Accredited Branches
by NBA, New Delhi
(Validity up to June 2026)
(Validity up to June 2027)


Accredited with A Grade

CET Code: E133
COMEDK Code: E055

INFORMATION SCIENCE & ENGINEERING-Accredited by NBA, New Delhi (Validity: 01.07.2017 - 30.06.2020, 01.07.2020 - 30.06.2023 & 01.07.2023 - 30.06.2026)


About The Department :

Intake of the Department = 60

  •  Established in 2003 with an intake of 60 students.
  • 90% of the final year students are placed in reputed companies with highest package of Rs. 32.7 Lakhs per annum.
  • Accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), New Delhi from 01.07.2017 to 30.06.2020, 01.07.2020 to 30.06.2023 and 01.07.2023 to 30.06.2026
  • The department has 08 faculty members with 1 Ph.D. and 04 pursuing Ph.D in various disciplines.
  • Department has been sanctioned with a grant of Rs 14,60,700/- from various Government and Funding agencies.
  • Successfully organized “3rd International Conference on Adaptive Computational Intelligence” (ICACI 2022) in Technical Collaboration with Springer, during the year 2022.
  • Successfully organized “International Conference Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT)” in Association with IEEE Bangalore Section from 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 & 2021. This event was organized in association with AICTE had sanctioned Rs,3,83,700/- as Financial Assistance for conducting ICEECCOT-2021  conference under AICTE - GOC (Grant for Organizing Conference) scheme.
  • Students are encouraged to participate in various Inter/Intra College techno-cultural competitions. Students of ISE department have brought laurels to the department and the institute by wining prizes at different events that they have participated.
  • The faculties of the department have published patents, book chapters and papers in various research domains as well as delivered technical sessions as a Resource Person.
  • Department has required infrastructure as per AICTE and VTU norms.

Vision :

To be recognized nationally as an accomplished department producing global leaders and researchers as committed, enthusiastic and excellent ethical women technical graduate for the better tomorrow.

Mission :

M1: To provide Students with Innovative and research skills, which is need of the hour for technical students.
M2: To impart knowledge to the students of Information Science and Engineering with relevant core and practical knowledge inculcating real time experience in the promising field of computing.
M3: To prepare the graduates to meet information technology challenges with a blend of social, human, ethical and value based education.

Program Educational Objectives (PEO's) :

PEO1: To produce graduates who have the ability to demonstrate technical competence in the fields of information Technology and develop solutions to the problems.

PEO2: Gain the ability to analyze and solve Information science and engineering problems through application of fundamental knowledge of maths, science, and engineering.

PEO3: To endeavor innovations with a substantial fundamental technical skills aiming the career in research and development.

PEO4: Understand and deal with ethical, societal and global issues associated with the computing profession.

PEO5: Exhibit professionalism, leadership roles, team work in meeting the growing demands of IT industry.

Program Outcomes (PO’s):

PO1. Engineering knowledge - Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.

PO2. Problem analysis - Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

PO3. Design/development of solutions - Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems - Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5. Modern tool usage - Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

PO6. The engineer and society - Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

PO7. Environment and sustainability - Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

PO8. Ethics - Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

PO9. Individual and team work - Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO10. Communication - Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PO11. Project management and finance - Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO12. Life-long learning - Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)

PSO1 :Participate in planning, implementing, evaluating reliable and secure IT Solutions to specific business problems.

PSO2  :  Enabling the students with Project Management Skill through Software Development life Cycle.


Department Laboratories and Infrastructure


Odd Semester - Networks Laboratory
Even Semester- Design & Analysis of Algorithms Laboratory



ODD Semester:

Networks Laboratory

  •  Usage of NS2 for simulation of various Network Topologies and LAN technologies
  • To develop and execute algorithms at Data Link Layer, Network Layer, Cryptographic Algorithm, Socket Programming with IPC Communication.

Even Semester : 

Software Testing Laboratory

To Understand the principles , techniques and need for various types of testing Strategies for generating manual test cases

Major Equipments:

HP 280 pro G6 Micro tower PC, Intel Core I5-10500 Processor, 3.10 GHz 8GB  RAM, 3-Button/Scroll Optical USB mouse, Keyboard ,1TB HDD -24 Nos.


Lab 2

Odd Semester - Data Structures Laboratory
Even Semester- Software Testing Laboratory


 A-218L1 (66 Sq. Mt.)


Odd Semester: Data Structures Laboratory:

  • Analyze and compare various linear and non-linear data structures.
  • Code, debug and demonstrate the working nature of different types of data structures and their applications.
  • Choose the appropriate data structures for solving real world problems.

Even Semester: Software Testing Laboratory

  • To understand the principles, techniques and need for various types of testing Strategies for generating manual test cases.

Major Equipments :

HP 280 pro G6 Micro tower PC, Intel Core I5-10500 Processor, 3.10 GHz 8GB RAM, 3-Button/Scroll Optical USB mouse, Keyboard ,1TB HDD -24 Nos.

D-Link Wireless Router AC750 Dual Band Router DIR 816 – 1 No. & Networking Components


Odd Semester - Operating System/ Computer Programming Laboratory
Even Semester- Mini Project/Python Programming



A-218L3 (66 Sq. Mt)



Odd Semester: Computer Programming Laboratory

  • Identify and understand the working of key components of a computer system.
  • To understand basic principles of programming in C language.

 Even Semester: Mini Project \ Python Programming

  • Demonstrate the use of IDLE to create Python Applications
  • Using Python programming language to develop programs for solving real-world problems
  • Implement the Object-Oriented Programming concepts in Python.

Major Equipments:

HP 280 G2 MT, Core i3 6100 Processor, 3.7 GHZ, 1TB HDD, 4GB Cache Memory, Optical USB mouse, Keyboard,18.5’ TFT Monitor HP make-09

HP 280 G1 MT, Core i3 Processor 6100 , 3.7 GHZ, 500 HDD, 4 GB Cache Memory, Optical USB mouse, Keyboard,18.5’ TFT Monitor HP make- 13

Lab 4: 

Odd Semester - Machine Learning Laboratory/ Data Visualization Lab
Even Semester- DBMS Laboratory with Mini Project Lab


 A-218L4 (66 Sq. Mt)


Odd Semester:

Machine Learning Laboratory

  • Design Java/Python programs for various Learning algorithms.
  • Identify and apply Learning algorithms to solve real world problems.

Data Visualization Lab

  • Identify patterns and trends
  • Use data-driven insights to make informed decisions
  • Present data to non-technical audiences without confusion
  • Enhance information recall
  • Enable interdisciplinary collaboration

Even Semester: DBMS Laboratory with Mini Project

  • DBMS serves as an interface between an end-user and a database, allowing users to create, read, update, and delete data in the database.

Major Equipments:

HP280 G4 MT PC, Intel Core I5 8500 Processor, 3.00 GHz 8GB  RAM, 1TBHDD, keyboard with Mouse – 20 Systems.

Lab 5: 

Odd Semester - : Digital Design & Computer Organization


 A-318D L5 (33 Sq. Mt)

Odd Semester: : Digital Design & Computer Organization

  • Design and implementation of adder, subtractor circuits, Multiplexer, Flip Flops.
  • Simulation of basic gates, implement simple circuits using structural, Data flow and behavioral model.

Major Equipments:

HP Desktop 400 G9, Intel core i7 Processor,16GB RAM, 1 TB HDD – 12 Nos
HCL INFINITIL A350 Pro, Intel Core i3 Processor 550, 3.2 GHz, 4MB Cache Memory, Intel H55 original Chipset, SATA DVD write, 3-Button/Scroll Optical USB mouse, Keyboard, 4GB RAM, 500 GB SATA Hard Disk, 18.5’ Backlit wide TFT monitor – 10 Nos.

  • CRO-100 MHz, Oscilloscope
  • Digital IC Trainer Kits
  • Analog and Digital IC Tester
  • DC Regulated Power Supply output +/- 15V/2A
  • Dual Power Supply 0-30V/2A
  • I/O Card ALS-PCI-07 48 Lines D/I/O Card with Timer
  • Function Generator 3 MHz
  • Digital Millimeter Rish 12S

Minor Equipments :

  • Bread Board, ICs, Resisters and Capacitors
  • Ammeter(0-2A) Table Top
  • Voltmeter (0-30V) Table Top
  • Power Supply (5V, 1.5A, +/- 12V, 100ma)

UPS Room :


UPS Room  A-119 (20 Sq. Mt.)

APLAB 15KVA 3PH -1PH UPS providing backup for all the labs.


Class Rooms



A-201 (84 Sq.Mt.)

Class Room supported with LCD Projector with White Screen for projection and Glass Board Seating Capacity -60




A-215 (84 Sq.Mt.)



A-216 (95 Sq.Mt.)

HOD’s Room & Department Office :


 A-218 HOD( 17 Sq.Mt)

Information Science Department Office | GSSSIETW

A-218DO ( 17 Sq.Mt)

Faculty Rooms

Information Science Faculty Room 1 | GSSSIETW

A- 308 FR(84 Sq.Mt.) 


A- 218 FR (17 Sq.Mt.)

Safety Precautionary

Fire Extinguisher & Over Load Protection | GSSSIETW

Fire Extinguisher

First Aid Box | GSSS Engineering & Technology for Women

First Aid box


VTU Rank Holder

Punya K

Dept. of ISE students won 2nd Place with cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- in a Hackathon organized by MIT, Thandavapura on 27th and 28th of April, 2023


6th Semester Students Megha K Prasad, Ananya B Dalapathi, Punya K and Shreya G S


Dept. of ISE students won 1st Place with cash prize of Rs 1,00,000/- in Hacklab 2022 - Hackathon organized by Cirrus Labs, Bengaluru


5th Semester Students Megha K Prasad, Ananya B Dalapathi, Punya K and Shreya G S won
1st Place with cash prize of 1 lakh rupees in Hackathon conducted by
cirrus labs, Bengaluru on 12-12-2022.


Technical Seminars / Workshops organized by the Department :

Sl No Title of the Event Resource Person Date
Odd - 2021
1 A Workshop on “Advanced C Concepts: Industrial Perspective” Mr. Dinesh, Microchip Technology India Pvt Ltd. 16th October 2021
2 A Workshop on “Advances in Sustainability and Motion technology” Ms. Meghana Praksha, Holosuit Pvt. Ltd, Mysuru. 23rd October 2021
3 Webinar on “Futures of Computer Networks” Mr. Sridhar G P, Telecom Specialist at Wipro Technologies, Bengaluru. 23rd October 2021
4 A three day Workshop on “Ethical Hacking” Mr. Samarth, Reinfosec Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore. 29th October 2021
5 One day workshop on “Effective Problem Solving and Decision Making Techniques” Mr. Raghavendra G Ernst and Young, Bangalore. 30th October 2021
6 One day workshop on “Technical skill enhancement for computer application development” Miss. Chandana Associate Engineer L&T Technology Services Mysore. 6 November 2021
7 A three day workshop on “Vulnerability Detection and Real Time Network Security use Monosek” Mrs. Nethra, Senior Software Engineer, Atos global IT Solutions, Bangalore 02nd November 2021, 12th November 2021 and 13th November 2021
8 One day workshop on “Pre-Placement Talk” Miss.Chinmayee from Accenture, Bangalore and Miss. Sonu Ganesh from TCS, Bangalore 30th November 2021
9 A webinar on “An Web Application Development to illustrate Data Base Management Systems Features” Mr. Amith K S, Senior
Software Engineer, Manyathy Business Solutions, Shimoga.
29th January 2022
10 Webinar on “Women Safety in Digital World” Mrs. Santhya R, Founder and CEO of ABG Cyber Solutions, Coimbatore. 5th February 2022
11 A webinar on “Full Stack Development” Mohan H G, Senior Software Engineer, Manyathy Business Solutions, Shimoga. 10th February 2022
12 Webinar on “Application of Python in Industry- a Practical Approach” Lohar Sachin Namdeo, Senior Software Engineer Knowledge Solutions India, Pune. 5th February 2022
13 National Level Project Exhibition “TECH X-2K22” In association with IEEE Computer Society, Bangalore Chapter 24th May 2022
Even - 2021
1 Three Day Workshop on “Certified Secure Computer User (CSCU)” Ms. Santhya R, Founder and Director of ABG Cyber Solutions Coimbatore for Semester Students in association with IEEE Computer Society GSSS Student Chapter (SBC17861C) 08th to 10th April 2021
2 One Day Online Workshop on “Advances in Design and Analysis of Algorithms” Mr. MuthuVenkatakrishnan, Pentagon Solutions, Bangalore. 24th April 2021
3 A webinar on “Overview of Object Oriented Concepts on Programming” Ms. Amreen Saba, Educator at Unacademy and Alumnae of GSSSIETW, Mysuru 29th May 2021
4 A webinar on “Testing Tools Overview and Execution” Mr. Somaiah, Trainnner at Tek System Global Solutions, Bangalore 24th April 2021
5 Two Days Online Workshop on “Getting to know GitHub” Mr. AnandJagadeesh, Secretary, IEEE Computer Society, Bangalore Chapter for Semester Students 16th & 17th June 2021
6 A webinar on “Internationalization in User Interface Design” Mr. SateeshGiri, Founder and Visual Basic Developer of Mysore, MYS Genius Software Solution. 26th June 2021
7 A webinar on “Competitive Programming Challenges Platforms” Mr.NiranjanMalya, Dlite consultancy Pvt.Ltd Bangalore 26th June 2021
8 A Webinar on “Data Analytics tools Overview and Execution” Mr. Shashi Kumar, Application Engineer for math work products at CoreEL Technologies, Bangalore. 22nd May 2021
Odd - 2020
1 Webinar on “Software defined wide area networks (SD WAN)” Mr. Pradeep G, Senior Software Engineer, CISCO, Bengaluru. 17th June 2020
2 National Level Three Day Webinar Series on “Campus To Corporate & Project-Based Learning & Development Of Employability Skills” Prof. (Dr.) P.S Grover, Delhi University, KIIT Group of Colleges,Gurgaon. 8th to 10th June 2020
3 National Level Three Day Webinar Series on “Campus To Corporate & Project-Based Learning & Development Of Employability Skills” Professor. A. R Dwarakanath, Chairman & National Council Member Indian Society for Training & Development Mysuru Chapter International Life Skill Trainer & Easy class Online Educator 8th to 10th June 2020
1 Industrial Visit to Advanced Electronic Systems, Bangalore 3rd Semester students 9th May 2019
2 Project Symposium-2019 for 8th Semester Students Mr. Bhaskar Kalale, President, Theorem India Pvt. Ltd., Mysuru and Chairman Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Mysuru 6th May 2019
3 Three Day Skill Development Program on “Vulnerability Detection and Real Time Network Security using Monosek” for 6th Semester Students

Nethra Gowda and Manjushree Mashal,
Software Engineers, Nihon Communication Solutions Pvt. Ltd Bengaluru

29th 30th,  April and 2nd May 2019
4 Two Day Enrichment program On “Python Application Programming”  for 6th  semester students Mrs. Nagaswetha D, Managing partner Entelika IT Services Mysuru, Miss. Ashwani  I, Application Developer, Infosys Ltd, Mysuru 26th  to 27th  April 2019
5 Three Day Enrichment Programme On  “Design and Analysis of Algorithms” for 4th  Semester students

Krishnand S H,
Research Engineer, Sughamya Academy for Excellence, Mysuru.

