Accredited Branches
by NBA, New Delhi
(Validity up to June 2026)
(Validity up to June 2027)


Accredited with A Grade

CET Code: E133
COMEDK Code: E055

Electrical & Electronics Engineering - Accredited by NBA, New Delhi (Validity: 01.06.2021 - 30.06.2024 & 30.06.2024 - 30.06.2027)


About The Department :

Intake of the Department = 60


EEE Department


  • Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA).
  • The department has 13 staff member with 4 Ph.Ds, and 3 are pursuing Ph.D in various disciplines. Staff members are active in research work and have published research papers in reputed journals.
  • Students enroll for mini projects from their 2nd year of study on a social relevant project of their design or work on Agricultural, Industrial projects. There is also funding through various agencies for students whose projects have an innovative and entrepreneurial focus.
  • The department encourages the students to participate in the International/National Conferences/workshops, to showcase the knowledge or to imbibe valuable professional development opportunities.
  • Students from department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering acquire knowledge in core, software and hardware domain to face the challenges in the corporate world. Our students are placed in reputed companies like Alstom, Schinder, ABB, GE, PRDC, ROBERT BOSCH, L & T, WIPRO, INFOSYS, CTS, Amazon, Samsung, TCS and many more.
  • The department has full-fledged laboratories such as Electrical Machines labs, Control System lab, Power Electronics lab, CAED lab, High Voltage and Relay lab etc... as prescribed by VTU syllabus with basic and advanced equipment’s.
  • The department is associated with various professional bodies like IEEE-Power and Energy Society Student Chapter (SBC 17861), KREDEL and ISLE Student chapters which conduct many activities throughout the academic year like Industrial visits, technical talks, skill enhancement programs and other co-curricular activities.
  • Kum. M. Gayatri Prabhu of 2015 batch (USN: 4GW11EE022) has secured VTU 1st Rank with scoring 90.72% in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at VTU 15th annual convocation and awarded 9 gold medals.
  • Kum. Trinakshi Manna of 2022 batch (USN: 4GW18EE049) has secured VTU 3rd Rank with CGPA 9.39 in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at VTU Annual Convocation.

Vision :

“To be recognized as a premier department for empowerment of women in the field of electrical and electronics engineering by imparting quality technical education committed with social and ethical values”

Mission :

M1: To provide excellent academic ambience that combines rigorous academic study and the excitement of innovation to excel in the field of electrical and electronics engineering.

M2: To enhance learning through practice of modern tools and cutting edge technologies in Electrical and Electronics engineering with multidisciplinary approach to meet industry requirements.

M3: To carryout research and innovative developmental activities in frontier areas which serves the requirement of industry & society.

About The Course :

The following Pie Chart shows the distribution of course content, representing blending of subjects of different skill area for UG and PG Course.

Distribution of EEE Course Content

State the Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):

PEO-1: Graduates will be able to exhibit their technical skills in electrical engineering and allied area.
PEO-2: Graduates will be able to pursue post graduate studies and research in their respective domain.
PEO-3: Graduates will be capable of exhibiting leadership & entrepreneurship skills in diversified engineering fields.

Program Outcomes (PO’s) based on NBA graduate attributes :

PO1- Engineering Knowledge: Able to apply the knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals to the solution of complex electrical and electronics engineering problems.

PO2- Problem Analysis: Able to identify, formulate, review research literatures and analyze complex electrical engineering problems using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.

PO3- Design/ Development of Solutions: Able to design system components or processes that meet the needs of society related to public health and safety.

PO4- Conduct investigations of complex problems: Able to conduct investigation of complex problems using research based knowledge & methods which includes designing of experiment and providing a valid conclusion through analysis and interpretation.

PO5- Modern tool usage: Able to select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern engineering tools including prediction and modeling complex engineering activities.

PO6- The engineer and society: Apply reasoning to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issue relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO7- Environment and sustainability: Able to understand the impact of the professional engineering solution in societal and environmental context & demonstrate the knowledge and need for sustainable development.

PO8- Ethics: Able to apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

PO9- Individual and team work: Able to function effectively as an individual, as a member or leader in multidisciplinary settings.

PO10- Communication: Able to communicate effectively with engineering society and community through design, documentation and presentation.

PO11- Project management and finance: Able to understand, demonstrate and apply engineering and management skills in a team for managing projects in multidisciplinary environment.

PO12- Lifelong learning: Graduates will have the ability of self improvement through the continuous professional development and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning.

Program Specific Outcomes :

PSO1: To inculcate expertise in technology pertaining to effective transformations and regulations with respect to power and energy sectors with suitable solutions..

PSO2: Graduates will be able to possess the capacity to serve as research fellows and apply their expertise within the research institutions related to electrical and power systems



Department has Hi-Tech class rooms and 4 well equipped laboratories supporting university requirements. The Labs are equipped with latest machines, test rig panels, and various components with providing excellent learning platform to both student and researcher staff alike. The labs have 30 PC’s with latest configuration to carry out programming as well as simulation experiments.

Laboratories :

LAB 1/ LAB 2: A014

Machines lab

Odd/ Even Sem - A014
Area :132


Lab 1 (Odd Sem) - A014L1
Transformers & Generators lab

Objective: To understand the generation of D.C. voltages by using different type of generators. To understand the operation of transformers, to conduct different types of tests on transformers to understand its performance characteristics.

Equipments :
Consists of 12set of test rigs with major equipments like DC & AC Motors, DC & AC generators, D.C & A.C ammeters-79,D.C & A.C voltmeters-47, wattmeters-30, lamp loads-4,Single phase isolation transformers-11, Rheostats-26, star delta study panel-1, phase sequence indicator-2, digital tachometer-2, switches-6, three phase induction motor with mechanical loads-1.

Lab 2 (Even Sem) - A014L2
Electric Motors lab

Objective: To study the performance, working principle and load characteristics of D.C. motors and to conduct load and no load tests on induction motors to understand its performance characteristics.

Equipments :
Consists of 12set of test rigs with major equipments like DC & AC Motors, DC & AC generators, D.C & A.C ammeters-79,D.C & A.C voltmeters-47, wattmeters-30, lamp loads-4,Single phase isolation transformers-11, Rheostats-26, star delta study panel-1, phase sequence indicator-2, digital tachometer-2, switches-6, three phase induction motor with mechanical loads-1.


LAB L3/ LAB 4: A114L1

Electronics Laboratory

Odd Sem - A114L1

Lab 3 (Odd Sem) – A114L1
Analog Electronics Lab

Objective: To impart hands on experience in verification of circuit laws and theorems, measurement of circuit parameters, study of circuit characteristics. It also gives practical exposure to the usage of CRO, power sources, and function generator.

CRO’s- 8, function generator- 2, oscillators-4,Signal Generator-7, LCR Q-Meter-1, Digital Multimeters-9, Decade resistance Box-4, Decade Inductance Box-4, Decade Capacitance Box-4.
Lab 4( Even Sem) – A114L1
Power Electronics Lab

Objective: To conduct different experiments using op-amps and linear ICs and to determine the characteristics parameters of op-amp.

To design and test the op-amp as amplifier adder, subtractor, differentiator, integrator, oscillators and filters.
To design and study of linear ICs as multivibrator power supplies.

CRO’s- 8, function generator- 2, oscillators-4,Signal Generator-7, LCR Q-Meter-1, Digital Multimeters-9,IC555 timer, IC741

LAB 5/ LAB 6: A213L2



Odd Sem / Even Sem -  A213L2
Area: 68 sq.mts



Lab 5 (Odd Sem) – A213L2

Microcontrollers lab

Objective: To simulate the ALP programs, interface 8051 with applications like stepper motor, ADC,DAC and programs in real time using on chip peripherals such as serial port and on-chip timers.

Equipments: Stepper motor interfacing kit-4, DC motor interfacing kit-4, PC’s(LCD monitor, INTEL CPU--,3.0GHz,6MB processor)-16,Dual DAC Interface-4, LCD & keyboard Interface-4, Stepper Motor & DC Motor Interface-4, MSP 430 microcontroller Evaluation Board-10, 89C51 flash programmable evaluation board-2, power supply(5V,1.5A,+/- 12V,100mA)-10.

Lab 6 (Even Sem) – A213L2
Control Systems Lab

Objective : To provide sound knowledge in the basic concepts of linear control theory and design of control system, to understand the methods of representation of systems and getting their transfer function models, to provide adequate knowledge in the time response of systems and steady state error analysis, to give basic knowledge is obtaining the open loop and closed–loop frequency responses of systems and to understand the concept of stability of control system and methods of stability analysis

DC/AC servomotor-2, PID controller kit with temperature control-3, lead lag compensator kit-6,function generators-5, servo motor test rigs-2, second order system module-2, Synchro-pair study kit-1, compensator study module-6, CRO’s-6

LAB 7/LAB 8: A017


Odd/ Even Sem –A017



Lab 7 (Odd Sem) – A017
Power System Simulation lab

Objective: To study the operation of power systems under different operating conditions, determination of fault currents, stability of the system and various performance parameters of the system and transmission line parameters. To Simulate these using MATLAB programs/ Mi-POWER.

Equipments :
PC’s(LCD monitor, INTEL CPU,3.0GHz,6MB processor,3GB RAM ,320GB HDD,DVD writer)-7no., LED monitor with INTEL CPU-15no.and licensed software of MI-POWER-6users,APLAB make 2KVA UPS-1, 6U rack-1, switch 8 port-1, 24 port 10/100/1000mbps patch panel-1,D link 1024 model 24 port normal switch-1.
Lab 8 (Even Sem) – A017
Computer Aided Electrical Drawing lab

Objective: To draw simplified single line diagrams for power system, winding diagrams and its connections for AC and DC machines. Assembly diagrams with required dimensions for induction motor, synchronous motor and transformers.

