data Quality in KYC Using Anomaly Detection Techniques Tejakshi N S, Vyshnavi M K, Manjuprasad B May 2018

Hands-On Sessions by Mr.Rajath A N, Assistant Professor, Mrs Rummana Firdaus,  Assistant Professor, Mrs.Usha Rani J,  Assistant Professor Department of CSE, GSSSIETW was conducted from 10thJan 2018 to 28th April 2018 (7 Days of Working Saturdays) for 2019 passing out batch.

Technical Seminar / Workshops organized by Department

Sl No.  Title of the event  Resource Person   Date
1 Two days Workshop on “Application Development Using Python Programming” Mr. Shivakumar M
Ms. Anusha B N
17 th & 18 th January 2023
2 Three days Workshop on “Full stack Development with Spring MVC, Hibernate, jQuery Bootstrap using MySQL” Mr. Jafar Pasha
Mr. Jamrud Khan
09 th to 12 th January 2023
 1 Two Day workshop on “Building Internet of Things applications using LoRaWAN” Mr. Jagadeswaran R and Mr. Satheesan Technical Engineers, Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore 2nd to 3rd June 2022
 2 Technical talk on “How to develop real time database projects” Santhosh M, Assistant Professor, Department Of CSE, GSSSIETW 05th January 2022
 3 One day Technical Symposium “TECHNO SPECTRUM - 2021” Santhosh M, Assistant Professor, Department Of CSE, GSSSIETW 05th January 2022
 4 Technical talk on "How to design database for real world problems" Ravi Kumar V G, Assistant Professor, Department Of CSE, GSSSIETW 03rd December 2021
 5 Technical talk on "Design Thinking: Get started with Prototype” Dr.Raviraj.P, Professor, Department Of CSE., GSSSIETW 27th November 2021
 1 10 Days Outcome Based Certification Course On “Full Stack Web Application Development - 1.O”  Dr.Manjuprasad B, Associate Professor, Dept of CSE, GSSSIETW From 10th to 19th August 2020


Online webinar “Laziness and Procrastination"

Mr.Syed Aejaz,CEO,, Global InfoTech Pvt Ltd, Ms.Hitaishi (GSSSIETW CSE Alumnae),Investor relations and Strategic planner of VIVRT Motors Pvt.Ltd 18th May 2020


Online webinar “Deep Neural Networks” Ms.Anusha G C, Research scholar, National college of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland 19th May 2020


 Technical Seminar on Bridging the Gap between Academia and Industry Mr. Ravi Kiran, Business, SAP, Bengaluru 17th August 2019
1 Industrial visit to Wipro, Electronic City, Bengaluru 4th April, 2019
2 Industrial Visit to BSNL RTC  - 23rd January 2019
3 Three Day Workshop On “Arduino Development Environment with Android Mobiles” Mr. Sateesh Giri N, Managing Director Mr. Chitharanjan D, Android Programmer of Mysgenius Software Solutions, Mysuru 21st to 23rd  March 2019
4 Project Symposium 2019 Mr. Bhaskar Kalale, President, Theorem India Pvt. Ltd., Mysuru and Chairman Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Mysuru 9th March 2019
5 Launching of E-Box for VTU Courses Dr.K Chidananda Gowda,Former Vice Chancellor, Kuvempu University and Chief guest was Dr.Subraya B M 9th March 2019
6 Three Day Workshop on “Hands-on Training on Computer Network Security: Issues & Challenges” 07th, 08th, & 09th March 2019
7 Workshop on “Internet Of Things And Its Application” Fluxgen Sustainable Technologies, Bangalore 10th & 11th December 2018
8 Three Day Workshop on Network Forensics Ms. Nethra Gowda and Ms. Manjushree Mashal 29th to 31st  October 2018
9 Industrial Visit to TCS, Whitefield, Bengaluru  - 22nd  October 2018
10 Industrial Visit to CDAC Banglore  - 24th September 2018
11 Technical Talk on Basics of Java o Mr. Pradeep Kumar G M, Software Engineer, L & T, Mysuru 08th September 2018
12 Technical Talk on Software Testing Mr. Venkatesh Seshadri, Founder and Director, Test Crucible, Bengaluru 15th September 2018
 1 Technical talk on “Basics of Java”   Pradeep, Software Engineer L & T, Mysuru  3rd  March 2018.
2 Technical Talk On “Software Testing – Approaches and Methods”  Mr. Neeraj Kumar Singh, Managing Director, TM Square Technology Solutions, Bengaluru 10th February 2018
3 Technical Talk on “Information Technology Process and Outcome” Praveen Natrajan, Team Lead, Software Paradigms International, Mysuru 10th March 2018 
4  Technical Talk on “Introduction to information storage and management” Nischitha Devaraj  10th March 2018 
5 Industrial Visit to Kaynes Technology, Mysuru

4th semester students 

19th February 2018. 
6 Three Day Workshop on “Challenges in Enterprise Network Security”  Mr. Pradeep G, Network Security Consultant and Corporate Trainer, SLVIS Networking, Bengaluru. 29th, 30th & 31st January 2018
7 Three Day Workshop on “Android Application and its Security”   Mr. Pankaj Kumar, Managing Director and CEO, Emporis Software Solutions LLP, Bengaluru, Mr Ashish Kumar, Android Developer, Emporis Software Solutions LLP, Bengaluru and Mr. Gowtham N, Android & IOS Developer, Emporis Software Solutions LLP, Bengaluru. 23rd, 24th & 25th January 2018


1  Industrial Visit to Infosys Limited Mysuru Industrial visit was accompanied by Shekaran ETA and Mrs. Vani K N, Principal, ETA and Campus Connect Team, Infosys. 18th September 2017
2  Industrial Visit to Master Control Facility, Hassan Industrial visit was accompanied by MCF Staffs 31st October 2017
3 Industrial visit to ACE COMPONENTS, Hootgalli, Mysuru  Industrial visit was accompanied by ACE COMPONENTS Staffs 26th September 2017
4 Hands on session on  “Operating System installation, RAID configurations, Open SSH applications and file system types” Mr. Manjuprasad B, Assistant Professor, Dept of CSE, GSSSIETW Mysuru 17th November 2017.
5 Five Day Deep Dive Faculty Enablement Program on “Foundation Program 4.1 Dr. Sundaresan Krishan Iyer, Principal, ETA, Infosys Mysuru 31th July to 4th August 2017
6 National Conference on Image Processing, Computing, Communication, Networking and Data Analytics (NCICCNDA 2017)” Chief Guest Dr. Anjaneyulu Pasala, Principal Research Scientist, Infosys Labs, Bengaluru, and Guest of Honor Dr. M Girish Chandra, Principal Scientist, TCS, Bengaluru, and Sri. Sudeendra Koushik, Co-Chair, IEEE Asia Pacific Committee, Vice-President & Head, TTK Prestige 29th July 2017
7 Three Day Workshop on “Integrated Software Testing” Neeraj Kumar Singh, Managing Director, TM Square Technology Solutions, Bengaluru 10th to 12th August 2017
8 Three Day Workshop on “Object Oriented Analysis, Design and Modeling” Mr. Pankaj Kumar, MD and CEO, Emporis Software Solutions, Bengaluru -
9 Three Day Workshop on “Database Programming with SQL and PL/SQL” Mr. Krishna Reddy B.G, Corporate Trainer (IBM Oracle, Honeywell) 21st, 22nd, and 23rd August 2017
10 Technical talk on “ERP Development using JAVA “ Amar Adadande, Software Engineer, Peeperl +fuchs India Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru             23rd September 2017
11 Technical talk on “ Testing Tools“ Supriya N J, Software Testing Engineer,  Ifocus Systec Client Philips   23rd September  2017
12 Workshop on “Computer Hardware, Networking, Open Source Software’s & Programming Skills”   Mr. Manju Prasad B and Mrs. Tejaswini R M, Assistant Professor, GSSSIETW, Mysuru 23rd September 2017
13 Technical talk on “Recent trends in IT Industry” Vinay Raj, Senior Software Engineer, NTT global data, Bengaluru 12th August 2017
14 Technical talk on “Gap between Academy and Industry” Chandra Prasad, Software Engineer, Theorems, Mysuru 28th August 2017
15 Technical talk on “Computer Architecture for Onboard Space craft Systems” Ashritha Sundar, Junior Scientist, ISRO, Bengaluru 28th August 2017