25th  to 27th  April 2019
6 Third National conference on Engineering Innovations and Solutions. (NCEIS – 2019) Smt. B.P. Dakshayani, Former Group Director, Flight Dynamics Group & Space Navigation Group, ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore 23rd April 2019
7 Two day workshop on “Microprocessor & its Application”  for 4th  Semester Students Prof. Badri Nath K, CEO, IORA Technologies, Bengaluru 4th  and 5th  April 2019.
8 Practical Session on “Python Programming and its application” for 6th Semester students Charles Antony, Learning and Delivery Head, RiiiT Ltd, Mysuru 30th March 2019
9 Hands-on Session on “JAVA Application” for 4th Semester Students Chetan, Senior Software Developer, Aries Global Pvt.,Ltd.,Bengaluru 30th  March 2019.
10 Hands-on Session on “Design and Analysis of Algorithms” for 4th Semester Students. Sunil, Technical Consultant, Interlla Technologies 23rd   March 2019
11 Industrial visit to Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru 8th  Semester Students 23rd   March 2019
12 Session on  “Cloud Services for Scalable access to applications” for 6th Semester students Chandraprasad, Technical Lead, Theorem, Mysuru 9th March 2019
13 Alan Turing CSI National Student Quiz-2019 2nd and 3rd Year Students 28th  February 2019
14 Three Day Skill Development Program on “Wireless Sensors Network  based IoT Platform” in association with Nihon Communications Solutions Private Limited , Bengaluru and Computer Society of India for 6th Semester students Mr. Sanketh Gopal and Mr. Satwik Sunkadmath  Application Engineers,Nihon Communication Solutions Private limited, Bengaluru 26th  to 28th   February 2019

Mr. & Ms. CSI Mysore” Contest
(Intercollegiate Quiz competition)

2nd and 3rd Year Students 25th  February 2019
16 Industrial Visit to C-DAC, Knowledge Park, Bengaluru 6th  Semester Students 19th February 2019.
17 Session on “Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) Certification Courses” for 6th Semester students Jahnavi, Network Engineer, V5 Techsol, Bengaluru 9th February
18 Technical Talk on “Current Technologies and Cloud based Services“  for 4th Semester Students Vidhya, Team Leader and Sanjana, HR, Arohaka Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru 9th February 2019
19 Two days workshop on “Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking with Hands-on sessions” for 6th  Semester Students Mr. Karthik G, Managing Director, VSG Software Solutions, Mysore 6th   and 7th  February 2019
20 Practical approach on “Cryptography and Network Security”  for 6th Semester students Tejas, Analyst Programmer, ndVOR IT Solutions, Bengaluru 2nd February 2019
21 Four Day Workshop on “Big Data Analytics” Mr. Parag Kulkarni, Technical Evangelist & Corporate Trainer, GeeksLAB Technologies Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi 21st  to 24th January 2019
1 One Day Workshop on “Machine Learning” for 7th Semester Students

Mr. Aditya Hatwar, Research Engineer, Data Science Analytics Group, Ola, Bengaluru.

3rd November 2018
2 Three Day Skill Development on “ MONOSEK FORENSIC AND CYBER SECURITY” for 7th Semester Students

Ms. Nethra M,Ms Manjushree Mashal  Software Engineers, Nihon Communication Solutions Private limited, Bengaluru.

24th  to 26th  of September 2018
3 Session on “Block Chain Technology” for V & VII Semester Students

Karthik G, Managing Director, VSG Software Solutions, Mysore

27th   October 2018
4 A Practical approach on “Open Source Database Management software Tools” for V Semester Students

Mr.Tejas, Analyst Programmer, ndVOR IT Solutions, Bengaluru

13th  October 2018
5 Technical Talk on “Recent technology in IT Industry” for III Semester Students

Rakesh K, Chief Human Resource Officer, Arohaka Technologies Pvt. Ltd

13th  October 2018
6 National Level Coding Competition “CODE IGNITER – 2018” in Association with Computer Society of India, Bangalore and Mysore Chapters

Mr. Ranganath G K ,Technology Solution
Professional, Open Source on Azure at Microsoft, Bengaluru

22nd September 2018 
7 Talk on “Top Five Emerging Techniques in IT Industry and Challenges in a Corporate Field” for V Semester Students Mrs. Amulya, Senior Associate Software Engineer, GENPACT Engg. Head Strong Capital Markets   18th  September 2018
9  One Day Workshop on “ERP tool” for  V & VII Semester students Sonu Prabhu, Software Engineer, Siemens Healthcare Pvt. Ltd Bengaluru  15th  September 2018 
10  One day workshop on “Practical Approach towards Networking Tools” for V Semester students Mr. Manjunath, Samsung, Bengaluru  15th  September 2018 
11  Talk on “Recent technology in IT Industry” for VII Semester Students Rakesh K, Chief Human Resource Officer, Arohaka Technologies Pvt. Ltd  13th  September 2018 
12  Practice Session on “Data Structures” for III Semester students Mr Krishna, Software Trainer, Amphisoft Technologies, Bengaluru   8th  September 2018
13  A Practice Session on “Web Technology” for VII Semester Students Sahana R, Unilog, Mysuru  8th   September 2018 
14  Technical Talk on “ERP tool - SAP”  for V Semester students Syed , Nischith, Panchami , IT- Champs Software Pvt. Ltd., Mysuru  3rd   September 2018 
15  Technical talk on “ Programming Skills in C ” for IV Semester Students Mr. Sendhil Kumar P S, Senior Team Lead, Theorem, Mysuru   18th  August 2018
16  Two day Workshop on “Advanced Java & J2EE” was organized for V Semester students Mr. Lohith C, Senior Software Engineer, Techagape Bengaluru  18th  August 2018 
17  Three Day Skill Development Program on “Network Traffic Analysis in Real time Using Monosek” Ms. Nethra M,Ms Manjushree Mashal  Software Engineers, Nihon Communication Solutions Private limited, Bengaluru.  1st to  3rd    August 2018 

Three days Workshop on “R for Data Science”, in association with
Board of IT Education Standards, Bangalore

Dr. Thenmozhi  S,  Dr. Lekha A, BITES, Bangalore  10th  to 12th  July 2018 
19 Project Symposium -2018”

Mr. Mahesh Chinnaswamy, Vice President, Qwinix Technologies, Mysuru

19th May 2018
20 Two Day Workshop on “Microprocessor & Its Application

Prof. Badrinath K, CEO, IORA Technologies, Bengaluru

17th & 18th  May 2018
21 Second National conference on Engineering Innovations and Solutions. (NCEIS – 2018)

Smt. Kalpana Arvind, Group Director, Photonics System Group, LEOS, Bengaluru

7th  May 2018
22 Industrial Visit to Karnataka Milk Federation, Mysuru

II Semester

11th May 2018
23 Technical Talk on “File Structures and its Implementation”

Mr. Sunil Kumar N, Founder & CEO, Intrella, Mysuru

28th April 2018.
24 Technical Talk on  “Evaluation of Pointers with respect to Function”

Mr. Krishna, Amply Soft Technologies, NTT Data International Service, Bengaluru

28th April 2018
25 Technical Talk on  “Overview on Software Testing Tools”

Mr. Devraj A T, Senior Software Engineer, Mar Labs, Mysuru

21st April 2018
26 Technical Talk on  “Selenium Web Driver Automation Testing Tool ”

Mr. Devraj A T, Senior Software Engineer, Mar Labs, Mysuru

21st April 2018.
27 Technical Talk on  “Introduction to Salesforce-Cloud Computing Platform”

Mr.Vinay Raj, Software Engineer, Accenture, Bengaluru

21st April 2018.
28 Industrial Visit to ISRO – Satellite Center, Bengaluru

VI Semester

17th April 2018
29 Industrial Visit to Advanced Electronic System, Bengaluru

IV Semester

15th March 2018.
30 Three Day National Level Faculty Development Program on A Practical Approach Towards Big Data Analytics And Artificial Intelligence held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru

Mr. Ram Prasad K
Former Wipro Fellow, Chief Technologist Artificial Intelligence Consultant
Mr. Hariharan Vinayakaram Natarajan, DMTS, Wipro Technologies,Bangalore

5th,6th & 7th March 2018
31 Industrial Visit to ISRO MCF , Hassan VIII Semester 26th Feb 2018
32 Mini Project Symposium Mr. Venkatesh Murthy, Executive Director, Engineering, Velankani Software Pvt. Ltd, 24th Feb 2018
33 Two Day Skill Development Program on “Network Traffic Analysis in Real time using Monosek” for VI Semester Students Mr M S Phadke , Director , NCS Pvt Ltd, Benagluru, Mr. Ashish , Software Engineer and Ms. Nethra M, Software Engineer, Nihon Communication Solutions Private limited, Bengaluru. 9th , 10th Feb 2018
34 Three Day Skill Development Program on “Overview of Network Forensics & Monosek” for IV Semester Students Hrushikesh Inamdar, Application Engineer & Shayan P, Application Engineer, Nihon Communication Solutions Private Limited, Bengaluru 29th ,30th & 31st of Jan 2018

Industrial Visit to IT Champs, Mysuru

I Semester 23rd September 2017

National Level Coding Competition “CODE IGNITER – 2017”

Dr. K C Gouda Senior Scientist, CSIR C-MMACS, NAL, Bengaluru, 22nd September 2017

Industrial Visit to ISRO – Satellite Center, Bengaluru

VII Semester 18th September 2017.

Industrial Visit to CMMAC, Bengaluru

IV Semester 15th September 2017

Industrial Visit to ACE Components, Mysuru

III  Semester 9th September 2017
6 Technical Talk on “Uses & Approaches of Java in Corporate Sector Kishan R, Software Engineer, Clinical Development, Aissel Technologies, IT Park, Hubli 9th September 2017
7 Technical talk on “IT Trends” Suprith D Raj, CMO & Co-Founder, Arohaka Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru 9th September 2017
8 Technical talk on “An overview on Software Development Life Cycle and Testing Life Cycle” Shruthi M J, Senior QA, Excel Soft, Mysuru 19th August 2017.
9 Technical talk on “Software Development Life Cycle” Vinay Raj, Senior Consultant, NTT Data International Service, Bengaluru 19th August 2017
10 Three Day Workshop  on “Network Traffic Analysis in Real time using Monosek” Ashish Srivastava, Software Engineer & Hrushikesh Inamdar, Application Engineer, Nihon Communication Solutions Private Limited, Bengaluru 7th, 8th & 9th of August 2017.
11 Best Practice Faculty Symposium

Karthik G, Managing Director, VSG Software Solutions Mysuru

31st  July 2017
12 Five Days National Level Faculty Development Program on “Cyber Warfare: Techniques, Tactics & Tools for Network Security” Pradeep G, Network Security Consultant and Corporate Trainer, SLVIS Networking, Bengaluru. 24th July to 28th July 2017
13 Technical Talk on “Recent Trends on IoT and Cloud Servers” Chandraprasad R, Senior Team Lead, Theorem, Mysuru 11th November 2017.
14 Technical Talk on “Programming Concepts & Techniques” Charles Antony, Learning and Delivery Head, RIIIT Ltd, Mysuru 11th November 2017
15 Technical Talk on “Implementation of Networking Ideas using Hardware Kit” Radhakrishna, Senior Software Engineer, Mar Labs Software Pvt. Ltd., Mysuru 11th November 2017.
16 Technical Talk on “Android & its Evolution” Tejas, Web Developer, Theorem, Mysuru 11th November 2017.
17 Technical Talk on “IoT using Raspberry Pi” Anireekshith N, Senior Engineering Specialist, Software AG, Bengaluru 28th October 2017.
18 Technical Talk on “Robotic Process Automation and Analytics” Sivaramakrishnan N, Senior Software Developer, Infosys Pvt Ltd., Mysuru and Mr. Santhosh, Technology Evangelist, Digital Academy, Infosys Pvt. Ltd., Mysuru 28th October 2017.
19 Technical talk on “Software Engineering with Industrial Perspective” Sandeepa D, Associate Consultant Engineer, Global Logic Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru 28th October 2017.
20 Technical Talk on “Test Automation” Devaraj, Senior Software Engineer, Mar Labs Software Pvt. Ltd., Mysuru 28th October 2017.
21 Technical Talk on “Trends & Techniques in Software Engineering” Dharshan A H, Senior Consultant, All State Solution, Bengaluru 9th September 2017.
22 One day Workshop on “Developing Web Applications with Java” Sunil Kumar N, Technology Specialist, HPE & Sreenivasa Murthy N, Senior Software Engineer in Linus Technia, Bengaluru 9th September 2017.
23 Technical Talk on “Exploring IT Opportunities” Rohith T.D, Senior Project Lead, Oracle, Bengaluru 19th August 2017.
24 Technical Talk on “Agile Industry Perspectives and Project Excursion” Mallikarjuna CEO, Elephantry Technologies Pvt Ltd., Bengaluru 19th August 2017.
25 Technical Talk on “Mongo DB-Open Source Database” Chethan P, Technical Lead, Theorem India Pvt. Ltd., Mysuru 12th August 2017.
26 Technical talk on “Software Testing and its Formal Approaches” Prem Kumar Singh Test Manager, Infotech Pvt Ltd., Bengaluru 12th August 2017.