Equipments :
PC’s(LCD monitor, INTEL CPU,3.0GHz,6MB processor,3GB RAM ,320GB HDD,DVD writer)-7no., LED monitor with INTEL CPU-20no.s

LAB 9/LAB 10: A213 L1


Odd/ Even Sem –A213L1

Lab 9 (Odd Sem) – A213L1

Digital Signal Processing lab

Objective: To explain the use of MATLAB software in evaluating the DFT and IDFT of given sequence, Verify the convolution property of the DFT, Design and implementation of IIR and FIR filters for given frequency specifications, realize IIR and FIR filters. For helping the students in developing software skills.

Equipments :
PC’s(LCD monitor, INTEL CPU,3.0GHz,6MB processor,3GB RAM ,320GB HDD,DVD writer)-7no., LED monitor with INTEL CPU-20no.s

Lab 10 (Odd Sem) – A213L1
Circuit Laboratory using PSPICE

Equipments :
PC’s(LCD monitor, INTEL CPU,3.0GHz,6MB processor,3GB RAM ,320GB HDD,DVD writer)-7no., LED monitor with INTEL CPU-20no.s 

LAB 11: D315


Odd/ Even Sem – D315


Lab 11 (Odd Sem /Even Sem) –  D315

Research Center/Project Lab

Objective: To promote research in recent technological development to produce quality research papers.

Equipments :
PC’s (LCD monitor, INTEL CPU,3.0GHz,6MB processor,3GB RAM ,320GB HDD, DVD writer)-7no, CRO, Power Supply

 LAB 12: A114L2


Odd/ Even Sem – A114L2


Lab 12 (Odd Sem/Even Sem) – A114L2

Objective: To Provide the basic knowledge of Electrical Engineering to use and operate various types of Electrical equipments and to measure various electrical quantities such as resistance, inductance, capacitance and power

Equipments :

Bridges, Variable Inductive Load, Three Phase Autotransformer, Wattmeter (Ac/Dc), Phase Shifting Transformer, Lamp Load Single Phase/Three Phase, D.C Power Supply, Resistive Load Three Phase, Single Phase Autotransformer, Earth Resistance Tester, Ammeter ( A.C.).

Digital Multimeter, Three Phase Isolation Transformer, Analog Ammeter ( D.C.), Voltmeter (A.C.), Digital A.C/D.C Ammeter, Study Of Effects Of Open & Short Circuits Kit, D.C Machines Cut Section Working Model, Induction Machine Cut Section Working Model, Synchronous Machine Cut Section Working Model.


LAB 13: C001


Odd Sem – C001

Area: 118


Lab 13 (Odd Sem) –  C001

Relay & High Voltage Lab

Objective: To understand the various types of high voltages and their importance and assimilate the concepts of high voltage engineering, and to provide an effective platform to study the effect of variation of circuit parameters on any high voltage circuit.

Equipments:  Impulse generator unit-1, different types of relay units-4, transformer oil test kit-1, motor protection kit-1, Current injection kit-4, HVDC/HVAC tast kit-1, electrical field test kit-1, voltage sources-2.

Class Rooms


A-301 (Area: 84 Sq.Mt)


A-302 (Area: 84 Sq.Mt.)


A-303 (Area: 84

The classrooms are supported with Digital Light Projectors (DLP’s) & white board projection, glass board, with Seating Capacity: 75

Tutorial Room :  

EEE Tutorial hall | GSSSIETW

 A-014TR(33 Sq.Mt.)


  • Tutorial hall is supported with Glass Board / White Board.
  • Seating capacity of 28 students.


HOD’s Room & Department Office :



A-014H (18 Sq. mt) 

HOD’s cabin with an area of, provided with a laptop.


A-014DO ( 

The Department office has 4 Systems with a printer and scanner for the faculty and office use.

HCL Desktop Intel Core i3, 2.93 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 500 GB HDD – 1 System.

Department Library :


A-114(13 Sq. M)

  • The library is well stocked with technical, management, competitive exam guides, seminar and project reports.


  • The library has 285 Titles and 1120 Volumes with an Issue Section.


Store Room:



A-114 –L1


The department has a store room for collection of bluebooks, records and other stationary items.


 Faculty Rooms


A-114 S1 (12 Sq.Mt)


 A-213 S2 (15 )


A-213 S3 ( )


A-213 S4 (12 )


 A-213 S5 (12 )


The department has 5 Staff rooms for

12 staff members with 10 cabins.

UPS  :




Make – APLAB 5 KVA

6EL 40+ batteries – 15Nos.


Safety Equipments :

Fire Extinguisher & Over Load Protection | GSSSIETW

Fire Extinguisher & Over Load Protection

First Aid Box | GSSS Engineering & Technology for Women

First Aid Box


Dept. MOU Details

Number of MOU: 03

Sl. No. Organization Address of the Organization Effective Date of MOU Validity
1 E-Smart Energy Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Union Co-Operative Insurance Building 2nd Floor, 23, P.M. Road, Fort, Mumbai 346,Tholons Tower, 1st Floor, 17th Cross, Dollars Colony, Bangalore 14 th December 2022 3 years
2 Government Tool Room & Training Centre, Mysuru Plot No,93 & 94, Belagola Indl. Area, KRS Road, Mysuru-570016 22 nd August 2022 3 Years
3 Indian Society of Lighting Engineers Karnataka State Centre (ISLE - KSC) No 109, 6 th Cross, E-Block, Krishna Garden, RR Nagar, Bengaluru-560098 10 th March 2021 5 Years (10th March 2026)


Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with E-Smart Energy Solutions Ltd


The MoU was signed by Dr M Shivakumar, Principal, GSSSIETW Mysuru and
Neelakanta Iyer, Executive Director South India Business, E-Smart Energy Solutions Ltd.

In order to bridge the gap between academia & industry a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was formally signed between GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women (GSSSIETW), Mysuru and E-Smart Energy Solutions Ltd. on December14, on the occasion of National Energy Conservation Day.

E-Smart Energy Solutions Ltd" dedicated to develop technology based energy saving lighting products focused at addressing the needs of the customers through rugged, efficient, reliable and economic way to supply the products. Looking at the social need and business perspective, it's bound to support most effective energy saving lighting products with latest trends and technology.

By signing this MoU between GSSSIETW, Mysuru and E-Smart Energy Solutions Ltd, with the objective of imparting technical assistance to carry out technology development activities, to promote projects, internships, arranging industrial visits and to familiarize the students towards industrial environment and to interact with professionals.

MoU also helps to extend assistance for develop program specific laboratories in the institution for the benefit of students and society.

Dr G Sreeramulu Mahesh, Professor and Head (EEE), Dr Jagadisha N Associate Professor EEE Department and faculty members of EEE Department GSSSIETW, Mysuru were present on this occasion.

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Government Tool Room & Training Centre (GT&TC), Mysuru.



The MoU was signed by Dr. M. Shivakumar, Principal, GSSSIETW Mysuru and Mr. H.M Radhakrishna, Dy Manager, HoD-COE & STTP GT & TC Mysuru. Sri. R.K Bharath, CEO & MCM, GSSS(R), Dr.G Sreeramulu Mahesh, Professor and Head (EEE), Dr. Jagadisha N Associate Professor EEE Department & faculty members of EEE department GSSSIETW, Mysuru were present on this occasion.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was formally signed on 22nd August 2022, between GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women (GSSSIETW), Mysuru and Government Tool Room & Training Centre (GT&TC), Mysuru to bridge the gap between the Industry and Institution.

Objectives of the MOU :

  • To imparting technical assistance to carry out technology development activities, to promote projects, internships, arranging industrial visits.
  • To familiarize the students towards industrial environment, interact with professionals.  
  • MoU also helps to extend assistance for developing program specific laboratories in the institution for the benefit of students & society.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Indian Society of Lighting Engineers Karnataka State Centre (ISLE - KSC)


A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was formally signed on 10th March 2021, between GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women (GSSSIETW), Mysuru and Indian Society of Lighting Engineers Karnataka State Centre (ISLE- KSC), Bengaluru. The MoU was signed by Dr. M. Shivakumar, Principal, GSSSIETW and Mr.Arshi Krishnachar, Chairman ISLE-KSC. Sri. R.K Bharath, CEO & MCM, GSSS(R), Dr Vidya H A Treasurer ISLE-KSC, Sri. M G Satyendra, member ISLE-KSC, Dr.P S Puttaswamy, Professor and Head (EEE), Dr.Jagadisha N & Dr Raghavendraprasad Deshpande Associate Professor EEE Department were present on this occasion.

Objectives of the MOU:

  • To imparting technical assistance to carry out specific research development activities.
  • To promote projects & internships with new technology related to lighting engineering.
  • To extend assistance for develop program specific laboratories in the institution for the benefit of students & society.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with FLEXITRON, Bengaluru.


A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was formally signed on 16th of April 2019 between GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysore (GSSSIETW) and FLEXITRON, Bengaluru. The Signatories of the MOU were Dr. Shivakumar M, Principal, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, Sri. R S Hiremath, CEO, FLEXITRON, Bengaluru and Dr. S.Vagdevi, Professor & Head, EEE Dept. in the presence of Sri. R K Bharath, CEO, GSSSIETW, Mysuru.

Objectives of the MOU :

  • To provide points for industry specific requirement to students and faculty periodically over the entire tenure of MOU.
  • To provide points and ideas for industry specific projects, research and developments.
  • To provide latest development information in the field of EEE to update faculty and students on connected to subject matter.
  • To provide information on addition of industry requirement specific topics in curriculum periodically over the tenure of MOU.
  • Arrange talks by experts in relevant subject matter of EEE or Industry specific matters.
  • Suggest improvement of laboratories and hands on experiences methods for faculty and students.
  • To conduct orientation workshops for students and faculty periodically over the tenure or MOU.
  • To conduct communication and presentation workshop for Faculty and student periodically over the tenure of MOU.
  • Any other specific requirements limited to the scope of availability of the MOU partners.
  • To provide provision of off-site Internship on selective basis for the students of the department.
  • The task of the interns is checking equipment developed and assist in field trials.