Three Day Workshop on “Challenges in Enterprise Network Environment”

Mr. Kishore Babu, Sr. IT Support Engineer, Computer Solutions East Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru, and Mr. Pradeep G, Network Security Consultant and Corporate Trainer, SLVIS Networking, Bengaluru

20th, 21st, and 23rd Jan 2017


Best Practice Faculty Symposium

Umesha G B, Senior software engineer, Mphasis Ltd, Bangalore

21st January 2017


Industrial Visit to Infosys Limited Mysuru

Accompanied by Shekaran ETA and Mr. Shivranjan Kabad, Campus Connect Team, Infosys.Mysuru

8th March 2017


Technical talk on “Hands on Eclipse”

Shashank Kumar P, Software Engineer, L&T, Bengaluru

11th March 2017


Industrial Visit to Infosys Limited Bangalore

Accompanied by Anoop Singh, Lead ETA and Sahana Kumaraswamy, Principal of ETA, Infosys Limited, Bangalore

20th March 2017


Two Day Workshop on “Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security”

Sharath B Bhat, Founder and Director , RevEngg, Benagluru

27th and 28th March 2017


Mock Interview conducted by Alumnae

Ms. Anjali A J and Ms. Akshatha, Alumnae, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, GSSSIETW

March 2017


Workshop on “Mobile Android Application Development”

Mr.Amit Thool, Managing Director, Dalvik Apps & Skillrex Technology, Mumbai, Mr. Sampuran Singh, Managing Director, Motivational Speaker of Dalvik Apps.

10th and 11th April 2017


Technical Talk on “Project Development Life Cycle”

Nischalananda G M, Technology Analyst, Infosys, Mysuru

22nd April 2017


Technical talk on “Agile and Scrum Methodology”

Ravikumar Kalose, Director and Principal, ProPm, Bengaluru

22nd April 2017


Technical talk on “Opportunities and Preparedness for Software Testing Profession”

Mr. Dheeraj A Rao, Senior software Engineer Testing Lead, HP, Bengaluru

22nd April 2017


Project Symposium – 2017

Alumnae of GSSSIETW

27th  May 2017



1 Technical talk on “fundamentals of UNIX” for III semester students Mr. Harisha Chikkanna, IBM, Bangalore 10th September, 2016

Technical talk on “Open Source Tools”

Mr.Vijaya Kumar, SPI, Mysuru 10th September, 2016.

Code Igniter – A National Level Coding Competition 

Mr.Rajesh Kutnikar, CEO, IT Champs Software Pvt. Ltd, Mysuru
Mrs. Aruna Devi, Hon. Secretary, CSI-Mysuru
27th August 2016

Technical talk on “Fundamentals of “OOPS Concepts”

Mr. Balraj, Unilog,Mysuru 6th August, 2016

Technical talk on “OOPS Concepts with JAVA”

Mr. Praveen K R, Big Number, Bengaluru 6th August, 2016

Technical talk on “IT & Security Market”

Mr. Chandan Kumar, TESOMA, Bengaluru 6th August, 2016
7 VIII Semester Project Symposium-2016 Sri. Arunkumar R.K,  Senior Consultant, Siemens Technology and Services Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru. 6th May 2016
8  One – Day Workshop on “Open Source Tools” Mr. Nandan A , Linux Administrator for Remote Technical Support,OPT  IT Technologies Pvt Ltd,Bengaluru 23rd April  2016
9 Technical Session on “Cloud Computing” Mr. Bipeen Sinha, Cloud Engineer, Techlpledge Consulting Service , Bengaluru 23rd April 2016
10 Workshop on “IBM Blueminx” Mr. Sachin Kumar R S, Community Manager, IBM Global Entrepreneur Program, Bengaluru 12th    Apr 2016.
 11  Technical Talk on “ Basic of Android Application Development”  Mr. Sekhar Subramanian, Software Engineer, Infosys, Mysuru  2nd April 2016
12 Two - Day Workshop on “ISTQB Certification” Mr. Neeraj Kumar, CEO,TM Square, Bengaluru 1st & 2nd April 2016
13 Technical Talk about “Fundamentals of Java using Eclipse” Mr.Praveen K R , Technical Architect, Source Edge, Bengaluru 26th March 2016
14 Two-Day Workshop on “Learning Arduino” Mr. Ravishankar M P, Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE, Coorg Institute of Technology 14th and 15th March 2016
15 Technical Talk about “Cloud Computing” Mr.Kumaresan, Selvarajan, Enterprise Java and Big Data Architect, Data Matics , Bengaluru 15th March 2016
16 Technical talk on “Oracle Apps SCM (Supply Chain Management) & WMS (Warehouse Management System) - How it is used in our   day- to-day life and its effectiveness” Praveen Natarajan, Team Lead, Software Paradigms International, Mysuru 27th Feb 2016.
17 Technical talk on “Data Transmission using Bluetooth Technology” Mr.Suresh, Senior Engineer, Qualcomm, Bengaluru 13th Feb 2016.
18 Technical Talk about “Advanced C Programming” Vijaya Kumar R, Senior Test Analyst, Software Paradigms Infotech Pvt Ltd, Mysuru 13th Feb 2016.
19 Mini Project Symposium-2016 Dr. Ganga Prasad, Sr. Director, CDAC Solutions, Bengaluru. Mr. A Chandramouli, Manager, Yokogawa, Bengaluru 13th  February 2016
20 One day road show on “Internet of Things (IoT) Products” Mr. Ramraj Srinivasan, CEO, PREVA Systems Ltd, Bengaluru 9th Feb 2016.
21 “TGMC Awareness Program” Mr. Waseem Ahmed,  keystone,IBM Partner, Bangaluru 5th February 2016
22 Faculty Development Program about “Wireless Sensor Networks and IoT” - 27th and 28th Jan 2016