 Project Symposium – 2017

Alumnae of GSSSIETW 27th  May 2017

Technical talk on “Data Communication from Industrial Perspective”

Anil Kumar H S, Network and Security Engineer, Happiest Minds Technologies, Bengaluru 22nd April 2017

Three Day Workshop  on “Network Traffic Analysis in Real time using Monosek”

Mr. Anguru Suresh,  Mrs. Madhura CK, Software Engineer, Nihon Communication Solutions Private limited, Bengaluru 11th, 12th & 13th  April 2017

Industrial Visit to Infosys Technologies Ltd, Mysuru

IV Semester 8th April 2017

Industrial Visit to “CSIR - CMMAC, National Aerospace Laboratories”, Bengaluru

VIII  Semester 21st  March 2017
32 Industrial Visit to “CSIR - CMMAC, National Aerospace Laboratories”, Bengaluru VI Semester 21st  March 2017
33 One day workshop on “User Interface Development Tool” Mahesh, CEO, Spaneos Software Solutions, Bengaluru 11th March 2017.
34 Technical talk on “Software Development tools and its applications” Kiran Kumar N, Application Development Analyst, Accenture, Bengaluru 11th March 2017

Two Day Workshop on “C/C++ and. NET”

Mr. Karthik, Software Engineer & Mr. Venkatesh Hiremath, Software Engineer Evenetus Infotech Private Ltd 27th  & 28th  January, 2017
36 Best Practice Faculty Symposium Umesha G B, Senior software engineer, Mphasis Ltd, Bangalore 21st January 2017


1 Mini Project Symposium – 2016

Alumnae of GSSSIETW

19th Nov  2016
2 Industrial Visit  to Infosys Technologies Ltd, Mysuru 

VII and III Semester

12th Nov 2016

Three day workshop on “Cloud Application ” for V Semester Students

Sachin Kumar R S, Community Manager, IBM Global Entrepreneur Program, Bengaluru 

24th to 26th Oct 2016
4 Five Day Workshop on “Web development using Ruby on Rails”

Aniruddha S.G, Co-Founder & Trainer, DCT Academy

19th , 21st  & 24th to 26th  Oct, 2016
5 Technical Talk on “Cloud and Data Analytics”

Hemanth Shetty, Senior Developer, SAPS Lab Ltd., Bengaluru 

22nd Oct  2016

Technical Talk on “Design Driven Development- Agile Method”

Appaiah K G, Senior Developer, SAPS Lab Ltd., Bengaluru 

22nd Oct 2016
7 Technical Talk on “Current trends & techniques in software engineering”

Vinay Raj, senior consultant, NTT Data International Service, Bengaluru

8th Oct  2016

Technical Talk on “Trends in software engineering”

Dharshan A H, Senior Consultant, Allstate Solution, Bengaluru 

8th Oct 2016
9 Technical Talk on “Real time application on Data Structure”

Shamila L, Technical Lead, Infosys, Bengaluru

8th Oct  2016

Technical Talk on “SQL optimization and performance Testing”

Vinod K R, Technical Lead, Eurofins, IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Bengaluru 

24th Sep 2016
11 Technical Talk on “Data Structure in Research Perspective”

Nithish H P, Software Trainee Engineer, NAL, Bengaluru 

24th Sep 2016
12 Two day Workshop on “Mobile Application Development”  

M Madhavan, Technical Lead , Prodapt Solutions Ltd, Chennai

23rd   and 24th   Sep 2016
13 Industrial Visit  to ACE Components, Mysuru  III Semester 20th Sep 2016
14 Technical Talk on “Demo on C Puzzles” Mahesha Padyana, Managing Director, CloudE, Mysuru  10th  Sep 2016

National Level Coding Competition “CODE IGNITER – 2016” 

Rajesh Kutnikar, CEO, IT Champs Software Pvt, Ltd
Aruna Devi, Honorary Secretary, CSI, Mysore chapter 
27th Aug 2016
16 Technical Talk on “Java & J2EE with web technology” Sunil, Technical Lead, Vivasvan IT solutions, Mysuru 6th Aug  2016
17 Technical Talk on “Management Information System- ERP” Fameeda Shariff, Senior Analyst, IT Champs, Mysuru 6th Aug  2016
18 Technical Talk on “Ruby on Rails” Miti Bhat Founder & CEO, Kekkar Infotech & Services, Bengaluru 6th Aug  2016
19 Technical Talk on “Architecture and Structure of DMBS and RDMBS”  Girish N. C, Senior Analyst, Microsoft, Bengaluru  6th Aug  2016
20 Technical talk on “Android- LINUX Based open Source Platform”  Ravi K Ram, Founder, Appfocus, Mysuru 6th Aug  2016
21 Project Symposium-2016 for VIII Semester Students

Sri. Arunkumar R.K, Senior Consultant, Siemens Technology and Services Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru

6th May 2016
22 Industrial visit to IT Champs , Mysuru for VI semester Students

Deepa HR Manager IT Champs, Mysuru

 6th May 2016
23 Two days Workshop on “Ruby on Rails”

Aniruddha G, Cofounder and Trainer, DCT Academy, Benagluru

Mr. Preetham, Academy Development Manager ,DCT Academy, Bengaluru

Ms. Pallavi Hegde,  Technical consultant,  Hewlett Packard, Bengaluru

 29th  and 30th  April 2016
24 Technical Talk on “Application Of Data Structure Related With Industry” for VI Semester Students

Shamila, Technology Lead, HP, Bengaluru

23rd Apr 2016 
25  One day workshop on  “IBM Bluemix” for VI Semester Students  Sachin Kumar R S, Community Manager, IBM Global Entrepreneur Program, Bengaluru  12th Apr 2016
26  Technical Talk on “Bigdata applications and its tools “ for VIII Semester Students

Trend Wise Analytics, Bengaluru

 2nd Apr 2016
27  Technical Talk  on “ Enterprise Recourse Planning” for VI Semester Students

Girish N. C,  Senior Analysist, Microsoft, Bengaluru

2nd Apr 2016 
28 Technical Talk on “An efficient Algorithm design methodologies” for IV Semester Students 

Nagraj B M, Member, Education and Research Dept., Infosys, Mysuru.

 2nd Apr 2016
29  Technical Talk on “Real time applications on Data Structures” for IV Semester Students

Sunil ,  Technical Lead, Vivasvan Technologies,  Mysuru

26th Mar 2016 
30 Technical talk on” Software Design Patterns and in actions 
“ for VIII Semester Students 

Chandan S,
Tejosma Technologies Limited,

 12th Mar 2016
31  Technical Session on “Basics of software testing and automation tools  ” for VI Semester Students

Suvarna,  Senior Manager,  Excelsoft Technologies, Mysuru

12th Mar 2016 
32  “Programming skill” training for IV Semester Students

Vijaykumar Bhindi, Infosys Bengaluru

 12th Mar 2016
33  Technical Talk  on “Application of Graph Theory & Design and Analysis of Algorithms in Networking” for IV Semester Students

D Pradeep Kumar Octet Technologies, Mysuru

 27th Feb 2016
34  Technical Talk on “Trends in Today’s technology – SAN & Cloud”  for VI Semester Students

Rakesh H A,
Spaneos Software Solutions, Bengaluru

13th Feb 2016 
35  Programming skill  training on C & C++   for IV Semester Students

Kaushik Habbu R,
Octet Technologies, Mysuru

13th Feb 2016 
36 Mini Project Symposium-2016 in association with IEEE Student Chapter Region 10 for VIII Semester students  Alumnae of GSSSIETW  13th Feb 2016 
37  “TGMC Awareness Program” for VI  Semester students

Waseem Ahmed,
Keystone, IBM Partner, Bengaluru

5th Feb 2016 
38 Two Day FDP on on “Real time Wireless Sensor Network and IoT” 

Mr. Srinidhi N N,
Team Leader,
Nihon Communication Systems, Bengaluru

27th  & 28th    Jan, 2016 
1 Two Day Workshop on ” Drupal” for VII semester students Vishal C, Assistant Professor Sandeepa Pateel, Assistant Professor, RVCE, Bengaluru 17th and 18th Oct 2015
2 Technical talk on “Survey and Format for Technical Paper Writing” Dr. Andhe Dharani, Associate Professor Dr. Vijayalaxmi, Associate Professor, RVCE, Bengaluru 17th Oct 2015
3 Technical talk on “Artificial Intelligence ” Dr. Shailesh Kumar, co-founder of Stealth Mode AI Start up,Hyderabad 17th Oct 2015
4 Technical talk on “Mobile App Development ” Shivaramakrishnan, Shekhar, Member of the Education Training and Assessment, Infosys, Mysuru, 17th Oct 2015
5 Technical talk on “IT Industry Revolution / Disruption Sustainability” Yarrappa .R Krishna, Head-Global Infra Services, Wipro Ltd, Mysuru 8th Oct 2015
6 Technical talk on “Project Development” Vijay Bhandi, Senior Project Manager, Digital & Integration Services, INFOSYS Limited 30th Sep 2015
7 29th CSI Karnataka Student Convention , Jointly organized by Computer Society of India - Bangalore & Mysuru Chapter Smt. Tanusree Deb Barma, IAS, Director, Department of IT and BT, Govt. of Karnataka Sri. E S Chakravarthy, Centre Head, TCS Ms.Banumathi K.S , Chairperson , CSI- Bengaluru Chapter Dr. Shantharam Nayak, Student Branch Co-Ordinator , CSI-BC T. Eshwaran, Principal-Education , Training and assessment, Infosys Ltd, Mysore Smt. Arunadevi, Executive Committee member, CSI-MSC Dr. Sudhakara A M, Immediate Past Chairman, CSI Mysuru Chapter Mrs. Sushma Verma, Senior Scientist, DRDO, Delhi Ms. Jasmine Mary John, Senior Research Fellowship,Indian Council of Medical Research 11th & 12th Sep 2015
8 Technical Session on " IBM Bluemix " Mr. Sachin Kumar R S, Community Manager, IBM Global Entrepreneur 14th Aug 2015
9 Technical talk on “Basic C++ Concepts” for III Semester Students Balaraju Senior Software Engineer, SPI, Mysuru 8th Aug 2015
10 Technical talk on “Basic Data Base Applications “for V Semester Students Nagarathna Software Engineer Taurus Solutions, Mysuru 8th Aug 2015
11 Hands on session to HTML tags for VII Semester Students Karthik G Director and Founder, VSG Software Solutions, Mysuru 8th Aug 2015
12 National Conference on “Recent advances in computing, informatics, communication and applications (ncracica-2015)” Smt. Sujatha Visweswara, Vice President, Healthcare and Life Science, Wipro Bengaluru Dr. Punitha P, Technical Manager, HCL Technologies, Bengaluru Dr. Thippeswamy K, Professor, Dept of CSE, VTU RO, Mysuru Sri. Sai Ghiridhar, Senior Engineer Manager, Client R&D Devices, Intel, Bengalur 23rd May 2015
13 Technical talk on “ Modern web design using JQuery” Mr Charles Antony Head-Learning & Delivery RiiiT, Mysuru 4th May 2015
14 Inauguration of Project Presentation Symposium -2015 Alumnae of GSSSIETW 4th May 2015
15 Technical talk on “Recent Issues in Data Mining” Vijaykumar Bhindi Infosys, Bangaluru 4th May 2015
16 Inauguration of CSI Student Branch Ms.Banumathi K.S , Chairperson , CSI- Bengaluru Chapter Dr. Shantharam Nayak, Student Branch Co-Ordinator , CSI-BC Smt. Anitha Venkatesh K.A , Vice-Chairperson, CSI-Mysuru Chapter Smt. Arunadevi, Executive Committee member, CSI-MSC 23rd April 2015
17 Technical talk on “Cloud, Internet of Things, Big Data and Security” Dr. Sithu D Sudarshan, Group Manager, ABB corporate research, Bengaluru 23rd April 2015
18 Inauguration of ANDROID Training for Rural Students in association with KEONICS, Bengaluru and Varnaaz Technologies, Bengaluru Sri. Yatheeraj Director, KEONICS Bengaluru, Sri. Dinesh Badagandi CEO and Founder, Varnaaz Technologies, Sri. Bhandu General Manager, KEONICS Bengaluru, Sri. Karthik G Director and Founder , VSG Software Solution 23rd April 2015
19 One day workshop on " IBM Bluemix Session" Mr. Sachin Kumar R S, Community Manager, IBM Global Entrepreneur 18th March 2015
1 Technical Talk on "Basics of Network & Network Programming” Mr. Diwakara S.R,Senoir Software Engineer, Alcatel-Lucent, India Ltd., Bangalore 16th Oct 2014
2 Talk on "Performance Enhancement & Management" and “NFC(Near Field Communication)” Mr. R.N.Kumar,Faculty (Behavioral Science), Administrative Training Institute, Mysore

&Mr. Raghunandhan Prakash, CEO (Cepheus Technology), Mysore

25th April 2014
3 IBM RTC Workshop Certification Exam Mr RajendraTrainerIBM 24th October 2013
4 Practical training & evaluations for " Instructional Excellence in Intelligent Systems" (FICE) under Intel® College Excellence Program Conducted by ISE & CSE, GSSSIETW, Mysore Mr. Sainath ShanbhagTrainerFICE, Bangalore 2nd to 4th April 2014
5 Talk on "Cyber Security & Information System" organised under the banner of INFONITE Mr. Sudheer K.S,Associate SolicitorShankar & Shankar Legal Consultant, Mysore 1st October 2013
6 NSS day ( Talk on ‘Swami Vivekananda’) Dr. Halathi Somashekar, Director, Educational Department, Bangalore 24th Sep 2013
7 IBM RTC Workshop Mr. Rajendra Choudry,Web Tech Labs, Delhi 4th to 7th September 2013
8 Infosys Campus Connect Foundation Programme 3.1 V Faculties of CSE & ISE dept 15th to 30th July 2013
9 Technical Talk on " Importance on Social Media" organised under the banner of INFONITE Mr.Vishwanath Swamy K M,Senior Technical officer, Oracle, Oracle B'lore 3rd May 2013
10 Tech Insights 2013 GEC2 - Induction Hall Infosys Limited, Mysore Infosys, Mysore 28th Feb 2013
11 Industrial Visit to INFOSYS Infosys, Mysore 23rd Feb 2013
12 IBM -TIVOLI Development System Workshop Mr. Ritviz ChobizaIBM 19th to 21st Oct 2012
13 Student Internet World -2012 Staff of ISE & CSE 3rd to 5th Oct 2012
14 Technical Talk on "Employability Skills for Engineers in the Global Market" Dr. P. Prakash, Principal, GSSSIETW

Dr. S. Bellappa, HOD, Dept of Chemistry, GSSSIETW

31st Aug 2012
15 Technical Talk on "A Practical Approach to Software Engineering"

Mr. Girish Chandra .P,Lead Engineer, MicroGenesis TechSoft Pvt. Ltd.Bangalore

18th Aug 2012
16 IBM RAD Workshop

Ashutosh Tiwari,IBM

13th to 17thAug 2012

Cultural / Sports / Project Awards :

Sl No


Title of the Event


Student Names




Presented project at 42nd   SPP Nodal Center Evaluation Of The Projects Selected by KSCST, Bengaluru Conducted at ATME College Of Engineering, Mysuru

Varshitha R, Niveditha M, Shubha P S, Ameena Firdous, Harshitha, Shwetha B.C, Swathi J, Swathi S, Lahari B R, Navya Narayan, Pooja D, Varshini K S

10th May 2019.