Dept. Activities

Dept. Activities 2023-2024

 SL No  Name of the Event  Resource Person / Guest Details  Date of the Event
1 “Technical talk on“ High Voltage Plasma Application in Agriculture Sector and Internship Opportunities at IISc Bangalore” Under Renewable Energy Club, in Association with IEEE PES Student Chapter, for 4th and 6th Semester Students Resource Person: Dr. B S Rajanikanth, Professor, Department of High Voltage Engineering, IISc, Bangalore. 27th July 2024
2 Industrial Visit to Subhash Kabini Power Corporation Ltd. (20MW) Hydro Power Plant, Beechanahalli, H D Kote Taluku, Mysuru, Under RES Club Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Jagadisha N, Smitha S K, Girisha K M, Apoorvashree H L 28th June 2024
3 "3 Days EV Training Program" Under Electric Vehicle Club, In Association with IEEE PES Student Chapter, for 4th Sem Students Mr. Rajesh Hembream Imperical Society of Innovative Engineering (ISIE) Academy, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 03rd to 05th June 2024
4 Virtual Project Exhibition "Shakthistaavara-2024" under IEEE Power & Energy Society Chapter & Power tech club Chief Guest: D V Shivanand Entrepreneur, db Son’s Training Division, Universal Power controls Tumkur 19th April 2024
5 Industrial Visit to Toutche Electric.Pvt. Ltd, Kalalavadi Gate, H.D, Kote Road, Mysuru for 3rd Sem Students Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Bharathesh Patel N, Shilpashree V N, Girisha K M 04th March 2024
6 PROJECT EXPO in association with IEEE PES Student Chapter, Under Renewable Energy Club Chief Guest: Srinivas B A, Senior Delivery Manager, L&T Technology Services, Mysore 28th February 2024
7 Industrial Visit to Shivanasamudra Hydro, Solar and Kaveri Mini hydro Power Plant for 5th Sem Students Faculty Coordinators: Sushma H S, Sachin C S 26th February 2024
8 3 Days Practical Hands on Training Program on “ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEAR” in association with dbson Universal Power Controls, Tumakuru and IEEE PES Student Chapter, for 5th sem students Resource Persons from dbson Universal Power Controls, Tumakuru 08th to 10th February 2024
9 Inauguration of Students Clubs of EEE Dept

Chief Guest Sri. Akilur Rahman, Chief Technical Officer, Hitachi Energy India. Ltd, Bengaluru.

Guest of Honor Sri. Mohan V Kakade, Vice President, Hitachi Energy India. Ltd, Bengaluru.

05th February 2024
10 3 Days Workshop on Internet of Things (IOT) and It's Applications in association with Karunadu Technological Pvt.Ltd, Bengaluru and IEEE PES Student Chapter for 3rd Sem Students Resource Persons from Karunadu Technological Pvt.Ltd, Bengaluru 03rd to 05th January 2024
11 Awareness Program on Outcome Based Education for EEE Department Students Resource Persons: Dr. M. S. Raviprakasha, NBA peer team evaluator & Principal Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Tumkuru 19th December 2023
12 3 Days Workshop on Recent Developments and Sustainability in Lighting Applications In Association with ISLE Student Chapter For 5th and 7th Sem Students Resource Persons: M G Sathyendra Honorary Secretary, ISLE-Karnataka State Centre, N Ravi Rao Chairman, ISLE-Karnataka State Centre, Madan Rawal, Member, ISLE-KSC, Narendra Kumar Vasista Smart Lighting Controls, Bangalore 04th to 06th December 2023
13 Industrial Visit to AKARUI Green Energy Solutions (APEX LUMINARIES PVT LTD), Malur, Kolar for 7th Sem Students Faculty Coordinators: Girisha K M, Swathi K 06th December 2023
14 Young Researchers’ Meet-YRM 2023 Organized by Department of EEE & IEEE PES Students Chapter Chief Guest- Dr. K Balaraman, Executive Director, Idam Infrastructure, Advisory Pvt. Ltd. Bengaluru, Guest of Honor - Dr. Nagesh Prabhu, Director (Curriculum Development), NMAM Institute of Technology, Karkala 9th September 2023
15 Industrial Visit to Rajamane Soma Inductronics, Metagalli, Mysuru, Karnataka for 4th Sem Students Faculty Coordinators: Ashwini K R, Girisha K M 29th August 2023
16 Technical Talk on “Recent Application of Green Energy & Challenges” Under IEEE PES Student Chapter for 4th and 6th Semester Students Resource Persons: Mr.R.S.Hiremath, Founder,CEO, FLEXITRON,Bengaluru 12th August 2023

Dept. Activities 2022-2023


Name of the Event

Resource Person / Guest Details

Date of the Event


Young Researchers’ Meet-YRM 2023
Organized by Department of EEE & IEEE PES Students Chapter

Chief Guest- Dr. K Balaraman,
Executive Director, Idam Infrastructure, Advisory Pvt. Ltd. Bengaluru, Guest of Honor - Dr. Nagesh Prabhu, Director (Curriculum Development), NMAM Institute of Technology, Karkala

9th September 2023


Industrial Visit to Rajamane Soma Inductronics, Metagalli, Mysuru, Karnataka

Faculty Coordinators: Ashwini K R, Girisha K M

29th August 2023


Technical Talk On “Recent Application of Green Energy & Challenges”
Under IEEE PES Student Chapter

Resource Person: Mr. R.S.Hiremath, Founder, CEO, FLEXITRON, Bengaluru

10th August 2023


Industrial Visit to Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Rural Energy and Development, Bengaluru
for 8th Semester Students

Faculty Coordinators:
Dr. Raghavendraprasad Despande, Chaitrashree S R

3rd May 2023


InterInter College C   
Shakthistaavara-2023 Virtual Project Exhibition  in association with IEEE PES Student Chapter, Bangalore Section

Chief Guest: Mr. Sathish B A Joint Secretary, IEEE PES Chapter, Bangalore Region.

26th April 2023


2 Days “Internal Hackathon on IOT and Arduino”
in association with Eyesec Cyber Security Solution Pvt.Ltd. Belagavi and IEEE PES Student Chapter

Mr. Gajendra Deshpande
CEO Eyesec Cyber Security Solutions Pvt.Ltd, Belagavi

11th - 12th April 2023


Women’s day Celebration (WIPE) in association with IEEE-PES Chapter A talk on “Stress Management” and "All About Modern Day Women!"

Dr. Malathi N
Principal, PAAC College (kalpataru Vidya Samsthe), Tiptur

Swathi H V
Secure Power Division at Schneider Electric Private Limited ,Bangalore

Monica Harinarayan
Senior Academic Specialist, BYJU’S Educational Technology Company, Bengaluru

08th March 2023


FDP on “ Energy Conservation through Energy Auditing”

Resource person : Mr. G Sivaraj
Bangalore Hydro Engineers and Consultants Pvt Ltd, Bangalore

7th Jan 2023


Technical talk on “Introduction to Renewable Energy Resources” for 1st, 3rd and 5th semester students

Resource person : Mr. G Sivaraj
Bangalore Hydro Engineers and Consultants Pvt Ltd, Bangalore

7th Jan 2023


Industrial Visit to Subhash Kabini Power Corporation Limited for 3rd and 5th Semester Students

Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Jagadisha N, Bharathesh Patel N, Girisha K M, Apoorvashri H L

12th December 2022


MoU between GSSSIETW and E-smart Energy solution limited. Awareness program on Energy saving and its Importance

Resource person : Mr. Neelakanta Iyer, Executive director , South India Business, E-smart energy solutions Ltd.

14th December 2022


Webinar on “Career opportunities in Government sector” for 5th and 7th sem

Chief Guest: Mr. Gurunath Reddy, Broad cast Engineer, Prasar Bharathi AIR and Doordarshan. 29th October 2022

29th October 2022


Five Days FDP on “Sci-Lab as per 2021 NEP Scheme” in association with ISLE Students Chapter and VTU, Belagavi

Recourse person : Department Staff Members

17th - 21st October 2022


4 Days webinar on “How to shoot up Career Opportunities - Learning & Take away session” by the different batch alumnae of Department

Resource person : Gouthami R, Business Support Specialist Gagana M C, Juniper Networks, Bengaluru Monika H, Academic Specialist BYJU’s Educational, Technology,Bengaluru Neha H, QA Lead Surewaves Media Tech, Bengaluru

12th to 15th September 2022


Three-Day Workshop(Online) On “Recent Developments in Smart Grid and Applications” in association with VTU, Belagavi& IEEE PES, Bangalore Chapter

Chief Guest: Mr. S Rajashekhar, General Manager, OSI, Bengaluru, Chair IEEE PES Chapter.

05th to 07th September 2022


MoU between GSSSIETW and Government Tool Room & Training Centre (GTTC), Mysuru

  22nd August 2022


Technical Talk on “Preparation for Placements & Exposure to Industry Culture”
Under IEEE Bangalore Section & IEEE PES Bangalore Chapter

Ms. Gagana M C
Hardware Board Designer Juniper Networks, Bengaluru

13th August 2022

Dept. Activities 2021-22


Name of the Event

Resource Person / Guest Details

Date of the Event


Workshop on Basics of SciLab

Ashwini K R

Assistant Professor

Department of EEE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru

06thNovember 2021


Three-Days Workshop on

C and C++ Coding

Mr. Ramaparasd H C

Head Research-learning and development, 10 Seconds, Bengaluru.