Faculty Publication

 Sl.No.  Name of the Faculty Paper Title Journal/Conference DOI/ ISSN Date
1 Dr. S Meenakshi Sundaram, Sowmya M Priority Based Energy Efficient Hybrid Cluster Routing Protocol (PB-EEHCRP) for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks’ Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing (AETiC) Journal - Under Review SCI Publication : Q2 - 2023
2 Dr. S Meenakshi Sundaram, Sowmya M Digital Twins enabling technologies, including Artificial Intelligence, Sensors, Cloud and Edge Computing, IGI Global Book chapter - 2023
3 Dr. Raviraj P An Insightful Analysis of Digital Forensics Efects on Networks and Multimedia Applications SN Computer Science(Springer) / Q2 Vol- 4:186, pp.1-8 2023
4 Dr. Raviraj P, Usha Rani J Real Time Human Detection for Intelligent Video Surveillance: An Empirical Research and In-depth Review of its Applications, SN Computer Science(Springer). Scopus indexed /Q2 - 2023
5 Dr. P. Raviraj, Vishwesh.J Improved Differential Evolution with Stacked Auto Encoder for EEG Motor Imagery Classification Indian Journal of Science and Technology Web of Science 16(6):391–400 2023
6 Madhu M Nayak An efficient hybrid classifier for MRI brain images classification using Machine Learnng based Naive Bayes algorithm SN Computer Science(Springer). Scopus indexed /Q2 DOI: 10.1007/s42979-022-01614-y 2023
7 Usharani J Real Time Human Detection for Intelligent Video Surveillance: An Empirical Research and In-depth Review of its Applications, SN Computer Science(Springer). Scopus indexed /Q2 - 2023
8 Harshitha B, Maria Rufina A Survey on Various Types of Cancer Detection using Machine Learning Algorithms Grenze International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Scopus Indexed Grenze ID: 01.GIJET.9.1.23 Jan 2023
9 Dr. Roopashree H R Energy Efficient Secure Key Management Scheme for Hierarchical Cluster Based WSN SN Computer Science(Springer). Scopus indexed /Q2 DOI: 10.58346/JISIS.2023.I2.009 May 2023
10 Rajashekar M B Dynamic Attribute Tree for the data encryption and third party auditing for cloud storage IJST Web of Science Journal Publication 2022
11 Rajashekar M B A Trust Model Approach for Improvement of Execution Time Employing Access Control Policies Using MA ABE Scheme Indian Journal of , Computer Science and Engineering - Accepted for Publication - Scopus Indexed Journal Web of Science Accepted 2022
12 Madhu M Nayak Effective MRI based brain tumour detection using modified U-NET model IEEE 2nd Mysore Sub Section International Conference (MysuruCon) DOI: 10.1109/MysuruCon55714.2022.9972503 Dec 22
13 Sowmya M Automatic Fish Feeding and Water Quality Management System using Internet of Things IEEE 2nd Mysore Sub Section International Conference (MysuruCon) DOI: 10.1109/MysuruCon55714.2022.9972432 Dec-22
14 Usharani J Regulation of Multi-Featured Sensory System for Remote Lab Management International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews - 2022
15 Harshitha B, Maria Rufina Comparison of Diferent Classifcation Algorithms for Prediction of Heart Disease by Machine Learning Techniques SN Computer Science Nov 2022
16 Amaresh A M An optimization technique designed to enhance the performance of metro rail management system SN Computer Science(Springer), ICACI 2022 - Dec-22
17 Sharada K
Insight Analysis of deep learning and a conventional standardized evaluation system for assessing rice crop's susceptibility to salt stress during the seedling stage SN Computer Science(Springer), DOI: 10.1007/s42979-022-01656-2 Dec-22
18 Asha Rani M,
Dr. Roopashree H R
A survey paper: An energy and secure aware routing protocol for wireless sensor network SN Computer Science(Springer), DOI: 10.1007/s42979-022-01647-3 Dec-22
19 Dr. Roopashree H R Data Aggregation Schemes to Achieve QoS for Hierarchical WSN SN Computer Science(Springer), - Dec-22
20 Dr. Roopashree H R Medical Decision Support System Using Data Mining Book Chapter - 2022
21 Dr. Roopashree H R Analytical and Integrated framework for privacy preservation of images in cloud ecosystem Indian Journal of Computer Science and Engineering - Dec-22
22 Dr. Roopashree H R Framework of Multiparty Computation for Higher Non-Repudiation in Internet-of-Things (IoT) International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications (IJCNA) - Dec-22
23 Shyleshwari M shetty,
Shravya G Gowda,
Rajani D,
Darshini M S
Analysis of Human Activity Detection Using Machine Learning Approaches SN Computer Science(Springer), Nov 2022
24 Asharani M,
Dr. Roopashree H R
A Survey Paper: An Energy and Secure Aware Routing Protocol for Wireles Sensor Network SN Computer Science (Springer). Scopus indexed /Q2 Nov 2022
25 Harshitha B,
Maria Rufina,
Shilpa B L
Systematic Pricing in Toll Roads using Unmanned Toll Collection Methods IJERT ISSN: 2278-0181 Aug-21
26 S Meenakshi Sundaram,
Tejaswini R M
Edge Computing for secured IoT Analytics on the cloud IGI Global Book chapter 10.4018/978-1-7998-9132- 1.ch010 2022
27 Technology based Innovation for business model innovation IGI Global Book chapter Book chapter Under Publictaion
28 Technology Road mapping for quantum computing and environment IGI Global Book chapter 10.4018/978-1-7998-9183-3 2022
29 Rajashekar M B Dynamic Attribute Tree for the data encryption and third party auditing for cloud storage IJST Accepted 2022
30 Vishwesh J Hybrid feature extraction for EEG moto imagery classification using multi-class SVM International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems(IJIES) Accepted 2022
31 Dr. S Meenakshi Sundaram,
Tejaswini R M
SVRGGA approach to investigate and predicte dynamic transformation amongst the nodes in the Distributed Systems International ournal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (IJEET) ISSN Online: 0976-6553 Jan-21
32 Dr. S Meenakshi Sundaram,
Manjula K
Handling Load intensive Applications Using Aneka Cloud Platform Integrated with Amazon EC2 Current Topics on Mathematics and Computer Science Book Chapter 10.9734/bpi/ctmcs/v4/9541 D 2021
33 Dr. Manjuprasad B Machine learning based analysis of pulse rate using Panchamahabhutas and IJIT - 2021
34 Dr Roopashree H R Design and development of efficient secure routing mechanism for wireless sensor network Lecture notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies Book Chapter - 2021
35 Madhu M Nayak Brain Tumour classification for MR images using convolution neural network with global average pooling International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems (IJIES) 10.22266/ijies2021.1231.05 2021
36 Rajashekar M B Enhanced CP-ABE with RSA for Secure and Revocable data transmission for big data in cloud International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems (IJIES) 10.22266/ijies20222.0430.05 2021
37 Ramya B N,
Amaresh A M,
Shyleshwari M Shetty
Smart Simon Bot with Public Sentiment Analysis for Novel Covid-19 Tweets stratification SN Computer Science - Feb-21
38 Dr P Raviraj “Vehicular Monitoring using RFID”, Advances in Automation, Signal Processing, Instrumentation and Control Book Chapter ISSN: 1876-1100, 2021
39 Vishwesh J,
Dr P Raviraj
“An Empirical Study and Analysis of Various Electroencephalography (EEG) Artefact Removal Methods”, Advances in Automation, Signal Processing, Instrumentation and Control, Studies in Computational Intelligence ISSN 1860-9503, 2021
40 Shilpa B L Combined deep learning classifiers for stock market prediction: integrating stock price and news sentiments Emerald insight ISSN:0368-492XNov 21 Nov 21
41 Rajath A N,
Shruthi B M,
Khateeja Ambareen,
Shreelakshmi C M
An Adaptive approach to detect face mask in real time using convolutional neural networks model IEEE Conference DOI: 978-1-6654-3272-6 Dec-21
42 Dr. S Meenakshi Sundaram Survey on underwater optical wireless communicaton prespectives and challenges IJEEC ISSN: 2502-4752, DOI-10,11591 Jan-19
43 Dr.P Raviraj Predicting Housing Prices using Machine Learning Techniques SAJREST ISSN: 2455-9261 Apr-19
44 Dr.P Raviraj Mobile Price prediction using Machine Learning Techniques SAJREST ISSN: 2455-9261 Apr-19
45 Dr.P Raviraj Prediction of Survivors in Titanic Dataset: A Compartive study using Machine Learning Algorithms SAJREST ISSN: 2455-9261 Apr-19
46 Rajshekar M B PREFOM-An application for predictive food quantity and excess food management NCMTCS-2019 - May-19
47 Tejaswini R M Survey on underwater optical wireless communicaton prespectives and challenges IJEEC ISSN: 2502-4752, DOI-:10,11591 Jan-19
48 Rajath A N Structure Extraction from Texture via Relative Total Variation NCMTCS-2019 - May-19
49 Rajath A N Automatic Parking Space Detection for ADAS NCMTCS-2019 - May-19
50 Shruthi B M Plant Disease Detection through Support Vector Machine NCMTCS-2019 - May-19
51 Anandhi G Sentimental Analysis of Product Reviews for E- Commerce websites IRJET ISSN: 2395- 0056 May-19
52 Anandhi G Handwriting Recognition using SVM method IJERT ISSN: 22/8- 0181 May-19
53 Dr. Roopashree H R Integrated framework for secure and energy efficient communication system in heterogeneous sensory application International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineerging ISSN: 2088- 8708 Aug-19
54 Dr. Roopashree H R Knowledge based Medical Decision Support System using Data Mining International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-1, Nov-19
55 Dr. ManjuPrasad B Lightweight Security Protocol for Efficient Information Transfer in Sensor Networks IJRTE ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-3 Sep-19