Presented Papers at  “Third International conference on Intelligent computing and Control System(ICICCS 2019) “organized by vaigai college of Engineering  at Madurai, India  .

Harshitha, Shwetha B.C, Swathi J, Swathi S, Shishira N Kashyap, Amulya M, Anju K.N, Nagaranjini K.S, Meghana Jagadeesh, Archana Raju

 15-17th May 2019
3  Participated in IEEE YESIST12 Project Innovation Challenge at VVIET, Mysuru  Harshitha, Shwetha B.C, Swathi J, Swathi S, Shishira N Kashyap, Amulya M, Anju K.N, Nagaranjini K.S, Meghana Jagadeesh, Archana Raju  11th May 2019.
4  Participated in “4th National level project  competition “IEEE Project Expo-2019 “held at GSSSIETW,Mysuru  Chandrika  29th  April 2019.
5  Won 1st  place in Idea Competition (Antarprerana)-2019 held at GSSSIETW,Mysuru  Shishira N Kashyap, Amulya M, Anju K.N, Nisarga K, Archana Raju, Harini J Chandrika  29th  April 2019.
6  Won 2nd  place in Idea Competition (Antarprerana)-2019 held at GSSSIETW,Mysuru  Safura Zohareen  29th  April 2019.
7  Awarded as the Best Speaker in the panel Discussion held during “International Womens Day 2019” Organized by IEEE Student Branch & IEEE WIE Affinity Group in GSSSIETW,Mysuru  Safura Zohareen  28th March 2019
8  Won 1st Prize in Short movie making competition held during  “International Womens Day 2019” Organized by IEEE Student Branch & IEEE WIE Affinity Group in GSSSIETW,Mysuru  Shishira N Kashyap And Team  28th March 2019
9  Won 2nd  Prize in Short movie making competition held during  “International Womens Day 2019” Organized by IEEE Student Branch & IEEE WIE Affinity Group in GSSSIETW,Mysuru  Shambavi S And Team  28th March 2019
10  Participated for TIE Fostering Enterpreneurship In PITCHFEST competition on 31st  march 2019.  Chandana A.N, Safura Zohareen And Umehani A  31st  march 2019
11  Participated in National  Conference And Faculty Development Programme in Sceince and Technology -2109 held at ATME college  Brinda A.N, Sandhya G.S. Ramu,kavya I, S Jayalakshmi, Madhurya Aithal A, Juhi Jahan, Anjali N Menon, Meghana Jayaram  26-28th  March 2019
12  Participated in “Mini Project competition held at VVCE, Mysuru  Shubha P.S, Shravanthi, Sandhya G.S, Harini J, Umehani A, Manasa H.R, Shravya P.N, Tejaswini J, Sushmitha K.S, Shambavi S  23rd   march 2019.
13  Participated in Technisium 2019 held at  SIT tumkur  Amulya M, Shishira N. Kashyap,anju K.N, Nagaranjini K.S, Meghana Jagadeesh, Archana Raju, Madhurya Aithal A, Bhoomika M.R  16th  march 2019
14  Presented Projects at IEEE CCEM Pre-Conference Workshop-2019 (PCW)  held  10 Project Bacthes  1st March 2019
15  Won  Third place in Poster presentation   at 32nd  CSI student convention at Cambridge Institute of Technology,     Bangalore  Spoorthi .M  1st & 2nd March 2019
16  Won Second Best Paper Award in paper presentation at 32nd  CSI student convention at Cambridge Institute of Technology,     Bangalore  Harshitha.N  1st & 2nd March 2019


 Won One of the best  "YOUTH CHANGE MAKER SQUAD" award UDVIKAS-2019, D.A. Pandu Memorial RV Dental College, Bengaluru Poojashree K  2nd   Mar 2019


 Won first Prize in  IOT workshop held at  Hassan Megahana Mukund  1st  & 2nd   Mar 2019


 Presented Project at Jnaana-Vijnaana Tantrajnaana mela -2019 at BGSIT, Mandya Vinutha M, Sona Ganesh, Sahana R, Geetha S Hombal, Ameenafirdous , Varshitha R, Shubha P S, Niveditha R  19th  & 20th   Feb 2019


 Participated in Convergence 3i, SDMMID, Mysuru Swathi J, Harshitha S N, Nagaranjini K S(8th Semester)  20th   Feb 2019


 Participated in WAC(IOT Workshop)  in NIEIT Suratkal Ganavi Raj, Shravya P N, Nischitha B R, Sandhya G S Ramu, Nisarga S N  (6th Semester)  16th   & 17th    Feb 2019


 Participated in Silicon Road Academic Bootcamp, Mysuru Anjali N Menon, Likhitha M, Safura Zohareen (6th Semester)  9th   to  23rd    Feb 2019


 Received Certificate of excellent participation in FACE Training at GSSSIETW Chinmayi S, Madhushree R, Thushara N, Amulya M B, Shravya P N  18th  Feb-23rd  Feb 2019


Won prizes in  Technical Debate, National Science Day at GSSSIETW Safura Zohareen, Madhurya Aithal A Shishira N Kashyap 28th  Feb 2019


Participated in Online Test For Alan Turing Csi National Student Quiz-2019 4th  Sem And 6th Sem Students 28th  February 2019


Participated in the “Mr. & Ms. CSI Mysore” Contest (Intercollegiate Quiz competition) 4th  Sem And 6th Sem Students 25th   February 2019


Participated in  TECHgium 2018-'19 ,  L&T Technology Services Limited

Poojashree K, Navya R, Niveditha R, Rashmi(VII Sem)

28th       January 2019


Project selected for IEEE Bangalore Section Student Innovation Project fund 2018 (BS-SIP 2018)

Shravanthi, Akshatha H V, Bhanupriya M, Keerthana B K(VII Sem)

2nd January 2019



Selected as Youth Delegate to represent India at the Indo Lankan Youth Exchange Program

Shishira N Kashyap(VII Sem)

12th   August 2018- 20th   August 2018


Won BEST project award for “IOT based Delivery Boys Safety Control and Bike Analyzer”, at State Level Seminar & Exhibition  held at Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology Davangere funded by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST).

Arpitha Gowda H N, Chethana R, Harshitha S, Inchara A Kumar

10th   and 11th   August 2018


Participated  in 2nd AICTE-ECI-ISTE  chhatra vishwakarma Awards-2018 at  Acharya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru

Poojashree K, Navya R, Niveditha R, Rashmi(VII Sem)

31st  October 2018


Participated  in 2nd AICTE-ECI-ISTE  chhatra vishwakarma Awards-2018 at  Acharya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru

Chandana N,Geetha S Hombal,Safura Zohareen,Umehani A (V Sem)

31st  October 2018


Participated  in 2nd AICTE-ECI-ISTE  chhatra vishwakarma Awards-2018 at  Acharya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru

Shravya P N,Deeksha Harish,Anjali N Menon,Kavya I (V Sem)

31st  October 2018


Participated in Three Day Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp, GSSSIETW, Mysuru

Vinutha M, Spoorthi M (III Sem)

9th   to 11th   Oct 2018


Won first Prize in Third National Level Code Debugging Event of “Code Igniter-2018”, GSSSIETW, Mysuru

Kavya S Bhat (VII Sem)

22nd   September 2018


Participated in Third National Level Project Innovation Event of “Code Igniter-2018”, GSSSIETW, Mysuru

Chinmayi S,Spoorthi M,Sona Ganesh G. (III sem)

22nd   September 2018


Participated in Third National Level Project Innovation Event of “Code Igniter-2018”, GSSSIETW, Mysuru

S.Jayalakshmi, Anjali N.Menon(V Sem)

22nd   September 2018


Participated in Third National Level Technical Debate Event of “Code Igniter-2018”, GSSSIETW, Mysuru

Chinmayi S,Sushmashree B.S,Ganashree G ,Thejaswini K.M ,Spoorthi M,Sona Ganesh G,Pranathi (III Sem)

22nd   September 2018


Participated in Third National Level Technical Debate Event of “Code Igniter-2018”, GSSSIETW

Shreya M.G,Madhurya Aithal,Varsha S,Maria Christel,Anjali N.Menon(V Sem)

22nd   September 2018


Participated in Third National Level Technical Poster Presentation  Event of “Code Igniter-2018”, GSSSIETW, Mysuru

Spoorthi M,Sona Ganesh G. (III sem)

22nd   September 2018


Participated in Inter-Collegiate Climate and Environment Science Quiz 2018

Chinmayi S, Meghana Jayaram (V sem)

11th   September 2018


Participated in Manthan-2018, organized by FKCII, Bengaluru

Amulya(III Sem),Chandana A.N (V sem)

1st   June 2018


Awarded Best Paper in the Third National Level Project Competition - IEEE Project EXPO 2018 held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru

Dimple B M, Nandini S, Kokila Venugopal, Thanuja K S (VIII Sem) and Chaya P

7th May 2018


Presented Papers in the Second National Conference on Engineering Innovations & Solutions (NCEIS – 2018) organized by Information Science & Engineering held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru



All VIII Semester Students

7th May 2018


Awarded Best Paper in the Second National Conference on Engineering Innovations & Solutions (NCEIS – 2018) organized by Information Science & Engineering held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru

Ramya M, Shrunga D Rashmi Hegde, Supriya M (VIII Sem)

7th May 2018.


Awarded Best Paper in the Second National Conference on Engineering Innovations & Solutions (NCEIS – 2018) organized by Information Science & Engineering held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru

M Aishwarya, Navya R, Pooja D, Poojashree K (VI Sem)

7th May 2018.


Presented Paper in the Second National Conference on Engineering Innovations & Solutions (NCEIS – 2018) organized by Information Science & Engineering held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru

Bhanupriya M, Shwetha B C and Sumana Bhat N M (VI Sem)

7th May 2018.


Participated in Paper Presentation in National Conference on Skill Development & Entrepreneurship held at S.G.Balekundri Institute of Technology, Belagavi

Poojashree K, M Aishwarya (VI Sem)

27th to 28th April 2018.


Participated in Project demonstration at Manthan , Bengaluru

Sushmitha K S, Amulya M D and Sonika K C, Safura Zohareen, Umehani A, Chandana A N (IV Sem)

20th April 2018.


Attended Workshop on Indian Language Computing in SJCE, Mysuru

Nischitha B R, Meghana Mukunda, Brinda A N, Sahana Rao P S ( IV Sem)

18th April 2018.


Participated in quiz & debate at VTU Fest “Kalasurabhi” held at AITM, Belagavi

Pooja R, Shishira N Kashyap, Shravanthi (VI Sem)

11th April to 13th April 2018.


Participated in Biblus – National Level Paper Presentation conducted by NIE IEEE Student Branch held at NIE, Mysuru

Pooja D, Megana Jagadeesh (VI Sem)

6th April 2018.



Attended Workshop on CISCO Packet Tracer, IEEE Convention held at NIE, Mysuru.

Bhanupriya M, Shwetha B C, Sumana Bhatt N M ( VI Sem)

3rd April 2018.



Attended Tata Crucible Campus Quiz held at Kalamandir, Mysuru

Amulya M, Chithra S, Harshitha, Chandrika, Poojashree K, Pooja D, M Aishwarya ( VI Sem)

20th March 2018.



Attended Tata Crucible Campus Quiz held at Kalamandir, Mysuru

Anuradha Ganesh, Ashwini Kulkarni, ( IV Sem)

20th March 2018.



Participated in Paper Presentation, Technical Quiz during CSI National Level Student Convention – Techstorm’18 held at SREC, Coimbatore

Nisarga L , Arpitha S S, Deekshitha U S, Sowndarya H L (VIII Sem), Dr. Reshma Banu and Tanuja K

16th and 17th March 2018.



Participated in Paper Presentation, Technical Quiz during CSI National Level Student Convention – Techstorm’18 held at SREC, Coimbatore

Apurva D J, Harshitha H S, Sheetal Venkatesh Gowda, Supriya B M ( VIII Sem), Ayesha Taranum and Anand M

16th and 17th March 2018.



Participated in Paper Presentation, Technical Quiz during CSI National Level Student Convention – Techstorm’18 held at SREC, Coimbatore

Varshitha R, Shishira N Kashyap, Nisarga K, Dr. Reshma Banu and Tanuja K(VI Sem)

16th and 17th March 2018.



Participated in Paper Presentation, Technical Quiz during CSI National Level Student Convention – Techstorm’18 held at SREC, Coimbatore

Varshitha R, Shishira N Kashyap, Nisarga K, Dr. Reshma Banu and Tanuja K(VI Sem)

16th and 17th March 2018.



Participated in Paper Presentation during CSI National Level Student Convention – Techstorm’18 held at SREC, Coimbatore

Shubha P S, Bhavana S Shetty, Navya R (VI Sem), Ayesha Taranum, Dr. Reshma Banu


16th and 17th March 2018.



Participated in Paper Presentation during CSI National Level Student Convention – Techstorm’18 held at SREC, Coimbatore

Kirti D, Noorein M A (VI Sem), Ayesha Taranum and Dr. Reshma Banu

16th and 17th March 2018.



Participated in Paper Presentation during CSI National Level Student Convention – Techstorm’18 held at SREC, Coimbatore

Bhanupriya M, Varshini K S ( VI Sem), Dr. Reshma Banu and Ayesha Taranum

16th and 17th March 2018.