26th, 27th November and

4th December 2021


5th  International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques


Sri. AchyuthPanduranga

Business Lead, Hewlett Packard Enterprise(HPE), Bengaluru

10th& 11th December 2021


Industrial Visit to

Shimsha Hydro, Solar and Kaveri Mini hydro Power Plant

for 3rd Semester and 5th Semester Students

Accompanied by the staff members Bharathesh Patel N, Girisha K M, Swathi K & Sushma H S

13th December 2021


Industrial Visit to

Suzlon Wind Power Plant, Hasan,

for 7th Semester Students

Accompanied by the staff members

Dr. Raghavendra Prasad Deshpande and Smitha S K

18th  December 2021


Technical Talk on

Compliance  & Product  Safety Evaluation in Industry


Director Qmart -Global,Former director Bureau of Indian Standards, Member ISLE,Karnataka Center.

18th  December 2021


Awareness on MOOC Courses (NPTEL)

Mr. Chethan H R

Assistant Professor

Department of EEE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru

11th January 2022


Technical Talk on

Awareness on LabVIEW Environment & it’s Applications

Dr. Jagadisha N

Associate Professor,

Department of EEE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru

7th March 2022


KREDL Sponsored

“Techno Renew - Energy Conservancy For Future” 

Dr. S. Srikantaswamy

Professor, Dept. of Studies in Environmental Science & Material Science VijnanaBhavanManasagangotri, University of Mysore,

26th May 2022


Industrial Visit to

Sharavathi Hydro Power Plant (Linganamakki Dam), Shivamogga

6th  Semester and 8th Semester Students

Accompanied by the staff members

Shilpashri V N, Divya S

Chethan H R, Girisha K M,

28th  May 2022


Project Symposium-2022

Jury Member: Kruthi Y B,

Senior Design Engineer,

Caterpillar, Bengaluru

30th June 2022


“Mini Project 

 Symposium  -2022”

Miss. Niveditha K V,

Lead Data Analyst, TCS , Banglore

07th July 2022


Technical Talk on “Preparation for Placement and Exposure to Industry Culture” for 4th semester students

Ms. Gagana M C

Hardware Board Engineer, Juniper Networks, Bengaluru.

13th August 2022


Three-Day Workshop(Online)

On “Recent Developments in Smart Grid and  Applications”

in association with VTU, Belagavi& IEEE PES, Bangalore Chapter

Chief Guest: Mr. S Rajashekhar,

General Manager, OSI, Bengaluru, Chair IEEE PES Chapter.

05th to 07th September 2022


Five Days FDP on “Sci-Lab as per 2021   NEP Scheme”

Recourse person : Department Staff members

17th -21st October 2022


Webinar on “Career opportunities

in Government sector” for 5th and 7th sem  

Chief Guest: Mr. Gurunath Reddy,

Broad cast Engineer ,

Prasar Bharathi AIR and Doordarshan.

29th October 2022


MoU between GSSSIETW and E-smart Energy solution limited.

Awareness program on Energy saving and its Importance

Resource person : Mr. Neelakanta Iyer, Executive director , South India Business , E-smart energy solutions Ltd.

14th December 2022


Technical talk on “Introduction to Renewable Energy Resources” for 1st, 3rd and 5th semester students

Resource person : Mr. G Sivaraj

Bangalore Hydro Engineers and Consultants Pvt Ltd, Bangalore

7th Jan 2023


FDP on “ Energy conservation through energy auditing”

Resource person : Mr. G Sivaraj

Bangalore Hydro Engineers and Consultants Pvt Ltd, Bangalore

7th Jan 2023

Dept. Activities  - 2020-21 

S.No  Name of the Event Resource Person / Guest Details   Date of the Event
 1  Webinar on” Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid”  Dr. Santoshkumar Hampannavar, Senior Member IEEE, Professor, School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, REVA University, Bangalore  12/09/2020
 2  Online Technical Quiz  --  23/09/2020
 3  Technical Talk on “Power Quality issues in Power System”  Dr. Vidya H A, Treasurer, ISLE Karnataka State Centre  10/03/2021
4 Technical Talk on “Importance of Electrical Energy and Safety Aspects”

Sri M Sathyendra, Member ISLE Karnataka State Centre


Project Symposium-2021” (Virtual Mode)
In association withIEEE PES Chapter, Bangalore

Chief Guest: Dr. Vidya H A, Secretary, IEEE PES Chapter, Bangalore 10/07/2021

Project Exhibition “Shakthistaavara-2021” (Virtual Mode)
In association with, ISLE student Chapter, Karnataka Center

Chief Guest: Rama Venugopal, Secretary, Executive Director, M/s. Value Added Corporate Services Private Ltd 17/07/2021

Exousia -2021” (Virtual Technical Fest)
In association with IEEE PES Chapter, Bangalore

Chief Guest: Mr. Rajashekhar, Chair, IEEE, PES Bangalore chapter
Guest of honor, Dr. Manohar Singh, Treasurer, IEEE-PES Bangalore chapter

8 Virtual Industrial Visit for 6th & 8th Semester students at Health Services, JSS Hospital, Mysuru

Mr. Nagabhushana K C, Electrical Engineer, JSS Hospital Mysuru


Events : 

 SL.No Event Guest Speaker Date
1 Technical Talk on “Electrical Installation and its maintains at GSSSIETW”  for 5th sem students Prabhuswamy V, Foreman, Dept. of EEE 17/08/2019
2 Technical Talk on “Save Electricity and Save Energy” for 1st year students under Induction Program Prabhuswamy V, Foreman, Dept. of EEE 24/08/2019
3 Technical Talk on “Awareness  Program on NPTEL Courses” for 3rd ,5th & 7th sem students Chethan H R, Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE  24/08/19
4 Three days skill development program  on “ Feel Employable” for 5th sem students CLHRD, Mangalore 16&18/09/2019
5 Technical Talk on “Intelligent lighting control” under ISLE for 5th & 7th sem students  Mr.Ravi, Chife Technology officer, Asian Electric Ltd 06/09/2019
6 Technical Talk on “Power Factor Correction in lighting loads” under ISLE for 5th & 7th sem students  Mr.Ravi, Chife Technology officer, Asian Electric Ltd 06/09/2019
7 Three days workshop on “C and C++ coding” for 7th sem students Mr. Ramaorasad H C, 10 Seconds Bangalore From 25th to 27th /09/2019
8 Industrial Visit to Subhash Kabini Power Corporation limited (SKPCL), Kabini Dam Site, Beechanahalli, H D Kote, for 3rd sem Students. Accompanied by the staff members Jagadish N & Kishorini M C 04/11/2019
9 Technical Talk on “Introduction to lab VIEW and Virtual Laboratory ” for 3rd sem students Mr. Jagadisha N Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE
Mr. Chethan H R, Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE 
10 One day Intercollegiate technical fest –“EXOUSIA 2019”  in association with ISLE student chapter  Organized by Department of EEE 22/11/2019
1 Technical talk on “Saving energy to 1st year students of 2018 batch Prabhuswamy V, Foreman, Dept. of EEE 18/08/2018
2 Technical talk on “ Top Five techniques in IT Industry & Challenges in corporate fields”  for 5th sem students of all departments Amulya, Senior software engineer, GENPACT Engineering, Head Strong capital market. 18/08/2018
3 Technical talk on “ Career Paths after Graduation” for 5th & 7th sem students Sarasswathi Hegde, Center Director, TIME, Mysuru 28/08/2018
4 Technical talk on “ Electrical Installation at GSSSIETW” 5th sem students Prabhuswamy V, Foreman, Dept. of EEE 08/09/2018
5 Industrial Visit to 66/11Kv Metagalli substation for 5th sem students Accompanied by the staff members Chitrashree S R and Vidyashree M S 22/09/2018
6 Industrial Visit to 66kV, 16MW Hydropower plant (ATRIA) for 3rd  sem students Accompanied by the staff members Ashwini K R and Chitrashree S R  25/09/2018
7 Seminar on “ Awareness of various competitive exams (GMAT, GRE, TOFEL & IELTS) for 5th sem students Career Launch for the students 24/09/2018
8 Technical talk on “ Psychometvic Career Strategies” 3rd ,5th & 7th sem students Dr. Giridar Gopal, Rtd wing Commonder, Indian Army 05/10/2018
9 One day workshop on “Importance of earthing in power system” for 2nd sem students  Mr. H Jayakumar, Rtd, Jt Director CPRI, Bengaluru. 09/03/2019
10 Two day workshop on “Solar PV design & Technologies” for 4th sem students RenXsol Bengaluru. 26 & 27/04/2019
11 Industrial Visit to “Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Rural Energy development (MGIRED), Bengaluru” for 4th   sem students Accompanied by the staff members Dr. M Lakshmanan and Chitrashree S R 29/04/2019
12 Organized “Shakthi Sthavara-2019” an open day project exhibition. Chief Guest Mr. Adarsh S, Founder & Director Enhanzed education Pvt.Ltd 03/05/2019
13 Organized “National Conference on Intelligent Energy System (NCIES-2019)” an open day project exhibition. Chief Guest Mr. Haris A W, Global Head HR, Sanria Engineering and Software Consulting. 09/05/2019
14 Project Symposium for 8th semester students

Neethi M, Assistant Professor, Dept. of EEE, SJCE, Mysuru, Asma Sumaira, Engineer, ABB, Bengaluru

 15 Farewell day was organized for the students of 8th semester by the department Sri. Saravani Mani,
Head- Open Innovation
Future Group
16 National Conference on ‘Intelligent energy Systems’(NCIES – 2018) was organized by the dept. of EEE in association with IEEE PES Bangalore chapter & ISLE student chapter, Karnataka centre Chief Guest: Smt. Kalpana Arvind, Group Director, Photonics System Group, LEOS, Bengaluru
Guest of Honor: Mr. Benild Joseph, Information Security Advisor, Government of India
17  Open day project exhibition “SHAKTHI STHAAVARA – 2018” Chief guest: H Hiremath, Founder, Flexitron, Bengaluru, Guest of honor: Dr. H Naganagouda, Director, National training centre for solar technology, KPCL, Bengaluru, Special invitee : M G Sathyendra, Secretary, ISLE, Karnataka centre  30/4/2018
18  Technical talk on “Physics of LEDs” and “LED testing” Dr. B Chandrashekar, ISLE Karnataka centre, M Sathyendra, Secretary, ISLE Karnataka centre  21/4/2018
19 Industrial Visit to VARAHI hydro electric power plant Accompanied by the staff members Ashwini K R and Jagadisha N


20 Mini Project symposium for the students of 7th semester

Pranathi T, Schneider Electric, Bengaluru
Roja G, Assistant Engineer, Prema Electricals, Mysuru (Alumnae of the dept.)