Dept. Activities

Technical Events - 2024-2025

Sl.NO Name of the events Resource person/ Guest Details Date of the event
1 3 Days Hands on Industrial Training Program on “Blockchain Essential: From wallets to smart Contracts” IROBO Automation PVT LTD 3rd Dec 2024 to 5th Dec 2024
2 3 Days Hands on Industrial Training Program on “CyberSec Bootcamp and CyberGuard” Mr. Amitthool, Managing Director, Daivik Apps, Mumbai 3rd Dec 2024 to 5th Dec 2024
3 2 Days Hands on Workshop on “Cyber Security and Pen Testing” Informative Sharing and Analysis Center, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 27th Nov 2024 & 28th Nov 2024
4 3 Days Bootcamp on “Mastering Django and AJAX for Interactive Applications Mr. Akshay P, Senior software Development Engineer, GALE, Bengaluru Mr. Sajid Dudekla, Software Engineer, Mysuru 3rd July 2024 to 5th July 2024

Technical Events - 2023-2024

Sl.NO Name of the events Resource person/ Guest Details Date of the event
1 5 days “AWS-Kyndryl Boot Camp “ Mr. Raj Mohanrs. Meenakshi Khanna 13th to 17th May 2024
2 Three Day FDP on "Full Stack Development" Dr. Vinay Kumar Venkataramana 23rd to 25th April 2024
3 Idea Competition: Igniting Innovation with IoT Ms. Roopa Gowdas. Nagalakshmi 24th Feb 2024
4 Department has organized the "IoT Hangman Challenge" event under the Iot Club Dr. Rajashekar M B 10th Feb 2024
5 3 Day Workshop on “Object Oriented Programming with JAVA” Mr. Amith Thool 8th, 9th and 10th January 2024.

Technical Events - 2022-2023

Sl.NO Title of event Resource Person Date of the event
1 Three Day Workshop on “Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Applications” Mr. Mahesh Deginal, Mr. Sunil Kumar S, and Mr. Harish N from Karunadu Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore 13th to 15th Dec 2023
2 Three day Workshop on " Introduction ML using Python " for IVth sem students Mr. Harish N, Mr. Sunil Kumar S, and Mahesh Deginal from Karunadu Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore 24th to 27th July 2023
3 Workshop on Application development Using Python Shivakumar M and Anusha B N Skill Up Academy. Mysuru 17th and 18th Feb 2023
4 Two days Workshop on " ADP" for III rd sem students Anusha B M, Software Engineer,Skill App Academy 17th to 18 Jan 2023
5 Workshop on Full Stack Web development with Spring MVC, Hibernate, jQuery Bootstrap using MySQl Jafar Pasha and Jamrud Khan, Veriteam Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Mysuru 9th,10th and 12th jan 2023
6 3rd International Conference on Adaptive Computational Intelligence Dr. Maode Ma Research Professor, Kindi Center for Computing Research College of Engineering, Qatar University, Doha Dr. Suppawong Tuarob, Professor, Dept of Computer Science, Mahidol University, Thailand 16th and 17th Dec 2022
7 Webinar on Intellectual Property Rights” Mr. Manuj Gangwar Examiner of Patents and designs, Chennai 20th july 2022

Technical Events - 2021-2022

Sl.NO Title of event Resource Person Date of the event
1 Workshop on " Building Machine Learning Application using Python for Data science" Mr. Amit Thool, Managing Director, Mr. Gaurav Singh, Founder & CEO,Mr. Ravish Rajput, Jr. Engineer, Drona Aviation Private Limited, Thane, Maharashtra 27th and 28th Aug 2022
2 One day seminar on “Emerging Technologies and Internship Opportunities” Mr. Supreeth Y S, CEO, Tequed Labs Bengaluru 15th Jun 2022
3 Workshop on " Building Internet of things using Arduino" Mr. Jagadeshwaran R, Technical Engineer of Enthu Technologies Solutions India Pvt Ltd 4th June 2022
4 Two days Workshop on " Building Internet of things using Arduino" Mr. Praveen Kumar R, Team Lead-Research and Development, Enthu Technology Solutions Coimbatore 2nd and 3rd June 2022
5 Technical talk on "How to develop real time database projects " Santhosh M, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru 5th Jan 2022
6 Technical talk on "How to design database for real world problems" Ravi Kumar V G, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE., GSSSIETW, Mysuru 3rd Dec 2021
7 Technical Talk on "Python for real time projects" Dr.Manjuprasad B, Associate Professor, Department of CSE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru 29th Nov 2021
8 Technical seminar on IPR under CSI & IQAC Cell Dr.Gururaj K S, Professor, Department Of CSE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru 27th Nov 2021
9 Technical talk on "Design Thinking: Get started with Prototype" Dr.Raviraj.P, Professor, Department Of CSE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru 27th Nov 2021

Technical Events - 2020-2021

Sl.NO Title of event Resource Person Date of the event
1 One Day Technical Symposium “Techno Spectrum-2021” Dept of CSE, GSSSIETW Mysuru in association with CSI Mysuru and Bengaluru 22nd Dec 2021
2 Webinar on Applications of Python Mr. Raghu Prasad Konandur, CEO, Kaushalya Technical Training and Consultancy Services, Bengaluru 22nd Oct 2021
3 Webinar on "Fundamental of DBMS Project Implementation” Dr. Manjuprasad B, Associate Professor, Dept. Of CSE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru 24th Dec 2020
4 Webinar on Project Development Life Cycle Dr. Guru Raj, Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru 11th Nov 2020
5 Webinar on Fingerprint Science in Crime scene investigation Mrs. Savitha A V, Sub Inspector, Central Finger Print Bureau, New Delhi 7th Nov 2020
6 Webinar on "Fundamental of DBMS Project Implementation” Dr. Manju Prasad, Associate Professor, Dept. of CSE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru 24th Oct 2020
7 Webinar on DBMS and SQL Ravi Kumar V G, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru 24th Oct 2020
8 Webinar on Applications of Machine Learning Mr. Raghu Prasad Konandur, CEO, Kaushalya Technical Training and Consultancy Services, Bengaluru 23rd Oct 2020
9 10 Days Outcome Based Certification Course On “Full Stack Web Application Development - 1.O” Dr. Manjuprasad B, Associate Professor, Dept. Of CSE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru 10th to 19th Aug 2020

Technical Events - 2019-2020

Sl.NO Title of event Resource Person Date of the event
1 Online webinar on “Deep Neural Networks” Ms.Anusha G C, Research scholar, National college of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland 19th May 2020
2 Online webinar on "Laziness and Procrastination" Mr. Syed Aejaz, CEO, 18th May 2020
3 SDP on Real time C Programming Applications Mr.Sumal Raj & Ms.Ramya, Inov Technologies, Mysuru 2nd Dec 2019
4 Technical Talk: "Recent Trends and Developments in Software Testing Methodologies” Mrs. Supriya N J, Software Technologist, Philips, Bengaluru 26th Aug 2019
5 3 Day Workshop on " Android Application Development" for 5th sem students Mr. Amit Thool, Managing Director, Mr. Gaurav Singh, Founder & CEO, Mr. Lio Varghese, Technical Associate, Dalvik Apps Mumbai. 22nd to 24th Aug 2019
6 One day workshop on “ Cyber Security and Financial Frauds” Mr. Purnendu Singh, Director Strategy and Operation with Cyber peace foundation, New Delhi 21st Aug 2019
7 One day technical seminar on “Bridging the gap between Academia and Industry” Mr. Ravi Kiran, Business, SAP, Bengaluru 17th Aug 2019
8 International Conference on Adaptive Computational Intelligence - ICACI 2019 in Technical Collaboration with Springer Prof. Shen-Ming Chen, Distinguished Professor, National Taipal University of Technology, Talwan Dr. Joseph Emerson Raja, Multimedia University Malaysia Dr. C P Gupta, IIT Roorkee, India 18th to 19th July 2019