Participated in Paper Presentation during CSI National Level Student Convention – Techstorm’18 held at SREC, Coimbatore

Sheetal K S, Kavya S Bhat, Kavya R (VI Sem), Ayesha Taranum and Chaya P

16th and 17th March 2018.



Participated in Paper Presentation during CSI National Level Student Convention – Techstorm’18 held at SREC, Coimbatore

Shravya P N, Anjali N Menon and Jyothi T (IV Sem)

16th and 17th March 2018.



Participated in EDC workshop

Akshatha C Kamath, Amulya M, Ashika S, Bhanupriya M, Chithra S, Nisarga K, Harshitha, Sheetal K S, Shubha P S, Shwetha B C, Sumana Bhatt N M, Ujwala( VI Sem)

26th , 27th & 29th February 2018


Participated in Project demonstration in CISCO – RVCE, Bengaluru

Safura Zohareen, Umehani A, Chandana A N (IV Sem)

4th and 5th February 2018.


39 Participated in the Statewide Engineering IT Quiz - TCS Tech Bytes

M Aishwarya, Pooja D, Shubha P S, Chandrika
(VI Sem)

8th March 2018
40 Participated in workshop on Networking and Cisco Packet Tracer held at NIE, Mysuru Shwetha B C, Sumana Bhat, Bhanupriya M 3rd March 2018
41 Participated in the Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru

Amulya M, Ashika S, Chithra S, Harshitha, Banupriya M
(VI Sem)

26th to 28th Feb 2018
42 Participated in Developer Weekend BLR – Bengaluru’s most Diverse Developer Conference held at St. Jhons auditorium, Bangalore

Shravya P N
(IV Sem)

10th to 11th Feb 2018
43 Participated in the Project Pulse Description Word Generation Application held at Defence Avionics research establishment, DRDO, Bangalore

Bhavana S Shetty, Varshitha R, Shishira N Kashyap, Nisarga K
(VI Sem)

16th Jan to 1st Feb 2018



Participated in Nationwide Competition to Create awareness about Legal rights of women held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru


Akshatha H V, Bhanupriya M, Chandrika Noorein M A, Kirti D, Sandhya N,Shwetha B C, Varsha, Varshini K S, Vaibhavi R, Thejaswini N
(V Sem)


9th Nov 2017

Participated in Drawing Competition at NIEIT, Mysuru

Geetha S. Hombal, Shambavi S, Anuradha Ganesh, Vinutha S (III Sem)

10th Nov 2017
Participated in Quiz Competition at NIEIT, Mysuru Pooja D (V Sem) 10th Nov 2017
Won III Prize in Drawing Competition at NIEIT, Mysuru Meghana Jagadeesh (V Sem) 9th Nov 2017
Participated in English Essay at NIEIT, Mysuru Anjali N Menon, Sandhya G.S Ramu, Nishchita B R, Bhavana M B, Shravya P N, Umehani A (III Sem) 9th Nov 2017
Participated in Kannada Essay Competition held at NIEIT, Mysuru Amulya M, Ashika S, Chithra S, Kavya Shivanand Bhat (V Sem) 9th Nov 2017
7 Participated in Quiz held at ATME, Mysuru Chithra S, Nisarga K, Keerthana B.K, Kavya Shivanand Bhat, Bhavana S Shetty (V Sem) 7th Nov 2017
8 Participated in Code War, Poster Presentation and Technical painting, Texparx- 2017 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru Chandrika (V Sem) 4th Nov 2017
9 Participated  in Treasure Hunt and Poster Presentation in Texparx-2017 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru Ameena Firdous, Aishwarya M, Navya Narayan, Niveditha R, Sumana Bhatt, Pooja D, Kavya R, Varshini K.S (V Sem) 4th Nov 2017
10  Participated  in Treasure hunt and Code War in Texparx-2017 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru Brinda A N, Ganavi Raj, Shambavi S (III Sem) 4th Nov 2017
11  Participated in  one day National Level Event Code Arena at ATME, Mysuru M Aishwarya, Niveditha M, Pooja D, Ameena Firdous, Kavya R (V Sem) 3rd  Nov 2017
12 Participated in Quiz Competition at ATME, Mysuru Safura Zohareen, Chandana A N (III Sem) 3rd  Nov 2017
13  Participated in Navarathri Ranotsava and performed ‘Allamelammana shaapa‘ skit  at Boomegetha Rangayana Shishira N Kashyap , Varshitha R, Pooja  R, Shravanthi, Poojashree K(V Sem) 28th Oct 2017
14 Participated in the “Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp at GSSSIETW, Mysuru Archana Raju, Nagaranjini K S, Sumana Bhatt (V Sem) 26th Oct to 28th Oct 2017
15  Participated in Code Debugging, Poster Presentation, Paper Presentation and Technical Quiz in 31st CSI Karnataka Students Convention held at CIT Gubbi, Tumkur Amulya M, Harshitha, Chithra S, Ashika S, Meghana Jagadeesh,  Ashiwini G, Kavya R, Pooja R, Noorein MA, Kirti D, M Aishwarya, Kavya Shivanand Bhat , Poojashree K, Shravanthi  (V Sem) 13th and 14th Oct 2017
16 Won Consolation Prize in CSI paper presentation in 31st CSI Karnataka Students Convention held at CIT Gubbi, Tumkur Kirti D , Noorein MA (V Sem) 13th Oct 2017
17  Participated in Hobby Project on charging mobile phone using solar panel and also in CSI poster presentation in 31st CSI Karnataka Students Convention held at CIT Gubbi, Tumkur Varshitha R, Pooja R (V Sem) 13th and 14th Oct 2017
18 Won First place in CSI Poster Presentation in 31st CSI Karnataka Students Convention held at CIT Gubbi, Tumkur Shishira N Kashyap (V Sem) 13th and 14th Oct 2017
19  Participated in VTU Zone Throw Ball Tournament in GSSSIETW Mysuru Nisarga K, Varshitha R (V Sem) 6th Oct 2017
20  Participated in Swatch Bharath Abhiyan held at Mysuru palace associated with samarpana foundation and NSS Unit. Poojashree K (V Sem) 30th Sept 2017
21  Won II Prize in Poster Presentation conducted by Code Igniter at GSSSIETW, Mysuru Kavya R, Sheetal KS (V Sem) 22nd Sept 2017
22  Won II Prize in Project / Business Innovation Ideas conducted by Code Igniter at GSSSIETW, Mysuru Indira CT, Suman Sariga M S (VII Sem) 22nd Sept 2017
23 Won III Prize in CSI project presentation at CSI Bengaluru Varshitha R, Shravanthi (V Sem) 16th Sept 2017
24  Participated in Inter-Collegiate Climate Change Quiz 2017 at J. N Tata Auditorium, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru.  M Aishwarya, Pooja D (V Sem) 14th Sept 2017
25  Participated in IT Quiz conducted by IISC, Bengaluru Nisarga K, M Aishwarya, Pooja D, Swathi J (V Sem) 15th Sept 2017
26  Project selected for AICTE-ECI Chhatra Vishwakarma Awards 2017 at New Delhi Varshitha R, Pooja R, Kavya R, Bhanupriya M (V sem) 12th Sept 2017
27  Participated in EDC Workshop,GSSSIETW, Mysuru Noorein M A , Vaibhavi R, Lahari B R, Keerthana B.K, Archana Raju, Nagaranjini K.S, Bhavana S Shetty, Neha D, Swathi J      (V Sem) 30th Aug 2017
28  Participated in VTU Mysore Zone Inter College Badminton Championship Organized by NIEIT, Mysuru Sheetal KS (V Sem) 28th Aug 2017

Won First place in Street Play-
Srishti – 2017 at R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru

Poojashree K, Navya R, Shravanthi, Pooja D, M Aishwarya, Harshitha S N, Swathi J, Ashwini G, (VI Sem)

26th  to 28th  May 2017
30 Presented paper titled “Embedded System Based Eye Movement communication Media for Paralyzed Person”, A National level IEEE Project Expo 2017, GSSSIETW, Mysuru

Chaithra M, Meghana M R, Misbha Kounian (VIII Sem)

24th  May 2017
31 Presented paper titled “License Plate Detector and Notice Generator”, A National level IEEE Project Expo 2017, GSSSIETW, Mysuru

Bhargavi L, Manasa M S, Manasa N , Prakruthi M(VIII Sem)

24th  May 2017
32 Presented paper titled “Prototype for Connecting Social Media to E-Commerce for cold start product recommendation using Microblogging Information ”, A National level IEEE Project Expo 2017, GSSSIETW, Mysuru

Lokeshwari Shamala, Bhagyalakshmi R, Divya M D(VIII Sem)

24th May 2017

33  Presented paper titled “Android Project On Advanced Mobile Data Receiver”, A National level IEEE Project Expo 2017, GSSSIETW, Mysuru Sumitra J, Manasa H R, Shilpashree S(VIII Sem)


24th  May 2017
34  Presented paper titled “License Plate Detector and Notice Generator”, National Conference on “Recent Innovations in Computing Technology”, Global Academy of Technology, Bengaluru Bhargavi L, Manasa M S, Manasa N , Prakruthi M(VIII Sem)


19th  May 2017
35  Presented paper titled  “ Mobile Based Payment System Using QR Code” ,National Conference on “Recent Innovations in Computing Technology”, Global Academy of Technology, Bengaluru Meghana S, Monisha P, Prakruthi M(VIII Sem)


19th May 2017.
36  Presented paper titled  “Design Intelligence of Web Application for Internet Consumer to Consumer Trading”, National Conference on “Recent Innovation s in Computing Technology”, Global Academy of Technology, Bengaluru Divyashri N R,N Namitha,Namratha M N,Sreenidhi K B(VIII Sem)


19th  May 2017
37  Presented paper titled  ”Secure Data Retrieval for Decentralized Disruption Tolerant Military Networks”, National Conference on “Recent Innovation s in Computing Technology”, Global Academy of Technology, Bengaluru Amtul Sadiya Serwari,Bhavani,Jannavi,Kamarunissa K M(VIII Sem)


19th  May 2017
38  Attended State Level Workshop on “Innovation, Research and Challenges”, Maharaja Institute of Technology, Mysuru organized by Karnataka Rajya Vijnana Parishath Bhagyashree J, Pooja R(IV Sem)


13th  May 2017
39  Won  the best paper award  for paper titled “Android Application for Online Mobile Banking with Advanced IMEI Security “ , 9th National Conference on “Advances in Information Technology(NCAIT-17), SJBIT, Bengaluru Gagana S, Divyashree M, Usha D N, Monika H D(VIII Sem)


10th  May 2017
40  Presented paper titled ”IoT based garbage and street light monitoring system9th National Conference on “Advances in Information Technology(NCAIT-17), SJBIT, Bengaluru Smrithi Fredric, M Yashasvini ,Ranjitha G (VIII Sem)


10th  May 2017
41  Presented paper titled ”i-Dashboard”, 9th National Conference on “Advances in Information Technology(NCAIT-17), SJBIT, Bengaluru Presented paper titled ”i-Dashboard”, 9th National Conference on “Advances in Information Technology(NCAIT-17), SJBIT, Bengaluru


10th  May 2017
42  Presented paper titled “Online taxi booking using wallet system”, 9th National Conference on “Advances in Information Technology(NCAIT-17), SJBIT, Bengaluru Prathiksha M Y, Ria Lal K, Sheethal Bopaiah M,Sonu P, (VIII Sem)


10th  May 2017
43  Presented paper titled ”Building an intrusion detection system using a filter based feature selection algorithm”, 9th National Conference on “Advances in Information Technology(NCAIT-17), SJBIT, Bengaluru Namratha D, Suhasini S, Sushma R Krishnan (VIII Sem)


10th  May 2017
44  Presented paper titled “Data Handling Between Dynamic Groups”, ”, 9th National Conference on “Advances in Information Technology(NCAIT-17), SJBIT, Bengaluru Divya M M, Madhuri, Rishika A Ashok (VIII Sem)


10th  May 2017
45  Participated in the event “Master Trivia 3” at NIE Institute of Technology, Mysuru Noorein M A, Kirti D, M Aishwarya, Shishira N Kashyap  (IV Sem)


28th April 2017
46  Participated in Drama-Tech(Technical Skit) , N’CAGE IT-17, National Level T4echnical Fest at KVG College of Engineering , Suliya Poojashree K, Navya R (IV Sem)


28th April 2017
47  Participated in TCS TECH BYTES, State Wide Engineering IT Quiz at SJCE, Mysuru Noorein M A , Kirti D (IV Sem)


26th to 28th April 2017
48  Participated in Essay Writing Competition organized by Vivekananda Youth Forum, Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi Poojashree K(IV Sem)


23rd April 2017
49  Participated in One Day National Seminar “Ananya- Empowering the Women , Develop the Nation” at Ramakrishna Institute of Moral and Spiritual Education , Mysuru Poojashree K (IV Sem)


18th April 2017
50  Won First place in Debate- International women’s day celebration and inauguration of WIE affinity Group GSSSIETW, Mysuru Shishira N Kashyap(IV Sem)


10th April 2017
51  Participated in the Event “Line Follower”, RASE’17 at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, Benagaluru Diya H S (IV Sem)


8th  & 9th  April 2017
52  Won Second place for paper titled “Designing a Re-ranking model for web Image Search”  in  National Convention And Conference on Digital Economy(NCDE-2017),MLRITE, Hyderabad Amtul Sadiya Serwari, Ranjitha P, Jannavi, Kamarunnisa K M, (VIII Sem)


6th   and 7th  April 2017
53  Won Third place for paper titled “Neighbor Similarity trust against Sybil attack in P2P E-commerce”  in  National Convention And Conference on Digital Economy(NCDE-2017), MLRITE, Hyderabad Aishwarya T, Pooja M, Nehal B (VIII Sem)


6th   and 7th  April 2017
54  Presented paper titled “ Discovery of ranking fraud in Mobile Applications“ in National Convention An d Conference on Digital Economy(NCDE-2017),MLRITE, Hyderabad Shaziya Iffath C, Ayman Rubab, Impashree R(VIII Sem)