21 Industrial Visit to 10MW Solar Power plant at Shimsha and 5MW hydel power plant at bhoruka, sategalla for the students of 4th semester.

Accompanied by the staffs
Jagadisha N and Vidyashree M S

22 Technical talk on “Induction Motors” 

Lakshmikanth V, Senior Manager, j K Tyres, Mysuru

23 Technical talk on “ Electrical earthing and safety” C G Ganapathi Bhat, Consulting Engineer and Freelancer, Mysuru  3/3/2018 
24 Skill development Programme on “ Electrical Wiring & Earthing, Electrical home appliances service & repair, building electronics circuits for small apps”  for the students of 4th semester

Prabhuswamy V, Foreman, Dept. of EEE

29/1/2018 to 31/1/2018 
25 Skill development Programme on “MATLAB and its applications”  for the students of 6th semester Dhanalaxmi H R, Divya S and Chaitrashree S R   5/2/2018 to 7/2/2018



Inauguration of Energy Innovation 2017 under IEEE PES student chapter

Chief guest : Shravant Vasisht, Senior research fellow, IISc, Bengaluru, Guest of honour : Sagar Deshpande, Assistant Professor, NIE, Mysuru

Alumni professional day for 7th semester students

Sonali Kashyap, IT Analyst, Goldman Sachs, Bengaluru, Vaishnavi D R, Software Engineer, IBM, Bengaluru

Technical talk on  “A General overview of projects in Electrical Engineering” for the students of 3rd semester Vaishnavi D R, Software Engineer, IBM, Bengaluru 28/10/2017
Technical talk on “Recent  trends in technology and employment oppurtunities” for the students of 1st and 5th  semester K S Manjunath Kikkeri, Founder & CEO, IQUEST, Mysuru 28/10/2017
Industrial visit to Rajamane Soma Inductronics for the students of 3rd semester Accompanied by the staff members Ashwini K R and Vidyashree M S 28/10/2017
Industrial Visit to “Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Rural Energy & development, Bangalore” for the students of 5th semester

Accompanied by staffs
Chaitrashree S R & Sandeep N R

Technical talk to the students of  5th semester on “Solar Energy” Aravind M R, Assistant Director, MGIRED, Bengaluru 27/10/2017
Technical talk to the students of  5th semester on “Wind Energy” Ravi, Department of Wind Energy, MGIRED, Bengaluru 27/10/2017
Industrial Visit to “Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Rural Energy & development, Bangalore” for the students of 7th semester

Accompanied by staffs
Jagadisha N & Vidyashree M S

10  Technical talk on “Electrical Safety” for the students of 1st semester C G Ganapathi Bhat, Consulting Engineer & Freelancer, Mysuru 25/10/2017
11  Parents teachers meeting For all the semester students 28/09/2017
12  Technical talk on “Career oppurtunities” for the students of 1st semester Nikhil Shetty, VESTO Education Solution, Mysuru 27/09/2017
13  Technical talk on  “Electrical Costing” for the students of 3rd semester Roja G, Project Engineer, Prema Electricals, Mysuru 26/09/2017
14  Industrial Visit to 66/11 KV Metagalli substation for the students of 5th semester Accompanied by Staff members Chaitrashree S R and Vidyashree M S 23/09/2017
15  Inauguration of “Indian society of lighting engineers (ISLE)”, Student chapter

Chief guest : M S Narasimhaswamy, Chairman, ISLE, KSC , Guest of honour : M G Sathyendra, Secretary, ISLE, KSC

16  Technical talk on “Modern usage tools and an overview of labview” for the students of 5th semester Kotresh K R, Associate lab view developer, Bengaluru 09/09/2017
17  Technical talk on “Transformer testing and its maintenence” for the students of 3rd semester Bharath B, Graduate Engineer trainee, Kirloskar Pvt. Ltd, Mysuru 09/09/2017
18  Technical talk on “Electrification of GSSSIETW and its maintenence” for the students of 5th semester Prabhuswamy V, Foreman, Dept. of EEE 19/08/2017
19  Technical talk on “Software applications and importance of electrical engineering” for the students of 1st semester Mahesh Padyana, Managing director, Cloud E, Mysuru 19/08/2017
20  Technical talk on “Solar applications” for the students of 3rd semester

Manjunath A U, Project Engineer,
SOLAR APPs Energy pvt. Ltd, Bengaluru

21  Technical talk on “Power system distribution and various applications” for the students of 5th and 7th semester

K A Madhusudan, Director, ADR Controls
C Vivekanda, Engineer, ADR controls

22  SDP on “Interfacing motor drives to microcontroller” for the students of 7th semester Mahesh Padyana, Managing director, Cloud E, Mysuru


23  SDP on “Calibration of Electrical equipments and earthing” for the students of 5th semester Jaykumar, Retd. Joint director, CPRI, Bengaluru


24  SDP on “Industrial PCB design and product architecture” for the students of 3rd semester Nikhil Shetty, Sachin and Gagan VESTO Education solution, Mysuru


25  Best Practise Symposium For the faculty members 31/07/2017
26  FDP on “Collaborative Research & Pedagogy Dr. Ashok Rao, Former Head, Network Project, CEDT, IISC, Bengaluru 03/08/2017
27  Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Electronic Instrumentation and Engineering had jointly organized three days FDP on “Current research trends in autonomous robotics”

Chief Guest: Nagendra R Setty, Founder & CEO, Ideas Unlimited, Mysuru


28  Department had organized a three days workshop on “Electrical machines maintenance & Grounding of electrical installations”

Chief Guest : ShreeShaila Ramannanavar, Managing Director, M/s Rajamane Soma Inductronics, Mysuru, Guest of Honour: M C Ganapathy, Managing Partner, M/s Life Electronics, Bengaluru


29  Industrial Visit to Rajamane Soma Inductronics for the participants of workshop on “Electrical Machines and Maintenance”

Accompanied by: Prabhuswamy V
Foreman, Dept. of EEE

30 Project symposium was conducted for the students of 8th Semester

Manjeshwar Gayatri Prabhu, Software Engineeer, Tech Mahindra, Bengaluru 

Sonali Kashyap, Cognizant technologies, Bengaluru  (Alumnae of the department)

31 Parents Teachers meeting was organized for all the semester students

Sri. R Rajagopala HOD, Dept. of EEE

32 Educational tour was organized to 5MW, Solar plant, Shimsha, Malavalli taluk, Mysuru with the staff  members Dhanalaxmi H R, Shruthi B, Sindhu B M and Vidyashree M S  Students of 4th and 6th semester  04/05/2017
33 National level competition on “New ideas in Power and Energy Sector” under IEEE PES student chapter, GSSSIETW Dr. Vidya H A, Excom Member, IEEE PES,  Bengaluru 05/05/2017
34 Technical talk on “Electrical wiring” for the students of 4th semester Mr. Sudhindra, Managing Engineer, Desirazu Associates, Mysuru 22/04/2017
35 Technical talk on “Process and Current Scenario” for the students of 6th semester Lakshmikanth V, Senior Manager, Production, J K Tyres, Mysuru 22/04/2017
36 Technical  talk on “Wind Energy Technology” for the students of 8th semester Mr. Srikanth, Consultant Engineer, PRDC, Bengaluru 19/04/2017
37 Technical talk on “Speed control of Electric Motors” for the students of 4th semester

Mahesh Padyana, Managing Director, Cloud-E Technologies, Bengaluru

38 Technical talk on “Dispatch training” for the Students of semester

Ananth M, Senior Consultant, Wipro, Mysuru

39 Technical talk on “Technical Loss Assessment” for the students of 8th Semester

Sindhu Kanya , Engineer, PRDC, Bengaluru

40 Best Practise Symposium 

Faculty members of EEE department

41 Short term training on “Design of Analog and digital circuits using Multi- SIM software” for the Students of 3rd semester

Shilpashri V N, Asst. Professor,Dept. of EEE, Shruthi B, Asst. Professor, Dept. of EEE

27/01/2017 to 30/01/2017
42 Short term training on “Modelling and Simulation of SIM- Power systems using SCILAB” for the students of  5th Semester

Chaitrashree S R, Asst. Professor, Dept. of EEE, Sindhu B M, Asst. Professor, Dept. of EEE

21/01/2017 to 24/01/2017
43 Short term training on “Computer aided electrical drawing on Electrical drawing, workshop on MATLAB simulation and trouble shooting of electrical home appliances” held under skill development programme 

Prabhuswamy V, Foreman, Dept. of EEE, GSSSIETW

09/01/2017 to 14/01/2017


 1 Mini Project Symposium was conducted for the students of 7th semester 

Swathi H V, Sales Engineer, Schneider Electric, Bengaluru, Suma V and Roja G (Alumnae of the dept)