Technical Events - 2018-2019

Sl.NO Title of event Resource Person Date of the event
1 3 days workshop on”Arduino Development Environment with Android Mobiles”, Mr. Sateesh Giri, Managing Director, and Mr. Kiran M K, Embedded Programmer, Mysgenius Software solutions, Mysuru 21st – 23rd March 2019
2 Technical Talk on “RDBMS and SQL19” Mr. Pramodi Kulkarni, Senior project Engineer bengaluru 9th Feb 2019
3 3 days workshop on “Network Forensics” Ms. Nethra Gowda and Ms. Manjushree Mashal, Developer, Nihon communication solutions Bengaluru. 29th -31st October 2018
4 Applications of Object Oriented Programming and JAVA Mr. Dinesh Kumar, Programmer and Mr. Nandish Kumar, Developer iQuest Bengaluru. 26th – 28th September 2018
5 Technical Talk on “Software Testing”. Mr. Venkatesh Sehhadri, Founder and Director, Test Crucible, Bengaluru 19th Sep 2018
6 Technical talk on “Information storage and Management” Mrs. Nischitha Devraj, Senior Infrastructure Engineer, Vmware Software Limited, Bengaluru. 10th March 2018
7 Technical talk on “Information Technology Process and Outcome” Mr. Praveen Natarajan, Team Lead, Info Vision, Mysuru 10th March 2018
8 Technical talk on “Basics of Java” Mr. Pradeep Kumar G M, Software Engineer. L & T, Mysuru 3rd March 2018

Sponsored Projects

 Sl.No.  Sponsoring Agent Title  Grant Proposed By Duration
 1  Vision Group on Science and Technology (VGST), Govt. of Karnataka  Smart Systems and IoT Laboratory Rs. 30 Lakhs Dr. S. Meenakshi Sundaram, Professor and Head, Dept. of CSE 3 Years (2016-19)
 2  Vision Group on Science and Technology(VGST), Govt. of Karnataka  Underwater Robotic Fish for Surveillance and Pollution Monitoring Rs.5 Lakhs Dr. Raviraj P, Professor, Dept. of CSE 1 Year (2018-19)
 3  Sanction of Student Project KSCST - 45th Series, IISC, Bengaluru   Monitor And Control Sensors In The Greenhouse Using Lora Technology Rs. 6000 Students: Ms. Ananya P Ms. Gunitha L Ms. Monisha V Ms. N Madhumitha Guide: Dr. Manjuprasad B 2021-22
 4  Sanction of Student Project KSCST - 45th Series, IISC, Bengaluru  Detection Of Queen Bee Using Sound Analysis Rs. 6000 Students: Ms. Ananya P Ms. Gunitha L Ms. Monisha V Ms. N Madhumitha Guide: Mr. Ravi Kumar V G 2021-22
 5  Sanction of Student Project KSCST - 46th Series, IISC, Bengaluru   Iot for Detection of Milk Adulteration based Milk Monitoring System Rs. 5000 Students:Ms.Meghana R Gowda Ms.Ayesha Siddiqua Ms.Keerthi M Ms.Lavanya R Guide: Mrs. Sowmya M 2022-23
 6  Innovative Project Assistance VTU, Belagavi  Regulation of Multi-featured Sensory System in Laboratories Rs. 5000 Students:Ms. Ashley Anisha T Ms. Bhargavi J Ms. K Jog Sai Vaibhav Ms. Mahima P Guide: Mrs. Usha Rani J 2021-22
 7  Innovative Project Assistance VTU, Belagavi  Road Accident Severity Detection Using Iot And Machine Learning Rs. 5000 Students:Ms. Nayana S H Ms. Ganavi P C Ms. Monisha O Ms. Manjula Sai Vaishnavi Guide: Mr. Santhosh M 2021-22
 8  FOSS, VTU, Belagavi  Design and Development of Intelligent Phishing Detection and Prevention System Rs. 5000 Students:Nisha KM Chandana R Gowda Nehal B Deepanjali Guide: Dr. S. Meenakshi Sundaram 2019
 9  Innovative Project Assistance VTU, Belagavi  Cloud based IoT system to analyze and control vehicular emissions Rs. 5000 Students:Mayuri Hangarge Aparna S Bandekar Divya Chatty Guide: Dr. Manjuprasad B 2019
 10  Innovative Project Assistance VTU, Belagavi  Virtual fencing using Yolo agricultural processing monitoring using IOT Rs. 5000 Students:Sahana A Shreya R Shringa K C Sneha S Narayan Guide: Prof. Gururaj K S 2019
 11  Sanction of Student Project KSCST -43rd Series, IISC, Bengaluru  XBEE Based Voice Controlled Wireless Smart Home Rs. 4000 Students:PG Rakshitha B H Divyashree M Guide: Mrs.Khateeja Ambareen 2019-20
 12  Sanction of Student Project KSCST -43rd Series, IISC, Bengaluru  Nadi Nidan Based on Panchamahabhutas using IoT & Machine Learning Rs. 4000 Students:Damini Niranjan Kavya M Neethi K T Prarthan K M Guide: Dr. Manjuprasad B 2019-20
 13  Sanction of Student Project KSCST -43rd Series, IISC, Bengaluru  Design & Development of a Sensor Based Jacket for Women’s Safety Using IoT Rs. 4000 Students:Aishwarya C J Bhavana S Chaitra M Anusha R Guide: Prof. Gururaj K S 2019-20
 14  Sanction of Student Project KSCST -43rd Series, IISC, Bengaluru  Automatic Fish Feeding & Water Quality Management System Using IoT Rs. 4000 Students:A Vishma Somaiah Keerthana B Grantha Bojappa J Kavyashree M P Guide: Mrs. Tejaswini R M 2019-20
 15  Sanction of Student Project KSCST - 46th Series, IISC, Bengaluru   Unusual Crowd Activity Detection using Opencv and Motion Influence Rs. 4000 Students:Ms.Thanmayi Y Ms.Suraksha M Ms.Varshitha V Guide: Mrs. Asha Rani M 2022-23
 16  Sanction of Student Project KSCST -44th Series, IISC, Bengaluru  Face Mask detection using CNN Model Rs. 3000 Students:Ms.Babli R Ms. Lahari C L Ms. Monica V Guide: Mr. Rajath A N 2020-21
 17  Sanction of Student Project KSCST -44th Series, IISC, Bengaluru  Monitoring Social Distance for covid-19 Prevention Rs. 3000 Students:Ms. H N Isiri Ms. C Disha Mandanna Ms. Niharika V Ms. Ganashree K R Guide: Mr. Asha Rani M 2020-21


Placement Statistics of 3 Academic Years

1. 2023-24 2022-23 2021-22
Total number of Students 132 135 137
Total number of Students Eligible for Placements 123 122 131
Total number of Placement Offers 119* 199 246
Total number of Students Placed 91* 102 127
Percentage of Placements 73.98% 83.60% 96.94%
Highest Salary Package 29.1 Lakhs 20 Lakh 21.4 Lakhs
Average Salary Package 8.44 LPA 8.06 LPA 5.3 LPA
No. Premium Offers (6 LPA & Above) 58* 75 68
Top 5 Premium Companies
  • Pure Storage
  • Amazon (AWS)
  • HPE R&D
  • ANZ
  • Mercedes-Benz
  • Samsung R&D
  • HPE- R&D
  • Lululemon
  • Dell Technologies (IT)
  • Content Stack
  • Amazon(AWS)
  • Lowe's India
  • Western Digital Corporation (WDC)
  • Lululemon
  • ANZ
Top 5 Mass Hiring Companies
  • Boeing
  • Volvo
  • Mindsprint
  • Trianz Digital
  • L&T Technology Services
  • Accenture
  • Cognizant
  • Capgemini
  • E&Y (GDS)
  • Kyndryl
  • Accenture
  • DXC Technology
  • Cognizant
  • Capgemini
  • E&Y (GDS)

Placement Details 2023-24

Placement | GSSSIETW


Best Accredited Student Branch Award

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GSSSIETW CSI – Student Branch

GSSSIETW-CSI Student Branch is approved by the Computer Society of India, Chennai on 23rd April 2015. There are 600+ student members in the GSSSIETW-CSI Student Branch. The aim of the GSSSIETW-CSI Student Branch is to enhance the Technocratic values of the Students. The Educational Institution Membership number is M10040.