 6th   and 7th  April 2017
55  Presented paper titled “Continuous and transparent User Identity Verification for Secure Internet Services “ in National Convention An d Conference on Digital Economy(NCDE-2017),MLRITE, Hyderabad  Gagana S, Divyashree M, Usha D N, Monika H D(VIII Sem)  6th   and 7th  April 2017
56  Presented paper titled “Brian –computer Interfaces” in National Level Paper Presentation competition- “ENIGMA-17”- THE Annual State Level Technical Fest Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan  Nisarga K, Meghana Jayaram (IV Sem)  2nd    April 2017
57  Won first place in Street Play event on the theme Impact of Demonitisation, VTU , “Jnana Sangam”, Belagavi  Poojashree K(IV Sem)  1st April to 7th April 2017
58  Participated in Leadership camp on the theme of “Healthy Youth for Halethy India”, VTU , “Jnana Sangam”, Belagavi  Poojashree K(IV Sem)  1st April to 7th April 2017
59  Presented Paper titled “ IoT based Intelligent Street Ligthing System for Smart City”  International  Symposium Cloud Computing Data Analytics, NIE, Mysuru  Ramya M, Rashmi Hegde (VI Sem) 17th  & 18th  March 2017 
60  Presented Paper titled “Multirobot:Marrine Oil Spill Cleaning” International  Symposium Cloud Computing Data Analytics, NIE, Mysuru Nisarga L, Deekshitha (VI Sem)   17th  & 18th  March 2017
61  Presented Paper titled “A hierarchical distributed processing framework of Big Image Data” International  Symposium Cloud Computing Data Analytics,NIE, Mysuru  Subia Naureen, Sudha M (VI Sem)  17th  & 18th  March 2017
62  Presented Paper titled “A Framework for Optimal Path Selection & Obstacle Evasion for Autonomous Robot Navigation in Dynamic Environments”, International  Symposium Cloud Computing Data Analytics, NIE, Mysuru  Shreya S Gowda, Priyanka S G (VI Sem)  17th  & 18th  March 2017
63  Presented project at “Science and Technological Solutions for specially abled persons“- a state level Science Exhibition cum Competition VTU,PG Center, Belagavi  Chaithra M, Meghana M.R, Misbah Kounain (VIII Sem)  10th  March 2017
64  Participated in “Aavishkaar-17” an Techno-cultural Fest Vishwanathrao Deshpande Rural Institute of Technology, Haliyal  Apurva D J, Harshitha H S, Sheetal V Gowda, Nandini S, Supriya B M, Chaitali Jagadish (VI Sem)  9th to 11th   March 2017
65  Won First place in Mock Placement-VIDYUTH-16, Vidya Vardhaka college of Engineering,Mysore  

Shreya S Gowda
(VI Sem)

 December 2016


1 Participated in National Level Paper Presentation Contest on “Make In India” at Chennai

Meghana M R, Misbah Kounain, Chaithra M, Namratha D (VII Sem)

19th Nov 2016.

Presented a paper titled “ Practical Detection of Spammers in Online Video Sharing System”, in 30th CSI Karnataka Student Convention, KSIT, Bengaluru 

Sonu P, Prathiksha M Y, Ria Lal K (VII Sem) 

10th to12th Nov 2016
3 Presented a paper titled “FRIENDBOOK: A Semantic Based Friend Recommendation System for Social Networks” in 30th CSI Karnataka Student Convention, KSIT, Bengaluru

Namratha D, Suhasini S, Sushma R Krishnan (VII Sem)

10th  to 12th  Nov 2016
4 Participated in Poster Presentation, in 30th CSI Karnataka Student Convention, KSIT, Bengaluru

Gagana S, Usha D N, Divyashree M, Monika H D (VII Sem)

10th  to12th  Nov 2016
5 Participated in Innovative Idea Contest , in 30th CSI Karnataka Student Convention, KSIT, Bengaluru

Smrithi Fredric, Bhagyalakshmi R, Yashaswini M, Ranjitha G (VII Sem)

10th  to12th  Nov 2016

Participated in Web design, 30th CSI Karnataka Student Convention, KSIT, Bengaluru 

Nisarga L (V Sem)

11th Nov 2016
7 Participated in SUDUKU, 30th CSI Karnataka Student Convention, KSIT, Bengaluru

Unnimaya C (V Sem)

11th Nov 2016
8 Participated in Quiz, 30th CSI Karnataka Student Convention, KSIT, Bengaluru

Subia Naureen, Sudha M (V Sem)

10th Nov 2016
9 Participated in Technical Quiz at KSIT college, Bengaluru

Navya R, Shravanthi (III Sem)

10th Nov 2016
10 Participated in VTU Single Zone (State Level) Intercollegiate Wrestling/Judo/ taekwondo/Mallkhamba/gymnastics Competitions 2016-17 , organized by VishwanathRao Deshpande Rural Institute of Technology, KLS VDRIT, Haliyal

Bhavani (VII Sem)

20th to 22nd Oct  2016
11 Presented a paper titled “Privacy Preserving Framework for Managing Mobile”, in INVENTECH – 16, Innovative Ideas Contest held at School of Engineering and Technology, JAIN UNIVERSITY, Bengaluru

Smrithi Fredric, Bhagyalakshmi R, Yashaswini M, Ranjitha G (VII Sem)

8th Oct  2016
12 Won First Prize in Coloue Belt Kumite  Competition, District level Dasara Sports Event(Women’s Karate:51-55kg) organized by “ Mysuru Dasara Mahotsav”, Mysuru

Kamarunnisa K M (VII Sem)

8th Oct  2016
13 Participated in Inter- collegiate Climate  Science Quiz 2016, IISC, Bengaluru

Arpitha Gowda H N, Indira C T, Unnimaya C , Suman Sariga M S  (V Sem)

27th  Sep 2016
14 Participated in Mysore Zone Throw ball Match at NIEIT , Mysuru

Varshitha , Nisarga K (III Sem)

7th Sep 2016
15 Attended Entrepreneurship awareness camp at GSSS institute of Technology for Women, Mysuru

Apurva D J, Geethanjali S, Indira C T, Ramya M, Rashmi Hegde, Sudha M, Suman Sariga M S, Vaishnavi S, Sowndarya H L, Subia Naureen (V Sem)

25th to 27th Aug  2016
16 Attended in One Day Awareness Workshop on “ Cyber Crime Prevention and Detection; Legal Issues”, by the Dept of Master of Computer Applications, JSS Science and Technology University, Mysuru Sonu P, Meghana M R, Misbah Kounain, Chaithra M (VII Sem), Arpitha Gowda H N, Chethana R  ,Harshitha S , Indira C T, Geethanjali S , Shreya S Gowda , Sanchita (V Sem) 20th  Aug  2016
17 Regional Pre- Finals of ICTACT Youth Talk – 2016, at Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Bengaluru Ria Lal K (VII Sem) 16th and 17th of Aug  2016
18 Participated in Group Dance Folk & Classical Song event at VTU YOUTH FEST 2016 held at Alvas college, Moodbidri

Students of VIII semester

7th to 10th May 2016
19 Presented paper titled “Real Time Tweet Cluster Vector-Rank Detection Algorithm for Tweet Data” at Srishti 2016-Innovation Exchange, State Level Project Exhibition and Competition at CMRIT College, Bengaluru

Chandana Prasad, Ranjitha P
(VIII Sem)

 5th to 8th May 2016
20 Presented paper titled “VIVAQ App using Android Platform” at Srishti 2016-Innovation Exchange, State Level Project Exhibition and Competition at  CMRIT College, Bengaluru

Supriya R , Swathi T R (VIII Sem)

 5th to 8th May 2016
21 Presented project  titled “Raster Format Mapping onto Adobe Reader for Visually Impaired” at Srishti 2016-Innovation Exchange, State Level Project Exhibition and Competition at CMRIT College, Bengaluru

Adimoolam Kavya, Akshatha J N, Kavyashree P, Shruthi S
(VIII Sem)

5th to 8th May 2016 
22 Presented paper  titled     “Performance Evaluation of DyScale  with Job Scheduler for Parallel Data Processing” at 4th National Conference on Recent Advances in Science Engineeering & Technology – NCRASET-16, organized by SVCE, Bengaluru  Dhanya V Rai, Nikshitha Accamma B J (VIII Sem)  6th May 2016
23 Presented a paper  titled “Robust Pictorial Mapping on to Text Keyword Content for Search Engine” at the 2nd National Conference on Advancements in Information Technology at JSSATE, Bengaluru

Divyashree C V, Malapriya S, Shambhavi B M (VIII Sem)

2nd & 3rd  May 2016.
24 Won the First place in Individual Kata for girls in coloue belt event in Invitational National Karate Championship-2016 at Calicut Kerala

Impashree R(VI Sem)

23rd and 24th April 2016 
25 Won the First place in Individual Kumite for girls in coloue belt event in Invitational National Karate Championship-2016 at Calicut Kerala

Jannavi (VI Sem)

 23rd and 24th April 2016
26 Won the Third place in Individual Kumite & Kata for girls in coloue belt event in Invitational National Karate Championship-2016 at Calicut Kerala

Bhavani (VI Sem)

23rd and 24th April 2016 
27 Won the First Place in Individual Kumite &  Second place in Individual Kata for girls in coloue belt event in Invitational National Karate Championship-2016 at Calicut Kerala

Kamarunnisa K M (VI Sem)

23rd and 24th April 2016
28 Participated in TCS TECH BYTES, State Wide Engineering IT Quiz at SJCE, Mysuru

Geethanjali S, Vaishnavi S, (IV Sem)

4th March 2016 
29 Won the  BEST PAPER award for Presenting the paper titled “Web Based Architecture for IOT   Using GSM for Implementation of Smart Home Applications” in the UGC   sponsored  Two-Day National Conference on “Internet Of Things” organized by the Department of  Computer Science and Department of Information Technology at Avinashilingam university, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Amreen Saba, Asfiya Muhammadi (VII Sem)

 18th and 19th Feb 2016.
30 Awarded the Best paper in Mini Project Symposium 2016   organized  by the Department of  Information  Science & Engineering

Dhanya V Rai, Deeksha C G, Nayana B M, Nikshitha Accamma B J (VIII Sem)

13th  Feb 2016
31 Won the Best Intern Award  at Internship on Internet of Things(IOT) held at JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bengaluru

Sonu P (VI Sem)

23rd to 30th Jan 2016 
1 Won 3rd place in State Level Dasara Karate Championship -2015 organized by Mysore Karate Association Kamarunnisa K M ,Bhavani (V Sem), Indira C T (II Sem) 16th & 17th Oct 2015
2 participated In “ National Conference on Geospatial Information & Technology Advancement(GITA-2K15” at Shri Madhwa Vadiraja Institute of Technology & Management, Udipi,Karnataka Dhanya V Rai, Shwetha Raviprakash , , (VII Sem) 16th & 17th Oct 2015
3 participated in “Inter-Collegiate Climate Change Quiz” at IISC, Bengaluru Namratha D, Sonu P, Madhuri,Ria Lal K, Aishwarya T (V Sem) 23rd Sep 2015
4 Won consolation Prize for paper titled “ Advanced Image Re-Ranking Based On Semantic Signature And Generating Rank Chart “ in 29th CSI Karnataka Student Convention at GSSSIETW Deeksha C G, Shwetha Raviprakash, (VII Sem) 12th Sep 2015
5 Won 1st Prize for Poster titled “ Computer Aided System for Detecting Brain Tumor using Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Classification Technique “ in 29th CSI Karnataka Student Convention at GSSSIETW Amreen Saba (VII Sem) 12th Sep 2015
6 Published a paper titled “Anonymous Authentication of Cloud Data Storage using Decentralized Access Control” in International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science, Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2015,pp 12091-12094 Aareyi RaviKumar, Harshitha S, Meghana M (VIII Sem) May 2015
7 Published a paper titled “Dynamic Control System Based on Context for Mobile Devices” in International Journal of Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2015,pp 2847-2850 Kavana M S, Meghashree P, Keerthi M (VIII Sem) May 2015
8 Participated in πi 2K15-Project Innovation Intiatives-2015 Deeksha C G (VI Sem) 9th May 2015
9 CSI- Karnataka Student Branch Meet Dhanya V Rai,Archana M R (VI Sem) 9th May 2015
10 Project Presentation Symposium -2015 Pooja P Kumar , Rashmi A P, Supriya K (VIII Sem) Received Certificate of Merit for Best Presentation 4th May 2015
11 Participated in TECHNOXIAN” – National Level championship workshop on QUAD COPTER conducted by TIMES WORLD GROUP in association with IIT DELHI. Maria Akshatha , Madhuri Bhat ,Tasmia Madnikhan, Deekshitha .V (VIII Semester) Chandana Prasad , Ranjitha .P (VI Semester) 17th to 19th April 2015
12 Attended Two day workshop on " Android Application Development ", GSSSIETW, Mysuru VI Semester Students 17th & 24th April 2015
13 ‘CHAKRAVYUH’, National Level Inter Collegiate Techno Cultural fest, Alva’s Institute of Engineering & Technology, Mangalore Dhanya V Rai, Sneha Setty, Mansi Jain (VI Semester) Secured Second Place in Duet Dance and Mehandi the Competition 11th to 13th April 2015
14 Workshop on "Swarm Robotics", Organised by Roboversity Centre, Bangalore Sonu P (IV Semester ) Secured Best Innovation Award 15th to 16th March 2015
15 Represented Karnataka in “National Integration Camp”, Nehru Yuva Kendra, Thanjavur,Tamilnadu Naija Anand V(VI Semester) 27th Jan 2015
1 Voice of Mysore,Sri Sankara Dasara Mela 2014,Shankara TV channel Supriya N Alankar(VI Semester)Selected for semi finals 12th Oct 2014
2 Spot Light - Charity Show Organized by NI Groups , Dasara Exhibition, Mysore VI Semester StudentsSecured Second Place in the Dance Competition 9th August 2014

NSS Activity“Shramadhana”

VI Semester Students 28th March 2014

Participated in “Infosys Project Innovation Challenge – 2014”, organized by Infosys Limited, Mysore

Anupama K ,Rakshitha A.S, Navyashree B ( VIII semester)

21st May 2014
1 Participated in “iNoah - A community based Cloud Computing Awareness Evangelism" initiative at Ordell Ugo in association with IEEE Computer Society & CCBD, ATME College of Engineering, Mysore

Shwetha D ( VII Semester)

27th Oct 2013



Objectives of MOU:

To set up the Research Laboratory and provide research facilities for students and faculty members.
To provide resource persons to conduct workshops, technical talk, conferences and training programs (with hands on session).
To provide Internship, industrial visits and assist students for placements.
To arrange training programs on the topics related to curriculum.