Alumnae professional day was arranged for the students of 7th semester

Sushma C N, System Engineer, Infosys, Mysuru, Sushma, site engineer, Jenny Electricals, Mysuru, Swathi H V, Sales Engineer, Schneider Electric, Bangalore, Pavithra H K, Software engineer, Tech Mahindra, Bengaluru 

3 Technical talk on “Smart Grids” for 3rd and 7th semester students

Venkatesh P K, Executive Engineer, MESCOM


Technical talk on “Power system reliability” for 5th semester students

O.S Venkatesh, Engineer, Power Energy Solutions, PRDC, Bengaluru 


Parents teachers meeting for all the semester students 

Rajagopala R, HOD Dept. of EEE 


Inauguration of IEEE PES Student Chapter, GSSSIETW, Mysuru and National level quiz and idea Presentation Competition

Mr. Sethuraman Ganesan Chair, IEEE PES Bangalore Chapter Dr. Balaraman K Vice chair, PRDC, Bangalore 


Skill development Programme on “CAED for electrical wiring, workshop on MATLAB” and “Trouble shooting of electrical appliances” for the students of 7th

Jagadisha N, Asst. Professor Shilpashri V N, Asst. Professor Shruthi B, Asst. Professor Prabhuswamy V, Foreman, Dept. of EEE 


Technical talk on “Recent trends in Power systems” for the students of 5th semester 

Sunil Kumar A V Research Head Willron technologies, Mysuru 


Skill development Programme on “CAED on electrical wiring and trouble shooting of electrical appliances” for the students of
7th semester

Jagadisha N, Asst. Professor Shilpashri V N, Asst. Professor Shruthi B, Asst. Professor Prabhuswamy V, Foreman, Dept. of EEE 

10 Technical talk on “Gas Insulated systems” for the students of 5th semester 

Kusuma, Assistant Engineer, KPCL, Bangalore


Technical talk on “Role of Renewable Energy and Energy conservation in present scenario” for the students 3rd Semester 

Dinesh Kumar, Project Engineer, KREDL, Mysuru

12 Technical talk on “Electrical Supply and maintenance” for the students 

5th semesterPrabhuswamy V, Foreman, Dept. of EEE

13 Technical talk on “Electrical Machines” for   the students of  3rd  semester

Umapathy, Proprietor, Mysta Enterprises, Mysuru


Technical talk on “Substation Monitoring” for the students of 5th semester

Vijayakumari M, Assistant Engineer, Vajamangala Substation, Mysuru 

15 Technical talk on “Load Management” for the students of 3rd Semester

Dr. Maruthi Prasanna H A, Assistant Engineer, KPTCL, Bengaluru

16 Technical talk on “Integrated circuits” for the students of 3rd Semester

Purushottam, Assistant Manager, L & T Mysuru

17  Project Symposium for 8th Semester Students on their Final Year Projects

Ms. Sushma Reddy, Test Engineer, Infosys ltd Mrs. Archana M, Deputy Electrical Inspectorate, Mysore-North

18  Technical talk on “Innovation Center- A Concept” for 4th Semester students  Mr. Sunil Shambhatnavar, Advanced Electronics Systems Bangalore  22/04/2016
19  One day FDP (Faculty Development Programme) on
“Advanced Technical Trends” for faculties of EEE, ECE, EIE, TCE departments
 Mr. Rajasekharan  S, Director, CARTEL Automation , Chennai  02/04/2016
20  Technical talk on “Electrical Panel Design” for 8th Semester students  Mr. Rajasekharan  S, Director, CARTEL Automation , Chennai  02/04/2016
21  Technical talk on “Trouble shooting of Home Appliances” under skill development programme for 6th semester students  Mr. Alwin Vector, Philips India, Mysuru  02/04/2016
22  Skill development Programme on 
“Trouble Shooting of Home Appliances , Workshop on MATLAB and Computer aided Electrical Drawing” for 6th Semester students
 Mr. Prabhuswamy V, Foreman, Dept. of EEE
Mr.Jagadisha N, Asst. Prof, Dept. of EEE 
Mr. Alwin Vector, Philips India, Mysuru
23  Technical talk on “Applications of CAED” for 6th Semester Students  Mr. Sudhindra, Electrical Consultant, Desirazu Associates, Mysore  12/03/2016
24  Technical talk on “Zone selective circuit breakers- Design of motor Control Centers” for 4th and 8th Semester students  Mr. Arun Kumar Application design engineer Schneider Electric Bangalore  12/03/2016
25  Technical talk on “Applications of CAED” for 6th Semester Students  Mr. Sudhindra, Electrical Consultant, 
Desirazu Associates
26  Technical talk on “Single and Double Ended Power Supply” for 4th Semester students  Mr. Chidambar G Patil Founder, Anutronics Pvt. Ltd Mysore  27/02/2016
27  Mini Project Symposium was conducted for 8th Semester students  Kum . Sindhu Kanya, Kum. Parameshwari (Alumni of the Department)  13/02/2016
28  Technical talk on “Electrical Wiring” for 4th Semester students  Ms. Sushma C A Site Engineer, Jenny Electrical Mysore  13/02/2016
29  Technical talk on “Trouble Shooting of Electrical Appliances” for 6th semester Students  Mr. Prabhakar Shastri, Service Engineer, Eurekha Forber, Mysuru  13/02/2016
30  Faculty development Programme on “Research Thrust in Renewable Energy” at GSSSIETW  Mr. Sundar K S, Senior lead Principal,Global Education Center, 
Infosys ltd.
 27/9/2016 to 29/1/2016
31  Technical talk on “Role of energy conservation in present scenario” under faculty development programme at GSSSIETW  Mr. Dinesh Kumar, KREDL  27/1/2016
32  Technical talk on “Biogas from Organic waste /Kitchen waste and “Renewable energy Integrations for Micro grids” under faculty development programme at GSSSIETW  Mr. Sham Sundar,  NIE, Mysore  27/01/2016
33  Technical talk on “High Energy Efficient motors” under faculty development programme at GSSSIETW  Mr.Venkata Krishna International Copper Association  27/01/2016
34  Technical talk on “Research Development in Renewable energy” under faculty development programme at GSSSIETW  Mrs. Anitha G S, RVCE, Bangalore  28/01/2016
35  Technical talk on “Stove-Thermoelectric Hybrid  System: An Challenges and Opportunities” under faculty development programme at GSSSIETW  Dr. M. Eswaramoorthy, HOD, Dept. of EEE, ACSCE,Bangalore  28/01/2016
36  Technical talk on “Application of technology - SELCO's experience Challenges in Energy - General and specific to DRE and Solar” under faculty development programme at GSSSIETW  Mr.Senthil Kumar, Selco India Pvt Ltd  28/01/2016
37  All the faculties of Dept. attended Faculty Developmenmt Programme on “ Best Teaching and Learning Practises” at GSSSIETW  Mr. C K Subbaraya, Principal, AIT Chikmagalur  04/01/2016
1 Technical talk on “Solar Power plant its Construction and Challenges” for all the faculties of EEE Dept. Mrs. Akshatha N A Assistant professor Dept. of EEE, GSSSIETW 5/12/2015
2 Two days Workshop on “ Industrial Automation” for 7th semester students Mr. S Rajasekaram, Director, CARTEL Automation Pvt. Ltd, Chennai 30/10/2015 & 31/10/2015
3 Technical talk on “ Automation in Present scenario” for 7th semester students Mrs. Rathna G N, Principal research Scientist, IISC, Bangalore 16/10/2015
4 Technical talk on “UPS overview and Challenges” for 3rd and 5th Semester Students under EEESA forum activity Mr. Satish G, Associate Lead- Hardware Circuit Design, Schneider Electric, Bangalore 16/10/2015
5 Technical talk on “Industrial Communication” for 3rd and 5th Semester Students Mr. Joy Devassy, Senior Manager, Firm Ware, Schneider Electric, Bangalore 16/10/2015
6 Inauguration of “EEESA forum-2015” Mr. Joy Devassy, Senior Manager, Firm Ware, Schneider Electric, Bangalore 16/10/2015
7 Short term Training on “Electrical Wiring and Earthing” for 5th semester students under Skill Development Program Mr. Prakash Mekwan, Proprietor, Jenny Electricals, Mysuru Mr. Edward Christopher, JTO, SPITI, Mysuru 12/10/2015
8 Technical talk on “MI-Power Subscribe” for 7th semester students Mr. O.S Venkatesh, Power system Engineer PRDC, Bangalore 11/9/2015
9 Technical talk on “ Speech Coding” for 7th semester Students Mr. Vikram R Lakkavalli, Research Associate, IISC, Bangalore 29/8/2015
10 National Conference on “Power systems and Industrial Automation”(NCPSIA-15) jointly organized by dept. of EEE & ITE, GSSSIETW Mr. Veerender Vasam Setty, Innovation manager & Group, Sr. Edison Expert, R & D unit, Schneider Electric Mr. Gurjit Singh, Managing director,GILL Instruments 22/8/2015
11 Technical talk and Practical demo on “An Overview of Electrical Supply in GSSSIETW & its maintenance” for 5th semester students Mr. Prabhuswamy V, Foreman, Dept. of E&EE 8/8/2015
12 Technical talk and practical demo on “UPS, Power supply, CRO & Function generator” for all semester students Mr. Manjunath Holla, Senior Manager, APLAB Ltd. Mysore 8/8/2015
13 “EEESA” day 2015” and “Project Presentation Symposium- 2015” for final year students Ms. Arpitha R and Ms. Jilani Fathima, Aluminae of GSSSIETW 29/04/2015
14 Seminar on “ Embedded Systems and its appreciation real time” for the sixth semester students jointly organized by dept. of EEE & ITE Mr. Raghavendra Bhatt, General manager, Cloud E, Mysore 25/04/2015
15 Demonstration on ‘Transformer oil filtration’ and knowledge about H.T yard and panel room was given to 6th semester students of 2012 batch Mr. Prabhuswamy V, Foreman, Dept. of E&EE 15/04/2015
16 Seminar on “ Conservation of Energy” by “e Tester Electrical solutions Mr. Ravi Hoysal, Incharge director and Mr. Shashi Kumar, office manager 15/04/2015
17 Conducted Technical talk on “Speech Coding” for final year  students Mr. Vikram R Lakkavalli, Research Associate, IISC, Bangalore 29/08/2015
18 Conducted technical talk on “An overview of Electrical supply in GSSSIETW and main benefits to faculty and staff” under FDP Mr. Prabhuswamy V, Foreman Dept. of EEE, GSSSIETW 29/08/2015
19 National Conference on “Power Systems and Industrial  Automation”(NCPSIA-15) Mr. Veerendra Vasamsetty, Innovation Manager & Group, Sr. Edison Expert, R & D unit, Schneider Electric. Mr. Gurjit Singh, Managing Director,Gill Instruments Pvt. Ltd. 22/8/2015
20 Conducted a talk on “An overview of Electrical  Power Supply in GSSSIETW and Maintenance” and a Practical Demo on Power Supply Mr. PrabhuSwamy V, Foreman, Dept. of EEE, GSSSIETW 08/08/2015
21 Conducted a Practical Demo on “UPS, Power Supply, CRO and function Generator” Mr. Manjunath Holla, Senior Manager, APLAB  Ltd. Mysore  08/08/2015
22 Seminar on “ Embedded Systems and its appreciation real time” for the sixth semester students jointly organized by dept. of  EEE & ITE Mr. Raghavendra Bhatt, General manager, Cloud E, Mysore 25/04/2015
23 Demonstration on ‘Transformer oil filtration’ and knowledge  about H.T yard and panel room was given to 6th semester  students of 2012 batch Mr. Prabhuswamy V, Foreman of  E&EE 15/04/2015
24 Seminar on “ Conservation of Energy” by “e Tester Electrical solutions Mr. Ravi Hoysal, Incharge director and Mr. Shashi Kumar, office manager 15/04/2015
1 Inauguration of EEESA activities followed by Invited talk Mr. N C Ganapathy, Managing Partner,M/s. Life Electronics, Bangalore 22/09/2014
2 Training programme on’MI-POWERTM” Ver-8.0-Power system analysis” Mr. Mayank Nagendra,PRDC, Bangalore 18/09/2014 &