About CSI (Computer Society of India)

Formed in 1965, the CSI has been instrumental in guiding the Indian IT industry down the right path since its formative years. Today, the CSI has 72 chapters all over India, 511 student branches, and more than 100000 members including India’s most famous IT industry leaders, brilliant scientists and dedicated academicians.


  • Exposure with Industrial Professionals to groom a career path.
  • Unifying Technical Reviews with the Recent Technologies.
  • Certification and Training Programs at Discounted Rates.
  • A Great Chance to be nominated as the Best Student Paper in CSI Communications.
  • Inducing and Inculcating Leadership Qualities.


  • Students will be recognized by CSI membership identity card.
  • Student’s knowledge will be enhanced through technology update activities under CSI.
  • Students will be able to publish and access technical articles through CSI magazines, newsletter and conferences.
  • Students are motivated for research activities.
  • Leadership and team work qualities will be developed among students.

In-house Events under Computer Society of India (CSI)

Sl.No Event Name Resource Persons Details Event Type Event Date
1 Three day boot camp on “IoT” Jagadeswaran R, Sr. Technical engineer, Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd. Pragathish S, Technical Engineer, Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd. Bootcamp 7-10-2024
1 Three day Workshop on “Introduction to Machine learning using Python Mr. Harish N, Founder and CTO at Karunadu Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore Workshop 24-07-2023
1 Two-Day Workshop on “Building Machine Learning Applications using Python for Data Science”

Mr. Amit Thool, Associate partner, Drona Aviation Private Limited,
Mr. Gaurav Singh, Associate partner, Drona Aviation Private Limited,
Mr. Ravish Rajput, Jr. Engineer, Drona Aviation Private Limited, Thane, Maharashtra

Workshop 27-07-2022 and
2 Two-Day workshop on “Building Internet of Things applications using LoRaWAN”

Mr. Satheesan and Jagadeswaran R Technical Engineers of Enthu Technology Solutions India Pvt. Ltd, Coimbatore

Workshop 2-06-2022 and
1 One day Technical Symposium “TECHNO SPECTRUM - 2021”

Mrs. Supriya Salian, Managing Director, PLANSEE India High Performance Materials Pvt. Ltd, Mysuru, and Dr. Vinay Kumar V, Founder Director,  IVIS Labs Private Limited, Mysuru,

Technical Competition 22nd December 2021
2 “WIMAC HACK 2021”

Mr. Venkatesha B G, Adobe Certified AEM Developer, Senior Software Engineer, Integral Coach Factory, Bengaluru-560029
Mr. Panish D T, System Software Engineer, Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions, Bengaluru-560095
Mr. Santosh Kori, Founder and Managing Director, E-Park Research Centre , Mysuru-570022
Guest of Honor : Mr. Thejesh P, CEO & Founder, Loginware Softtec Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru- 560060

 Hackathon 10th, 11th and 12th  July 2021 
3 Webinar on “Overview of IBM Netezza Data warehouse for Analytics”

Dr. Shamila Ebenezer
Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences (Deemed to be a University), Coimbatore

 Webinar  21st November 2020
1 Three Day Workshop on “Android Application Development” Mr. Amit Thool, Managing Director, Dalvik Apps, Mumbai,            Mr. Gaurav Singh, Founder & CEO, We Can Educational Organization, Mumbai and Mr. Lijo Varghese, Technical Associate, Dalvik Apps, Mumbai Workshop 22nd to 24th August 2019
2 Three Day Workshop on “Industry oriented problem solving and application building using data structures” Mr. Krishnanand S H, Research Engineer, Amphisoft Technologies, Mysuru and Karthikeyan, Senior Research Engineer, Amphisoft Technologies, Mysuru Workshop 17th to 19th September 2019
3 4th National Level Technical Competitions “TECHNO SPECTRUM-2019” Mr. Ravindra Patil, Sr. Scientist, Healthcare Solutions, Research India, Philips Innovation Campus, Bengaluru, Guest of Honour Mr. Supreeth Y S, Co Founder and CEO, Tequed Labs, Bengaluru Technical Competition 16th October 2019  
1 Two Day Workshop on "Building Internet of Things applications using Raspberry Pi and Asduino" Mr. Gautham Raj G,Senior Engineer, Enthu Technology Solutions, Coimbatore Workshop 29th to 30th March 2019
2 Three Day Workshop on “Hands-on Training on Computer Network;Security: Issues; Challenges” Mr. Pradeep G, Principle Solution Adviser, Cisco Systems, Bengaluru Workshop 07th, 08th, 09th March 2019
3 Report of Three Day Workshop on “Android Application Development” Mr. Amit Thool, Managing Director, Dalvik Apps, Mumbai, Mr. Gaurav Singh, Founder & CEO, We Can Educational;Organization, Mumbai and Mr. Siddharth More, Operation Head, Dalvik Apps, Mumbai Workshop 24th to 26th September 2018
4 Technical Talk on “Mobile Application Development” Mr. Shanthakumar M V, Infosys Technologies Ltd, Bengaluru Technical Talk 8th September 2018
5 Five Day FDP on“Recent Advances in Machine Learning” Dr. Dinesh R, Principal Engineer, Samsung, Dr. Mohammed Imran, Senior Data Scientist of Ejyle Technologies, Bengaluru and Dr. Chethan Kumar B M, Lead Engineer of Samsung, Bengaluru FDP 17th to 21st July 2018
1 Technical Talk on “Software Testing – Approaches and Methods” Mr. Neeraj Kumar Singh, Managing Director, TM Square Technology Solutions, Bengaluru Technical Talk 10th February 2018
2 "Three Day Workshop on “Challenges in Enterprise Network Security” Mr. Pradeep G, Network Security Consultant and Corporate Trainer, SLVIS Networking, Bengaluru Workshop 29th, 30th & 31st January 2018
3 Three Day Workshop on “Android Application and its Security Mr. Pankaj Kumar, MD and CEO, Emporis Software Solutions, Bengaluru Workshop 23rd, 24th & 25th Jan 2018
4 One Day Workshop on “Computer Hardware, Networking, Open Source Software’s & Programming Skills” In house Department faculties Workshop 23rd September 2017
5 Three Day Workshop on “Database Programming with SQL and PL/SQL” Mr. KS Manjunatha, Founder & CEO, iQuest, Mysuru, Mr. BL Dinesh Murthy, Senior Automation Architect, Honeywell Corporation,Bengaluru,Mr. Krishna Reddy B.G, Corporate Trainer(IBM Oracle, Honeywell) Workshop 21st, 22nd, and 23rd August 2017
6 Three Day Workshop on “Object Oriented Programming” Mr. Pankaj Kumar, Managing Director and CEO, Emporis Software Solutions LLP, Bengaluru,Mr. Byra Reddy, Senior Trainee, Emporis Software Solutions, Bengaluru,Mr Ashish Kumar, Android Developer and Mr. Sandip Mukharjee, Web Developer Workshop 16th to 18th August 2017
7 Three Day Workshop on “Integrated Software Testing” Mr. Neeraj Kumar Singh, Managing Director, TM Square Technology Solutions, Bengaluru andMr. Sumit Wankhede, Senior Trainee, TM Square Technology Solutions, Bengaluru Workshop 10th to 12th August 2017
1 Technical Talk on “Project Development Life Cycle” Nischalananda G M, Technology Analyst, Infosys, Mysuru Technical Talk 22nd April 2017
2 Two Day Workshop on “Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security” Mr. Sharath B Bhat, Founder and Director , RevEngg, Benagluru Workshop 27th and 28th March 2017
3 Three Day Workshop on “Challenges in Enterprise Network Envirnoment” Mr. Kishore Babu, Sr. IT Support Engineer, Computer Solutions East Pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru, and Mr. Pradeep G, Network Security Consultant and Corporate Trainer, SLVIS Networking, Bengaluru Workshop 20th, 21st, and 23rd Jan 2017
4 Three day workshop on “.Net Applications” Sumal Raj M, Chief Executive Officer, Inov-Tec Software Solutions, Mysuru Workshop 07th to 09th November 2016
5 Technical Talk on “Brief Overview on 2G/3G Communication” Shamila L, Technology Consultant, HP, Bengaluru Technical Talk 22nd October 2016
6 Technical Talk on “Oracle Apps (Warehouse System Management)” Praveen Natrajan, Senior Software Engineer, SPI, Mysuru Technical Talk 08th October 2016
7 Technical Talk on “Android Studio” Karthik G, VSG Software Solutions, Mysuru Technical Talk 10th September 2016
8 Technical Talk on “Unix Shell Scripting” Madhusudan CK, Senior Software Engineer. Alcatel-Lucent, Bengaluru Technical Talk 24th September 2016
9 Code Igniter-2016 Mr.Rajesh Kutnikar, CEO, IT Champs Software Pvt. Ltd, Mysuru, and Mrs. Aruna Devi, Hon. Secretary, CSI-Mysore Chapter National Level Coding Competition 27th August 2016