MoU signed between GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru and Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC), Mysuru on 16th  October 2024.


The GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women (GSSSIETW) and Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) have signed a path breaking Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at promoting enhanced participation of women in the field of cyber security. This significant partnership comes during the month of October, observed as National Cyber Security Awareness Month, underscoring the importance of building a stronger, more inclusive cyber security workforce. 

The MoU was signed by Dr. M Shivakumar, Principal, GSSSIETW and Group Captain P. Aanand Naidu, Executive Director – ISAC, Mysuru, Ms. Anusha A Gowda, Head of Corporate Communications, ISAC, Mysuru, Dr. Gururaj K S, Professor & Head, Dept.of ISE, and Mrs. Chaya P, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ISE,  and Mr. Anand M , Assistant Professor, Dept. of ISE GSSSIETW, Mysuru were present on this occasion.


VIRTUAL MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) formally signed between Department of Information Science & Engineering, GSSSIETW, Mysuru and Alfa beta Gamma (ABG), Coimbatore On 1st April 2021


The signatories of the MOU were Dr. M Shivakumar, Principal, GSSSIETW,  Mrs. Santhya R,  Foumder & Director, Alfa Beta Gama Cyber Solutions - Coimbatore and Dr. Reshma Banu, Professor and Head, Department of ISE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru.  By signing this MOU, Department of Information Science and Engineering is planning to get Consultancy projects, conduct Awareness Programs, Skill Development programs for students and train the trainer programs for staff related to thrust areas such as IOT, Cyber Security & Blockchain to enhance the skills of students and aspirants through these awareness programs.

MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) formally signed between GSSSIETW, Mysuru and Dlithe Consultancy Private Ltd, Bangalore On 5th November 2020


(From Left): Mr. N Sridhart Murthy, Director and Founder, Dlithe Consultancy Private Ltd, Bengaluru, Dr. M Shivakumar, Principal, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, Mr. Arun Rajpurohit, Director and Founder, Dlithe Consultancy Private Ltd, Bengaluru, Dr. Reshma Banu , Professor and Head Department of ISE, GSSSIETW and Mr. Anand M, Asst. Professor, Dept. of ISE.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was formally signed between GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women (GSSSIETW), Mysuru and Dlithe Consultancy Private Ltd, Bengaluru organized by the Department of Information Science & Engineering on 5th November 2020.
The signatories of the MOU were Dr. M Shivakumar, Principal, GSSSIETW, Mr. Arun Rajpurohit, Director, Dlithe Consultancy Private Ltd, Bengaluru and Dr. Reshma Banu, Professor and Head, Department of ISE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru. Deliverables of MOU include exposure of students to real time industry opportunities by imparting training on technology, domain and personality development, provide platform to students to have incubation/ start-ups, internships to develop applications using agile development and conduct Hackathon for students to showcase their projects and start-up ideas.

MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) formally signed between GSSSIETW, Mysuru and Bluechink Technologies, Bangalore On 25th September 2019

MOU between GSSSIETW and Bluechink Technologies

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was formally signed between GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women (GSSSIETW), Mysuru and Bluechink Technologies, Bangalore organized by the Department of Information Science & Engineering on 25th September 2019. The signatories of the MOU were Dr. M Shivakumar, Principal, GSSSIETW, Mr. Deepak S Naik, Director, Bluechink Technologies, Bangalore and Dr. Reshma Banu, Professor and Head, Department of ISE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru in presence of Smt. Vanaja B Pandit, Hon. Secretary, GSSS(R).

Deliverables of MOU include exposure of students to real time industry opportunities. A skill based vocational training center to be established imparting industry training, hands-on workshop program, training programming on topics related to curriculum.

MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) formally signed between GSSSIETW, Mysuru and VSG Software Solutions, Mysuru. On 16th July 2018

MOU between GSSSIETW and VSG Software Solutions

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was formally signed between GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women (GSSSIETW), Mysuru and VSG Software Solutions, Mysuru organized by the Department of Information Science & Engineering on 16th July 2018. The signatories of the MOU were Dr. M Shivakumar , Principal, GSSSIETW, Dr. Reshma Banu, Professor and Head, Department of ISE, GSSSIETW, Sri Karthik Ganapathi, Managing Director , VSG Software Solutions, Mysuru

Deliverables of MOU include exposure of students to real time industry opportunities. A skill based vocational training center to be established imparting industry training, hands-on workshop program, training programming on topics related to curriculum. 

Mysuru and Nihon Communications Solutions Pvt Ltd(NCS). Bengaluru on 1 st February

MOU between GSSSIETW and Nihon Communications Solutions Pvt Ltd

To set up Network Forensics Lab at Department of Information Science & Engineeering, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was formally signed between GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women (GSSSIETW), Mysuru and Nihon Communications Solutions Pvt Ltd(NCS), Bengaluru on 1 st February 2017. The signatories of the MOU were Dr.Sumithra Devi K.A, Principal, GSSSIETW, Sri. R K Bharath, CEO and Management Committee Member, GSSSIETW, Dr. Reshma Banu, Professor and Head, Department of ISE, GSSSIETW, Dr. S. Meenakshi Sundaram , Professor and Head Department of CSE, GSSSIETW , and Sri M S Phadke , Director , NCS Pvt Ltd, Benagluru.

On this occasion Sri M S Phadke , Director , Nihon Communications Solutions Pvt Ltd addressed the students about the latest technologies in the Networking fields such as IoT and Clouds of virtualization. The objectives of setting up Network Forensics Lab is to expose students to the real time industrial opportunities. The Lab may be used to conduct Mini projects, Main projects, makethon camps and project development purpose. The facility can also be used for Research and Development by faculty members.


Mysuru and Spaneos Software Solutions, Bangalore on 9th November 2015

MOU between GSSSIETW and Spaneos Software Solutions

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was formally signed between GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women (GSSSIETW), Mysuru and Spaneos Software Solutions, Bangalore organized by the Department of Information Science & Engineering on 9th November 2015.The signatories of the MOU were Dr. Sumithra Devi K.A, Principal, GSSSIETW, Dr. Reshma Banu, Associate Prof and Head, Department of ISE, GSSSIETW, Sri. Venkatesh N, General Manger, Spaneos Software Solutions, Bangalore Sri. R K Bharath, CEO and Management Committee Member, GSSSIETW, Sri. Suraj Venugopal, Business Development Manager, Spaneos Software Solutions, Bangalore and Smt. Ayesha Taranum, MOU Coordinator, Department of ISE, GSSSIETW, graced the occasion.

Sri. Venkatesh N , General Manger, Spaneos Software Solutions, Bangalore, reveled the hot technologies in the market such as Big Data, Hadoop, SAN and objectives of MOU to setup incubation Lab and Excellence Center for the Department of Information Science and Engineering, GSSSIETW, Mysuru and also highlighted the different exposures and opportunities for the students.

MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) with IT Champs Software Pvt. Ltd., Mysuru on 28th October 2015

MOU between GSSSIETW and IT Champs Software Pvt. Ltd.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was formally signed between GSSS Institute of  Engineering and Technology for Women (GSSSIETW), Mysuru and IT Champs Software Pvt. Ltd., Mysore, organized by the Department of Information Science & Engineering on 28th October 2015. The signatories of the MOU were Dr. Sumithra Devi K.A, Principal, GSSSIETW, Dr. Reshma Banu, Associate Prof and Head, Department of ISE, GSSSIETW, Mr. Rajesh Kutnikar, CEO , IT Champs Software Pvt. Ltd., Mysore, Sri. R K Bharath, CEO and Management Committee Member, GSSSIETW, Smt. Anupama B Pandit , AAO, GSSSIETW, Fahmeeda Shariff, Practice Head-SAP HCM, IT Champs Software Pvt. Ltd., Mysore and Smt. Ayesha Taranum, MOU Coordinator, Department of ISE, GSSSIETW, GSSSIETW graced the occasion.

MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) of Campus connect program between Infosys Ltd and GSSSIETW, Mysuru on 27th April 2015


MOU of Campus connect program between Infosys Ltd and GSSSIETW was renewed on 27th April 2015. Faculties have been trained in the Deep Dive Faculty Enablement Foundation Program 4.0. Campus Connect training has been conducted by our faculty for the students of all departments of our college from the year 2010 till date and final year students of all Departments of our college attended Campus Connect Foundation Program 4.0 training.


Placement Details-2024

ise placement

Companies visiting us for Campus :

Companies visiting the Department | GSSSIETW

Professional Society

Technical Events Conducted during ODD 2024

Sl. No. Name of the Event Resource Person / Guest Details Date of the Event
1. Two days workshop on “Data Structures Applications using Python”. Trainers from IVIS LABS Pvt. Ltd, Mysuru. 21/10/2024 to 22/10/2024
2. Three Days workshop on “Open-Source Mobile App Development from Data In-sights with Power BI to UX Excellence”. Bharath T S, Director, iRobo Automation Pvt. Ltd. 24/10/2024 to 26/10/2024
3. Two Days workshop on “Applications of Cryptography and Network Security” Soundarya B C, Total Electro Technologies. 29/11/2024 To 30/11/2024

Technical Events conducted during 2023-2024

Sl. No. Semester Name of the Event Resource Person / Guest Details Date of the Event

ODD 2023

1 V Two days workshop on “Android App Development Using Android Studio, XML, and Java”. Ravi K R, Trainer & Lead Developer in SDLC, Infosys. 14/11/2023 to 15/11/2023
2 V Three Days workshop on “Full Stack Web Development”. Mr. Vinay kumar Venkataramana, AI and Researchpreneur 14/11/2023 to 15/11/2023 & 17/11/2023
3 VII Two Days workshop on “Combing Artificial Intelligence Intuitive Search Engine” Mr.Krishnananda Corporate Technical Trainer, Hyderabad. 22/12/2023 to 23/12/2023
4 III Three Days workshop on “Full Stack Java Application Development”. Mr. M S Rohit, Google certified Android Developer AWS certified Solution Architect Bangalore 03/01/2024 to 05/01/2024
5 V Two Days workshop on “Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Visualization”. Ms. Harshitha Deepanjali, Corporate Trainer 18/01/2024 to 19/01/2024

EVEN 2024

5 VI Three Days workshop on “ Python Fullstack Development” Ms. N Vijaya Corporate Triner 27/05/2024 to 29/05/2024
7 IV Two days workshop on “ Python and Data Science” Mr. Prashanth, IT Engineer, IPCS Global Solutions, Mysuru. 15/07/2024 to 16/07/2024

Technical Events Conducted during 2022-2023

Sl. No. Name of the Event Resource Person / Guest Details Date of the Event

ODD 2022

1 A workshop on “Adaptability Skills” Nikitha Surjan, Freelance skill India trainer, Mysuru 22/10/2022
2 A workshop on “Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning” Sunil Kumar N, CEO, Intrella Technologies & Services Pvt. Ltd 5/11/2022
3 A workshop on “Data Structures Basics and applications” for 3rd semester students. Mr. Chandrappa S, Assistant Professor, Dept of ISE,GSSSIETW, Mysuru 5/11/2022
4 A workshop “Big Data Analytics and its real time Applications” for 7th semester students. Spoorthi V, Cobol/Omni Developer at VFISLK Banglore 05/11/2022
5 An awareness Program Principal and HoD,ISE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru 8/11/2022
6 A workshop on “Web Application Development using HTML, CSS , Bootstrap and PHP” Santhosh M, Assistant Professor, Dept of ISE,GSSSIETW, Mysuru 3/12/2022
7 A workshop on “Advance Unix: File/Data Processing using advance tools” Sukdeep, Software Engineer, TQuest, Basaveshwar Nagar, Bengaluru 7/01/2023
8 A workshop on “Jira and Agile project Management” Jyothi T, Senior Functional Trainer, Solifi Software India Private Limited, Mysuru 21/01/2023

EVEN 2023

1 Two Days Workshop on “Python – Flask Environment Mr. Sunil kumar N, Cyber Security Engineer, Alstom 12/06/2023 to 13/06/2023
2 7th National Level Coding Competition “CODE IGNITER – 2023” in Association with and Computer Society of India-Mysore Chapter,   28/06/2023
3 Three day Workshop on “Introduction to Machine learning using Python” Mr. Mahesh Deginal, Managing Director & CEO Karunadu Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore 28/08/2023 to 31/08/2023

Technical Events Conducted during 2021-2022

Sl. No. Name of the Event Resource Person / Guest Details Date of the Event

ODD 2021

1 A one day Workshop on “Advanced C Concepts: Industrial Perspective” Mr. Dinesh, Microchip Technology India Pvt Ltd. 16/10/2021
2 A Workshop on “Advances in Sustainability and Motion technology” Ms. Meghana Praksha, Holosuit Pvt. Ltd, Mysuru 23/10/2021
3 A webinar on “Futures of Computer Networks” Sridhar G P, Wipro Technologies, Bangalore 23/10/2021
4 One day workshop on “Technical skill enhancement for computer application development” Miss. Chandana Associate Engineer L&T Technology Services Mysore. 6/11/2021
5 A three day workshop on “Vulnerability Detection and Real Time Network Security use Monosek” Mrs. Nethra, Senior Software Engineer, Atos global IT Solutions, Bangalore 02/11/2021, 12/11/2021 and 13/11/2021
6 A three day Workshop on “Ethical Hacking” Mr. Samarth, Reinfosec Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore. 29/10/2021, 2/11/2021 and 13/11/2021
7 A webinar on “Pre-Placement Talk” Miss. Chinmayee, Accenture, Bangalore and Miss. Sonu Ganesh , TCS, Bangaluru. 30/11/2021
8 One day webinar on “Effective Problem Solving and Decision Making Techniques” Mr. Raghavendra G, Ernst and Young, Bangalore. 30/10/ 2021
9 A webinar on “An Web Application Development to illustrate Data Base Management Systems Features” Mr. Amith K S, Senior Software Engineer, Manyathy Business Solutions, Shimoga 29/01/2022
10 A webinar on “Application of Python in Industry- A Practical Approach” for 3rd Semester students. Lohar Sachin Namdeo, Senior Software Engineer Knowledge Solutions India, Pune 5/02/2022
11 A webinar on “Women Safety in Digital World” for 5th semester students. Santhya R, Proprietor, ABG Cyber Solutions, Coimbatore 5/02/2022
12 A workshop on “Full Stack Development” Mr. Mohan, Web Application Developer Manyathy Business Solutions, Shimoga 10/02/2022