3 EEESA day 2014 Smt. Shanthi, Chief engineer,CESCOM,Mysore 23/04/2014
4 An introductory seminar on Preparation for GATE-2015 Smt. Subhashini Harish, Center head, GATE forum,Mysore 04/02/2014

Electrical Consultancy

Electrical Consultancy Details

Name of the facultyNo of Project Title InspectedNo of Project Title InspectedFunding AgencyFunding Agency
Dr.Jagadisha N Third party Inspection
Total No: 209
Consultancy Mysore City Corporation 12-08-2022 to till date
Mr. Girisha K M
Mr. Manjunath J
Mr. JaiGanesh B R
Mr. Mahadevaswamy C


Dr G. Sreeramulu Mahesh


Electrical Consultancy

Consultancy supports our Institute in bridging the gap between the Industry and the Institutions by providing dynamic learning opportunities for the faculty by solving the real-world issues/problems.
A Third-party inspection work was conducted by the department of EEE for the Government allotted areas in co-ordination with respective Government officers of Mysuru city corporation.
The evaluation included inspection of the various quality, quantity and working procedure of different electrical installation like public roads (Street Light), Government Schools, grave yards and other works. Till now 24 inspection works are done so far in different areas.

The main objectives of the Electrical Consultancy works are: 

  • It increases the teaching and research activities.
  • It exposes the faculty and involved to the real time problems and hence upgrades their technical knowledge.
  • To improve the quality of the work allotted through Mysuru City Co-operation.




Student Achievers


Schneider Electric Scholarship 2023-2024


Schneider Electric Scholarship




EPIROC Scholarship 2022-23



Toppers list for Academic Year 2022-2023


Semester VIII


Semester VI


Semester IV



Semester VII


Semester V


Semester III




Semester VIII


Semester VI


Semester IV


Semester II



VTU Rank Holder


3rd Place in Project Competition


"TRINAKSHI MANNA"  VTU 3rd Rank | B.E EEE| CGPA 9.39| 2021-2022


Epiroc Scholarship 2021-22



Departmental Achievers for 2020-21





Kum. Manjeshwar Gayatri Prabhu | 9Gold Medals | GSSSIETW

Kum. Manjeshwar Gayatri Prabhu
1st Rank with 9Gold Medals

M Gayatri Prabhu (4GW11EE022) has secured 1st rank, scoring 90.72% in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at VTU 15th Annual convocation. She has been awarded 9 gold medals instituted by Following persons and Institutes.

  1. Shri. Sangappa L. Desai of Sonna
  2. Late Sri Basavaraj Muddebihal
  3. Murty’s Medal of Excellence
  4. H. H. Jagadguru Late Dr. Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamigalu of Suttur Mutt
  5. Squandron Leader S. S. Chaitanya Memorial R N Shetty,
  6. Jain University
  7. Dr. S. Rame Gowda Memorial
  8. VTU Gold Medal for having secured 1st Rank, Highest Marks, in B.E. Electrical & Electronics Engineering.,
  9. Highest marks among the Rank Holders in any branch of B.E. & highest marks among the students of the Engineering Colleges affiliated to VTU.

Departmental Achievers for ODD Semester – 2021

7th Semester


5th Semester 


3rd Semester



Placement Details :

Students Placement Details* - 2025 Batch (Still in Progress)

eee placement1


Students Placement Details - 2024

eee placement1


Students Placement Details - 2023 Batch

eee placement1

Companies Visiting the department :



News Letters

Department NewsLetter ODD Sem 2023 Click Here

Department NewsLetter Even Sem 2023: Click Here

Department NewsLetter ODD Sem 2022: Click Here

Department News Letter Even Semester 2022: Click Here

Departmental News Letter ODD Semester 2021: Click Here

Departmental News Letter EVEN Semester 2021: Click Here

Departmental News Letter ODD Semester 2020: Click Here

Departmental News Letter EVEN Semester 2020: Click Here

Departmental News Letter ODD Semester 2019: Click Here

Departmental News Letter EVEN Semester 2019: Click Here

Departmental News Letter ODD Semester 2018: Click Here

Departmental News Letter EVEN semester 2018: Click Here

Departmental News Letter ODD semester 2017 : Click Here


Department of EEE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, Organized a Technical Talk on "Empowering Minds: The essential role of higher studies" on 30th November 2024, In Association with GSSSIETW Alumnae Association, for 3rd Semester EEE Department Students. Resource Person: Vaishnavi D R, User Experience Engineer, Sim Yog Technology


Department of EEE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, Organized a Technical Talk on "Designing the Future: From Industrial Design and Research to Electric Vehicle Data Analytics in India's Emerging Market" on 2nd December 2024, Under Power Tech Club, In Association with IEEE PES Student Chapter, for 3rd and 5th Semester EEE Department Students. Resource Person: Ms. Vidya Viswanathan, Technical Specialist at Continental AG, Bengaluru.



Department of EEE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, Organized a Five Days Hands on workshop on "IOT & EMBEDDED SYSTEM" from 19th to 23rd November 2024, Under Renewable Energy Club, In Association with IEEE PES Student Chapter, IOT Club and Karunadu Technological Pvt.Ltd, Bengaluru, for 3rd Semester EEE Department Students.



Technical talk on “High Voltage Plasma Application in Agriculture Sector and Internship Opportunities at IISc Bangalore”  on 27th July 2024,  Under Renewable Energy Club, In Association with IEEE PES Student Chapter, for  4th  and  6th   Semester EEE Department Students. Resource Person: Dr. B S Rajanikanth, Professor, Department of High Voltage Engineering, IISc, Bangalore.



Department of EEE organized a "Industrial Visit to Subhash Kabini Power Corporation Ltd. (20MW) Hydro Power Plant, Beechanahalli, H D Kote Taluku, Mysuru" on 28th June 2024,  for 4th Semester EEE Department Students, Under Renewable Energy Club.





"3 days EV Training Program", Under Electric Vehicle Club, in association with IEEE- PES Bangalore Chapter, from 03rd to 05th June 2024, for 4th Sem EEE Department students.

R K Bharath, Board Member & CEO, GSSS(R), Mysuru and Dr. M Shivakumar, Principal, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, launched Electric Vehicle Project designed by the final year students (2023-2024 Batch) of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Under the Guidance of Dr. Jagadisha N, Associate Professor and Girisha K M, Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, on 15/05/2024.

PROJECT EXPO” Organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, in association with IEEE- PES Bangalore Chapter, Under Renewable Energy Club, on 28th February 2024 for 5th Sem EEE Department students

Industrial Visit to "Shimsha Hydro, Solar and Kaveri Mini hydro Power Plant" for 5th Sem students on 26th Feb 2024

3 days practical hands-on training program on ""ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEAR" from 08th to 10th Feb 2024 under power Tech clubs, In Association with IEEE PES Students Chapter and dbson Universal Power Controls

Inauguration of Students Clubs of EEE " on 05th February 2024

Chief Guest: Sri. Akilur Rahman, Chief Technical Officer, Hitachi Energy India. Ltd, Bengaluru.

Guest of Honor: Sri. Mohan V Kakade, Vice President, Hitachi Energy India. Ltd, Bengaluru.