 Intercollegiate Events under Computer Society of India (CSI)

Sl.No Event Name Event Type Sem Event Date
1 Region V Student Convention organized at MIT,Thandavapura, Mysuru Region V Student Convention 4th, 6th 14th & 15th of February 2020
2 33rd CSI Karnataka Student Convention State Student Convention 4th, 6th 28th & 29th February 2020
1 “32nd CSI Karnataka Student Convention”, Cambridge Institute of Technology (CIT), Bengaluru, Karnataka. State Student Convention 4th, 6th, 8th 01th and 02nd March 2019
2 “Mr Ms CSI-Mysore” at CIIL (Central Institute of Indian Languages), Mysuru. Region Level Quiz 4th, 6th 12th March 2019
1 “CSI National Level Student Convention”, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College (SREC), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu National level quiz 6th 16th and 17th March 2018
2 One Day National Seminar on “Indian Language Computing”, SJC, Mysuru  National Seminar 6th 27th March 2018
3 “Code Arena”, ATME, Mysuru National level quiz 7th, 5th, 3rd 3rd November 2017
4 “31st CSI Karnataka Student Convention”, CIT, Gubbi, Tumkur Student Convention 5th, 3rd 13th and 14th October 2017
1 National Convention and Conference on Digital Economy (NCDE-2017)”, MLRIT, Hyderabad National Convention 6th, 8th 6th and 7th April 2017
2 “30th CSI Karnataka Student Convention”, KSIT, Bengaluru Student Convention 7th, 5th 10th, 11th, 12th November 2016


IoT Lab

Innovative Smart System and IoT Laboratory

Vision Group on Science and Technology (VGST), Department of Information Technology, Biotechnology and Science & Technology, Government of Karnataka has sanctioned a grant of Rs. 30 Lakhs under CISEE program for the proposal titled “Establishment of Innovative Smart System and IoT Laboratory”, Dr. S. Meenakshi Sundaram, Professor & Head, Dept. of CSE, Programme Coordinator for this Proposal.
Currently 07 Faculty Researchers involved in various research activities and 100+ from various departments are utilizing this lab for doing Mini Projects, Main Projects and Competition Participation purposes.

Students Achievements:

University Level:

  • Chandana R Gowda, Deepanjali B I, Nehal Bopaiah, Nisha K M , received Rs. 5,000 Project assistance for the Project Titled “ Design and Development of Intelligent Phishing Detection and Prevention System” by VTU FOSS Competition, 2019.
  • Aparna S Bandekar, Divya Chatty, Mayuri M Hangarge, received Rs. 5,000 Project assistance for the Project Titled “Cloud-Based IoT System to Analyse and Control Vehicular Emissions” by VTU Innovative Project Competition, 2019.

Industry Level - Xelerate Project Awards 2019:

  • Aparna S Bandekar, Divya Chatty, Mayuri M Hangarge, represented GSSSIETW with a Project Titled “Cloud-Based IoT System to Analyse and Control Vehicular Emissions”- Qualified for the final round
  • Chinmayi S, Chakravarthy, Megha G P, Ranjana Nikam N, Nischitha R, represented GSSSIETW with a Project Titled “An IoT Based Secure Smart Office” – Qualified up to 3rd Level

Inter College Level:

  • 02 Best Paper Awards - 14th National Conferences at SJBIT, Bangalore and Project Symposium at GSSSIETW, Mysuru
  • One UGC Journal Publication
  • 07 Conference Presentation by the Students
  • Website Designed by 2nd Year Students for this lab
  • Automatic Juice vending dispenser with e-payment – By Student of EIE, Department

Faculty Achievements: 


Real-time Projects/Prototypes

Designed and Deployed 

Faculty Involved in Research

RFID Based Lab Attendance Log System

Dr. Manjuprasad B, Dept. of CSE 
2 Automatic Fruit Salad Vending Machine using E-payment 

Dr. Manjuprasad B- CSE
Ms. Nagalakshmi –EIE 

3 Automatic Butter Milk Vending Machine using E-payment 

Dr. Manjuprasad B- CSE
Ms. Nagalakshmi –EIE 

4 Smart Zone for ROBO PROCESSION for Geethayaana 2019 Curtain Raiser 

Dr. Manjuprasad B- CSE, Ms. Nagalakshmi –EIE
Mrs. Sushma S J – ECE, Mr. Nagesh – EIE
Mr. Basavanna- TCE 

5 IoT Based Smart Watering System  Dr. Manjuprasad B, Dept. of CSE 

 RFID Based Lab Attendance Log System 


iotlab2 iotlab3

Other Real-time Projects:




Students Project - 2020:


Team Members

Branch Project Titles  Major Components Using Project Application

Damini Niranjan,
Kavya M,
Neethi K T,
Prarthan K M

 CSE  Nadi Nidan using IoT and Machine Learning

Raspberry Pi module
Pulse rate sensor
Piezoelectric sensor 

 Disease diagnosis using concepts of Tridosha and Panchamahabhutas based on Ayurveda
2  Nisarga H S, Nithya P, Rekha Seervi  CSE   Iot based smart system to monitor the psychological stress and indoor environmental parameters using succulent plants   Raspberry Pi,MQ135  Analyzing and monitoring environmental factors affecting employees, students working in In-door Environments

Aishwarya C J,
Bhavana S,
Anusha R,
Chaitra M, 

CSE  Design and Development of a Sensor based Jacket for Women's Safety using IoT   

Capacitance Switch Sensor
Force Sensor
Raspberry pi camera module
DC motor

 For Women Safety and Security

A Vishma Somaiah,
Grantha Bojappa J,
Kavyashree M P,
Keerthana B 

CSE  Automatic Fish Feeding and Water Quality Management System using IoT 

Raspberry pi
Temperature, Humidity, pH sensors 

Specifically useful in fish farms and aquarium to monitor water quality and feeding system.

Rachana J,
Rachana K,
Vismaya M

CSE  An IoT Based Smart Indoor Vertical Farming

raspberry pi
soil moisture sensor
light sensor
ultra sonic sensor
accessible wifi module

Urban Indoor Cultivation , Indoor Botanical Garden
6 Dheeksha Raj, Rashmi M, Tejashwini MS, Lakshmi H R  CSE    Digital payment based on vending machine for dispending stationary items Raspberry Pi, stepper motor  Instead of going for stationary we can buy an item in department 

Pavana T L,
Shrija H S,
Sinchana K S,
Sindhu D

 CSE   Design and development of Voice based assistant system for institute Raspberry Pi, Speakers, Microphone Based on the data and training, the voice assistant can be Implemented in any institution, company, hospitals, tourist place.

Safa Anam,

CSE  Design and development of Smart Library System using Mobile Application Android Studio Decentralized Mobile app based Library Management System
9 Rakshitha M.Tech in CSE  Smart home automation using ZigBee Motes ZigBee, Arduino and Sensors Research Application
10 Divya M.Tech in CSE  Object Recognition using Tensor Flow Python, Tensor Flow Research Application

Students Working on Projects






Projects -2019

Sl. No.


Project Guide Project Title Components Using in IoT Lab Achievements


Dr. S Meenakshi Sundaram

Design and Development of Intelligent Phishing Detection and Prevention System Computers

VTU FOSS Competition Awardees

One Conference Publication




Dr. P. Raviraj

An IoT Based Secure Smart Office Raspberry pi, PIR sensor, camera module, servo motor.

Selected for BITES - Xcelerator Project Award

One Conference Publication



Gururaj K S

Cluster computing using raspberry pi Raspberry pi One Conference Publication


 Dr. Manjuprasad B Cloud based IoT-system to analyze and monitor vehicular emissions ETS model with Raspberry Pi,MQ7 sensor,MQ135 sensor, connecting devices, Arduino

Finalist in Xcelerator Project Award

Received Best Paper Award at 14th National Conferences at SJBIT, Bangalore

One UGC Journal Publication



Ravi Kumar V G Smart agriculture system to detect flames using IoT and DIP Flame sensor, smoke sensor, ETS Kit, connecting devices, web cam One Conference Publication
M.Tech in CSE
6 4GW17SCS02 Khateeja A “Predicting the Energy Star Score Using Machine Learning Technique”
7 4GW18SCS01 Dr. Manjuprasad B Agricultural Application ETS Sense Node and Sensors
8 4GW18SCS02 Forest Fire Monitoring LoRa and Sensors


Utilization of the “Innovative Smart System and IoT Laboratory” -2019



Number of Students Purpose 


  • 05 In-house Projects
  • IoT Hackathon
  • MSME Innovative Idea Presentation Competition
  • Innovative Curtain Raiser for Geethayaana 2019
  • Smart Zone Real-time Application


 Industry Project Assistance



 Automatic Juice Vending Machine during College Technical Fest



 GBOT – The RoBo Procession during College Technical Fest

5 MBA 02  IoT based Business Idea Presentation
6 M.Tech in CSE 03
  • 2 Mini Projects
  • 1 Main Project

Events Organized:



Details of Activities  Conducted No. of Students/ Faculty benefited

20th & 21st August 2018

FDP on “Industrial Applications of IoT” 40 Faculty Members
2 29th  & 30th  March 2019

Building Internet of Things Applications using Raspberry Pi & Arduino”

137 Students of final year

126 Students of Second year

3 10th to 12th July, 2019

SDP on Insight to IoT using Arduino and Node MCU

45 students attended the SDP during the vacation


SDP on Insight to IoT using Arduino and Node MCU, Delivered by

 Dr. Manjuprasad B, and Ms. Nagalakshmi TS, 10th to 12th July, 2019

Components Available:

Computing Nodes: 

  • ETS IoT Kits – Raspberry PI with 10 On Board Sensors 
  • LoRa Kits – Arduino Boards with additional Sensors, LoRa Gateway
  • ETS Node- ESP8266 with on board DTH Sensor
  • XBee Nodes – Inbuilt ZigBee Antenna 
  • Bluetooth Development Kit

iotlab12 iotlab13 iotlab14

iotlab17 iotlab15


  • Temperature Sensor
  • Proximity Sensor
  • Accelerometer
  • IR Sensor (Infrared Sensor)
  • Pressure Sensor
  • Light Sensor
  • Ultrasonic Sensor
  • Moisture Sensor
  • Smoke, Gas and Alcohol Sensor
  • Humidity Sensor
  • Tilt Sensor
  • Float Sensor
  • Rain Sensor
  • Sound Sensor
  • Magnetic Door
  • Buzzer
  • Current Sensor
  • Voltage Sensor
  • Fire Sensor
  • Voltage Sensor

Networking Interface:

  • Bluetooth
  • Zigbee
  • Wi-Fi
  • LAN

News Letters

"ARChiS" is a bi-annual newsletter published by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, GSSSIETW, Mysuru. The newsletter showcases all the activities and achievements of the department. The newsletter is prepared by faculty editors which contains the achievement of the students and staff members along with the details of Placement Statistics, Best Projects, Students Academic toppers, Research centre accomplishments and events organized on topics relevant to IT industry advancements in the field of technology .

For more details, please click the Newsletter content which was published below since 2017 to till date.

Departmental News Letter Even semester 2022-23 Click Here

Departmental News Letter ODD semester 2022-23Click Here

Departmental News Letter EVEN semester 2022Click Here

Annual Report 2020-21: Click Here

Departmental News Letter ODD semester 2021: Click Here

Departmental News Letter EVEN semester 2021: Click Here

Departmental News Letter ODD semester 2020: Click Here

Departmental News Letter EVEN semester 2020: Click Here

Departmental News Letter ODD semester 2019 : Click Here

Departmental News Letter EVEN semester 2019 : Click Here

Departmental News Letter ODD semester 2018 : Click Here

Departmental News Letter EVEN semester 2018 : Click Here 

Departmental News Letter ODD semester 2017  : Click Here 


One Day state level Mini Project Expo event “MicroVision-Big Ideas in Small Projects” in association with the CSI Chapter and IEEE CS Student Chapter (SBC17861c) on 6th December 2024

Three Day Hands on Industrial Training Program on "Blockchain Essentials: From Wallets to Smart Contracts" for 3rd Semester Students from 3rd to 5th December 2024 by IROBO AUTOMATION PVT LTD

Three Day Hands on Industrial Training Program on "CyberSec Bootcamp and CyberGuard ”for Vth Semester Students from 3rd to 5th December 2024 by Dalvik Apps, Mumbai

Industrial Visit to Software Technology Parks of India, Bengaluru for 3rd semester CSE students on 2nd December 2024

Two Day Hands-on workshop on "Cyber Security and Pen Testing" by Information Sharing and Analysis Center, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, for 3rd Semester Students from 27th and 28th November 2024

Industrial Visit to ITI Limited, Bengaluru on 27th July 2024 for 4th Semester Students

Industrial Visit to Kyndryl, Bengaluru on 22nd July 2024

3 Day Bootcamp on “Mastering Django and AJAX for Interactive Applications” from 3rd to 5th July 2024 for 6th semester Students

Three Day FDP on "Full Stack Development" from 23rd to 25th April 2024

Idea Competition: Igniting Innovation with IoT on 24th Feb 2024

Department has organized the "IoT Hangman Challenge" event under the Iot Club on 10th Feb 2024

STEM Aspire Event at DELL Technologies, Bengaluru on 7th Feb 2024

Industrial Visit to Infosys Mysuru for 3rd semester, Dept. of CSE on 24th January 2024

Industrial Visit to System Consultant Information India, Tumkur for 5th semester, Dept. of CSE on 22nd December 2023

Three Day Workshop on “Introduction to Machine learning using Python

Industrial visit to U R Rao Satellite Center, Bengaluru on 5th July 2023 for 4th Semester students

HPE-SwarmIT-2023 Hackathon on 6th April 2023

Industrial Visit to HCCB Bidadi, Bengaluru on 6th Dec 2022 for 5th Semester Students


Industrial Visit to SAP LABS, Bengaluru on 10th Nov 2022 for 7th Semester Students


Industrial Visit to CDAC Bengaluru on 4th July 2022


Workshop on "Building Machine Learning Applications using Python for Data Science"






Online webinar on "Laziness and Procrastination

Laziness and ProcrastinationLaziness and Procrastination


Dr.Raviraj.P, B.E, M.Tech., Ph.D

Professor & HOD

Department of CSE

GSSS Institute Of Engineering & Technology For Women

Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone : 0821-4257304/305.(EXT-204)


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