3 Days Workshop on Internet of Things (IOT) and It's Applications, in association with Karunadu Technological Pvt.Ltd, Bengaluru and IEEE PES Student Chapter from 03rd to 05th January 2024

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Awareness Program on Outcome Based Education for EEE Department Students on 19th  December 2023

 Outcome Based Education OBE

Awareness Program on Outcome Based Education for 5th and 6th  sem Students on 12th  August 2023

1.1 1.2 1.3

Awareness Program on Outcome Based Education for 5th sem Students on 22nd  December 2022

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 3 Days Workshop on Recent Developments and Sustainability in Lighting Applications in Association with ISLE Student Chapter" from 4th to 6th December 2023

3_days_Workshop_on_Lighting_Applications.png  workshop_new_1.jpg





Industrial Visit to AKARUI Green Energy Solutions (APEX LUMINARIES PVT LTD), Malur, Kolar" on 6th December 2023

Industrial_Visit1.png  Industrial_Visit2.png


Dept, OF EEE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru & IEEE - PES Bangalore Chapter, Organized Young Researchers’ Meet (YRM)-2023 On 09th  September 2023






Industrial Visit to Rajamane Soma Inductronics, Metagalli, Mysuru, Karnataka On 29th  August 2023





Industrial Visit to Subhash Kabini Power Corporation Limited for 3rd and 5th Semester students on 12th Dec 2022

Recent Developments in Smart Grid and Applications on 5th to 7th September 2022

Karnataka Renewable Energy Development Limited (KREDL) Sponsored “Techno Renew - Energy Conservancy for Future” on 26th May 2022

Lab View


Industrial Visit

7th Sem.jpeg5th Sem.jpeg3rd Sem.jpeg



Industrial Visits 2020-21 (Virtual Mode)

Industrial Visit-2021Industrial Visit-2021

“Project Symposium-2021” (Virtual Mode) On 10th July 2021

Project Symposium-2021

Project Exhibition “Shakthistaavara-2021” (Virtual Mode) On 17th July 2021



“Exousia -2021” (Virtual Technical Fest) On 24th July 2021

Exousia -2021

Importance of Electrical Energy & Safety Aspects


Project Exhibition-2020

Project Exhibition-2020 Project Exhibition-2020 Project Exhibition-2020 Project Exhibition-2020 Project Exhibition-2020 Project Exhibition-2020 Project Exhibition-2020

FDP Recent Trends Applications of High Voltage



Industrial VisitIndustrial Visit

Faculty Development Programme

Faculty Development ProgrammeGAN_6510.JPG4days Specialised training programme on Faculty Development ProgrammeVisit to ISHRAE lab, VVCE, Mysuru during the 4days Faculty development program on 'Energy Conservation Building Code' (ECBC) organised by Dept. of EEE, GSSSIETW in association with KREDL, Mysuru on 28th July 2018.4days Specialised training programme on Visit to ISHRAE lab, VVCE, Mysuru during the 4days Faculty development program on 'Energy Conservation Building Code' (ECBC) organised by Dept. of EEE, GSSSIETW in association with KREDL, Mysuru on 28th July 2018.Visit to ISHRAE lab, VVCE, Mysuru during the 4days Faculty development program on 'Energy Conservation Building Code' (ECBC) organised by Dept. of EEE, GSSSIETW in association with KREDL, Mysuru on 28th July 2018.Faculty Development ProgrammeVisit to ISHRAE lab, VVCE, Mysuru during the 4days Faculty development program on 'Energy Conservation Building Code' (ECBC) organised by Dept. of EEE, GSSSIETW in association with KREDL, Mysuru on 28th July 2018.Visit to ISHRAE lab, VVCE, Mysuru during the 4days Faculty development program on 'Energy Conservation Building Code' (ECBC) organised by Dept. of EEE, GSSSIETW in association with KREDL, Mysuru on 28th July 2018.4days Specialised training programme on Faculty-Development-programFaculty-Development-programFaculty Development ProgrammeFaculty-Development-programFaculty-Development-program4days Specialised training programme on Visit to ISHRAE lab, VVCE, Mysuru during the 4days Faculty development program on 'Energy Conservation Building Code' (ECBC) organised by Dept. of EEE, GSSSIETW in association with KREDL, Mysuru on 28th July 2018.Visit to ISHRAE lab, VVCE, Mysuru during the 4days Faculty development program on 'Energy Conservation Building Code' (ECBC) organised by Dept. of EEE, GSSSIETW in association with KREDL, Mysuru on 28th July 2018.4days Specialised training programme on 4days Specialised training programme on Visit to ISHRAE lab, VVCE, Mysuru during the 4days Faculty development program on 'Energy Conservation Building Code' (ECBC) organised by Dept. of EEE, GSSSIETW in association with KREDL, Mysuru on 28th July 2018.Faculty-Development-program

Industrial Visits

Industrial Visit to 4th Semester StudentsMGIRED- 5th Sem on 27th Oct 2017Industrial Visit to 4th Semester StudentsIndustrial Visit to 4th Semester StudentsIndustrial visitIndustrial Visit to Rajamane Soma Inductronics for 6th semester studentsIndustrial Visit to 4th Semester StudentsMGIRED- 5th Sem on 27th Oct 2017Industrial Visit to Rajamane Soma Inductronics for 6th semester studentsIndustrial Visit to 4th Semester StudentsMGIRED- 5th Sem on 27th Oct 2017Industrial visitMGIRED- 5th Sem on 27th Oct 2017Industrial VisitIndustrial Visit to 4th Semester StudentsMGIRED- 5th Sem on 27th Oct 2017Industrial Visit to 4th Semester StudentsIndustrial visitIndustrial Visit to 4th Semester StudentsMGIRED- 5th Sem on 27th Oct 2017MGIRED- 5th Sem on 27th Oct 2017Industrial Visit to Rajamane Soma Inductronics for 6th semester studentsIndustrial Visit to 4th Semester StudentsIndustrial Visit to 4th Semester StudentsIndustrial visitIndustrial Visit

Best Practise Symposium

Best Practise SymposiumBest Practise SymposiumBest Practise SymposiumBest Practise Symposium

Shakthi Sthaavara 2018

Open Day- Project Exhibition 'Shakthi Sthaavara-2018'Open Day- Project Exhibition 'Shakthi Sthaavara-2018'Open Day- Project Exhibition 'Shakthi Sthaavara-2018'Open Day- Project Exhibition 'Shakthi Sthaavara-2018'Open Day- Project Exhibition 'Shakthi Sthaavara-2018'Open Day- Project Exhibition 'Shakthi Sthaavara-2018'Open Day- Project Exhibition 'Shakthi Sthaavara-2018'Open Day- Project Exhibition 'Shakthi Sthaavara-2018'Open Day- Project Exhibition 'Shakthi Sthaavara-2018'Open Day- Project Exhibition 'Shakthi Sthaavara-2018'Open Day- Project Exhibition 'Shakthi Sthaavara-2018'Open Day- Project Exhibition 'Shakthi Sthaavara-2018'Open Day- Project Exhibition 'Shakthi Sthaavara-2018'Open Day- Project Exhibition 'Shakthi Sthaavara-2018'

Skill Development Program

Skill Development ProgramSkill Development ProgramSkill Development ProgramSkill Development ProgramSkill Development ProgramSkill Development ProgramSkill Development ProgramSkill Development ProgramSkill Development ProgramSkill Development ProgramSkill Development ProgramSkill Development ProgramSkill Development ProgramSkill Development Program

Technical Events Conducted By Departments 2017-18

Technical Events Conducted By Departments - 2017-18Technical Events Conducted By Departments - 2017-18Technical Events Conducted By Departments - 2017-18Technical Events Conducted By Departments - 2017-18Technical Events Conducted By Departments - 2017-18Technical Events Conducted By Departments - 2017-18Technical Events Conducted By Departments - 2017-18Technical Events Conducted By Departments - 2017-18Technical Events Conducted By Departments - 2017-18Technical Events Conducted By Departments - 2017-18Technical Events Conducted By Departments - 2017-18Technical Events Conducted By Departments - 2017-18Technical Events Conducted By Departments - 2017-18Technical Events Conducted By Departments - 2017-18Technical Events Conducted By Departments - 2017-18


Release of conference Proceedings in Second national conference on Intelligent Energy SystemsNCIES-2018 on 7th May 2018Inauguration of ConferenceGroup photo with delegates and management committee members

Workshop on Electrical Machines Maintenance

Workshop on Electrical Machines Maintenance and Grounding of Electrical Installations from 10th to 12th July 2017Workshop on Electrical Machines Maintenance and Grounding of Electrical Installations from 10th to 12th July 2017Workshop on Electrical Machines Maintenance and Grounding of Electrical Installations from 10th to 12th July 2017Workshop on Electrical Machines Maintenance and Grounding of Electrical Installations from 10th to 12th July 2017Workshop on Electrical Machines Maintenance and Grounding of Electrical Installations from 10th to 12th July 2017Workshop on Electrical Machines Maintenance and Grounding of Electrical Installations from 10th to 12th July 2017Workshop on Electrical Machines Maintenance and Grounding of Electrical Installations from 10th to 12th July 2017Workshop on Electrical Machines Maintenance and Grounding of Electrical Installations from 10th to 12th July 2017Workshop on Electrical Machines Maintenance and Grounding of Electrical Installations from 10th to 12th July 2017Workshop on Electrical Machines Maintenance and Grounding of Electrical Installations from 10th to 12th July 2017Workshop on Electrical Machines Maintenance and Grounding of Electrical Installations from 10th to 12th July 2017Workshop on Electrical Machines Maintenance and Grounding of Electrical Installations from 10th to 12th July 2017Workshop on Electrical Machines Maintenance and Grounding of Electrical Installations from 10th to 12th July 2017



Dr. G Sreeramulu Mahesh

HOD, Dept of Electrical and Electronics

GSSS Institute Of Engineering & Technology For Women

Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Phone : 0821-4257304 Extn: 1131

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© 2014 | GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women