EVEN 2022

1 A Webinar on “Full Stack Development” Mr. Amith K S,Senior Software Engineer, Manyathy Business Solutions, Shimoga 07/05/2022
2 A hands-on Session on Webhosting using 000webhost Platform Mr.Chandrappa S, Assistant Professor, Dept of ISE, GSSSIETW, Mysuru 14/05/2022
3 Alumni Interaction Program Yashaswini and Ranjitha 04/06/2022
4 A Technical Talk on “Object oriented programing-data structures and beyond” Mr. Annad Jagadeesh, Dell Technologies, Bangalore 21/05/2022
5 A Technical Talk on “Industrial Perspectives of OS” Mr. SurajanNikitha, Freelance skill India trainer, Bangalore 28/05/2022
6 A session on “Networking Tends” Miss. Meghana Praksha HolosuitPvt. Ltd, Mysuru 04/06/2022


Sl. No. Title of the Event Details Date
1 Code Igniter -2021 National level coding competition 11/11/2021
2 ICEECCOT-2021 International Conference 10/12/2021 to 11/12/2021
3 ISRIET- 2021 International Seminar 14/12/2021
4 ATAL FDP on Robot Operating System (ROS) FDP in association with AICTE 10/01/2022 to 14/01/2022
5 TECH-X 2K22 National level project Exhibition 24/05/2022

Technical Events Conducted during 2020-2021

Sl. No. Name of the Event Resource Person / Guest Details Date of the Event

ODD 2020

1 Webinar on “Application of machine learning with python” Mr. Raghu Prasad K S, CEO, Kaushalya Technical Training and Consultancy Services, Bangalore 19/10/2020
2 Webinar on “Emerging trends in artificial intelligence” Mr. Raghu Prasad K S, CEO, Kaushalya Technical Training and Consultancy Services, Bangalore 20/10/2020
3 Webinar on “Heterogeneous computing” Ritesh Belgudri, Field Application Engineer, Network and custom logic group , Intel Corp, Chennai, for 6th and 8th semester students. 06/06/2020
4 Webinar on “Current IT Professional Challenges and Opportunities”   27/06/2020
5 A national level workshop on “Project-Based Learning & Development Of Employability Skills” In Association With Computer Society Of India (CSI) by Prof. (Dr.) P.S Grover, Delhi University, KIIT Group of Colleges, Gurgaon 9/06/2020 to 10/06/2020
6 A national level webinar on “Upskill - Survive - Lead the Pandemic Crisis Holistically” In Association with IEEE Training Partner by Mr. M S Srinivasa, Training Manager – (Karnataka & Telangana) IEEE Training Partner, EBSCO Information Services, New Delhi. 11/07/2020

EVEN 2021

1 Three Day Workshop on “Certified Secure Computer User (CSCU)” Ms. Santhya R, Founder and Director of ABG Cyber Solutions Coimbatore in association with IEEE Computer Society GSSS Student Chapter (SBC17861C 08/04/2021 to 10/04/2021
2 One Day Online Workshop on “Advances in Design and Analysis of Algorithms” Mr. Muthu Venkata krishnan, Pentagon Solutions, Bangalore. 24/04/2021
3 A webinar on “Overview of Object Oriented Concepts on Programming” Ms. Amreen Saba, Educator at Unacademy and Alumnae of GSSSIETW, Mysuru 29/05/2021
4 A webinar on “Testing Tools Overview and Execution” Mr. Somaiah, Trainnner at Tek System Global Solutions, Bangalore 24/04/2021
5 Two Days Online Workshop on “Getting to know GitHub”, Event was conducted in association with ISE Department Research Centre Mr. Anand Jagadeesh, Secretary, IEEE Computer Society, Bangalore Chapter 16/06/2021 to 17/06/2021
6 A webinar on “Internationalization in User Interface Design” Mr. Sateesh Giri, Founder and Visual Basic Developer of Mysore, MYS Genius Software Solution. 26/06/2021
7 A webinar on “Competitive Programming Challenges Platforms” Mr.Niranjan Malya, Dlite consultancy Pvt.Ltd Bangalore 26/06/2021
8 A Webinar on “Data Analytics tools Overview and Execution” Mr. Shashi Kumar, Application Engineer for math work products at CoreEL Technologies, Bangalore. 22/05/2021

Technical Events Conducted during 2019-2020

Sl. No. Name of the Event Resource Person / Guest Details Date of the Event

ODD 2019

1 Webinar on “Blockchain and its opportunities in India” Mr. Ellappan Venkatesan, CEO, Emurgo Academy, Bengaluru 17/08/2019
2 Webinar on "Blockchain and its opportunities in India" Mr. Ellappan Venkatesan, CEO, Emurgo Academy, Bengaluru. 17/08/2019
3 Two day workshop on “Dot Net Framework for Application Development” Vishwanath Subbanna , Sowmya M D Director and Chief Mentor, SV2Learn Technologies and Consulting LLP. 30/08/2019
4 Two Day Skill Development Program on “Network Data Monitoring in Real time Using Monosek” Nethra Gowda, Software Engineer, NCS Pvt Ltd 23/10/2019 and 24/10/2019
5 Two days workshop on “Block chain Technology” Mr. Ravindra Dastikop, Director, Centre for Web Enabled Learning ( C-WEL),SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad. 25/10/2019 and 26/10/2019
6 Alumni Connect session on “Micro Small and Medium Enterprises” Ms. Akshara Kumar Founder, Truly Essentials, Mysuru 16/10/2019
7 Hands-on Session on “Web Page Designing” Ayesha Taranum and Soumya Dath G, Assistant Professor, Dept. of ISE, GSSSIETW. 24/08/2019
8 Three Day Skill Development Program on “Wireless Sensors Network based IoT Platform Mr. Sanketh Gopal and Mr. Ashwin Application Engineers, Nihon Communication Solutions Private limited, Bengaluru 15/10/2019 to 17/10/20191
9 Two days workshop on “Block chain Technology” Mr. Ravindra Dastikop, Director, Centre for Web Enabled Learning (C-WEL), SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad. 25/10/2019 and 26/10/2019
10 IT Champs Internship Graduation day Mr. Rajesh Kuthnikar, CEO, IT Champs, Mrs. PrajakthaKuthnikar, Director, IT Champs and Mr. Sunil Lingam, Associate Manager, IT Champs. 01/11/2019
11 One day workshop on “Awareness on E-resources to meet Technology Challenges” Mr. M S Srinivasa, Training Manager, EBSCO, Information Services, New Delhi. 27/11/2019

EVEN 2020

1 Awareness Program on Higher Studies Resource Person, Mr. Sanjeev Bharadwaj, Senior Software Engineer, Exact Software, Netherland 18/02/2020
2 Webinar on “Heterogeneous computing” RiteshBelgudri, Field Application Engineer, Network and custom logic group , Intel Corp, Chennai, for 6th and 8th semester students. 06/06/2020
3 Live Webinar on “Campus to Corporate” Prof. A R Dwarkanath, MA, PGDBA, Chairman and National Council Member, Indian Society for Training & Development, Mysuru Chapter 08/06/2020
4 Live - Webinar on “Project – based learning and development of employability skills” Prof. Dr. P S Grover, Campus Director, KIIT Group of Colleges, Gurgaon and ex-Director, Delhi University, Director General, GGSIP University, Delhi 09/06/2020
5 Webinar on “Block Chain Technology” Mr. Karthik G, Managing Director, VSG Software Solutions, Mysore. 10/06/ 2020
6 Webinar on “Software defined wide area networks (SD WAN)” Pradeep G, Cisco, Bengaluru for 6th Semester students. 17/06/2020
7 Webinar on “Current IT professional challenges and opportunities” Deeksha M, Technical Engineer, Commercial Printers Firm, HP Inc, Bengaluru 27/06/2020


Sl. No. Title of the Event Details Date
1 Project Symposium – 2019 Paper Presentation 6/5/2019
2 Code Igniter -2019 National level coding competition 25/08/2019
3 ICEECCOT-2019 International Conference 13/12/2019 to 14/12/2019
4 ISRIET- 2019 International Seminar 16/12/2019

Technical Events Conducted during 2018-2019

Sl. No. Name of the Event Resource Person / Guest Details Date of the Event

ODD 2018

1 Two Days Workshop on “Microprocessor and its applications” Prof. Badri Nath K, CEO, IORA Technologies, Bengaluru. 17/05/2018 to 18/05/2018
2 Project Symposium -2018 Mr. Mahesh Chinnaswamy, Vice President, Qwinix Technologies, Mysuru. 19/05/2018

EVEN 2019

1 Two days workshop on “Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking with Hands-on sessions Mr. Karthik G, Managing Director, VSG Software Solutions, Mysore. 06/02/2019 to 07/05/2019
2 Three Day Skill Development Program on “Wireless Sensors Network based IoT Platform” in association with Nihon Communications Solutions Private Limited , Bengaluru and Computer Society of India 26/02/2019 to 28/02/2019
3 Roadshow on “Sales force-Anyone Can Be a Developer” Mr. ChandraPrasad, CEO, DCompiler, Mysuru 22/03/2019
4 Hands-on Session on “Design and Analysis of Algorithms” Sunil, Technical Consultant, Interlla Technologies 23/03/2019
5 Two days workshop on “Microprocessor & its Application” Prof. Badri Nath K, CEO, IORA Technologies, Bengaluru 04/04/2019 to 05/04/2019
6 Two Days Enrichment program On “Python Application Programming” Mrs. Nagaswetha D, Managing partner Entelika IT Services Mysuru, Miss. Ashwani I, Application Developer, Infosys Ltd, Mysuru 26/04/2019 to 27/04/2019
7 Three Days Skill Development Program on “Vulnerability Detection and Real Time Network Security using Monosek” Nethra Gowda and ManjushreeMashal, Software Engineers, Nihon Communication Solutions Pvt. Ltd Bengaluru 29/04/2019 to 30/04/2019 & 02/05/2019

IEEE Computer Society

IEEE Computer Society Activities



National Level Project Exhibition “TECH X-2K22” in association with IEEE Computer Society, Bangalore Chapter on 24 th May 2022



Two Days Online Workshop on “Getting to know GitHub” 16.06.2021 to
17.06.2021by Mr. Anand Jagadeesh, Secretary, IEEE Computer Society, Bangalore Chapter for VI Semester Students


Three Day Workshop on “Certified Secure Computer User (CSCU)” 08.04.2021
To 10.04.2021by Ms. Santhya R, Founder and Director of ABG Cyber Solutions Coimbatore for VI Semester Students in association with IEEE Computer Society GSSS Student Chapter (SBC17861C)

Events Conducted under IEEE Computer Society Student Chapter:

Sl No   Title of the Workshop  Resource Person  Date 
1 Two Days Workshop on “Competitive Programming Challenges platforms-HackerRank&HackerEarth” Mr. ArunRajpurohit, CEO, Dlithe Consultancy Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru 21st& 22nd December 2020

Virtual Inauguration of“GSSSIETW-IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY STUDENT CHAPTER(SBC17861C)” on19th November 2020at GSSSIETW, Mysuru.


Department of Information Science & Engineering of GSSSIETW, Mysuru had organized Virtual Inauguration of “GSSSIEETW-IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY STUDENT CHAPTER(SBC17861C)” on 19th November 2020at 10.30 AM.

The inaugural function began in the presence of Chief Guest Dr.GeethaManjunath, Founder and CEO of Niramai Health Analytix, Past Chair IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY Bangalore chapter,Mr. VishwasLakkundi, Chair, IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY, Bangalore Chapter,Dr.M Shivakumar, Principal, GSSSIETW, Mysuru, Dr. Reshma Banu, IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY Branch Advisor, Prof & Head, Dept. of ISE and Staff of ISE.

Dr. Reshma Banu, IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY Branch Advisor, Prof. & Head, Dept. of ISE, welcomed dignitaries & the gathering. Dr. Reshma Banu Highlighted the importance of “GSSSIEETW-IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY STUDENT CHAPTER(SBC17861C)”. The event was coordinated by Mr. Anand M, IEEE coordinator, Asst. Professor, Dept. of ISE.

Mr. Anand M, IEEE Coordinator, Asst. Professor, Dept of ISE briefed about the “GSSSIEETW-IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY STUDENT CHAPTER(SBC17861C)”.

Dr.GeethaManjunath, founder and CEO of Niramai Health Analytix, Past Chair, IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY, Bangalore chapter, addressed all the participants by emphasizing about the importance of IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY Student which provides a platform for students of various streams of IT to showcase their talent, present their own work, share and exchange ideas with their counter parts. She also advised the students to know the power of code and to tie it up with innovation.

She also mentioned that it was a proud moment for herto be a part of “GSSSIEETW-IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY STUDENT CHAPTER(SBC17861C)” e-inaugural function Dr.GeethaManjunath assured to help students to help solving the real world problems. She congratulated the IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY Branch Advisor Dr. Reshma Banu, Professor and Head of department of ISE, GSSSIETW for establishing IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY Student Chapter. She appreciated all the coordinators of the event.

Mr. VishwasLakkundi, Chair, IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY, Bangalore Chapter gave the opening remarks and overview of IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY Chapter activities. He highlighted the events which are being conducted by IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY Bangalore Chapter, to name a few HackBout, GirlGeek, Hack and summer course and emphasised on how women are being supported and motivated the students to be the part of tech world. He also motivated and encouraged students to be active participants of various events conducted by the IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY Chapter.

Dr. Shivakumar M, Principal, GSSSIETW, Mysuru highlighted the importance of students participating in the IEEE events and gaining scholarships and fundings from IEEE which provides a stimulating environment for their professional growth and advised the students to adapt to the fast changing technologies. Dr. Shivakumar M congratulated Dr. ReshmaBanuand team for establishing the IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY Student Chapter which encourages students by providing a platform for students to showcase their talent.

News Letters

Departmental News Letter ODD Semester 2023: Click Here

Departmental News Letter Even Semester 2023: Click Here

Departmental News Letter ODD Semester 2022 : Click Here

Departmental News Letter EVEN Semester 2022 : Click Here

Departmental News Letter ODD Semester 2021 : Click Here

Departmental News Letter EVEN Semester 2021 : Click Here

Departmental News Letter ODD Semester 2020 : Click Here

Departmental News Letter EVEN Semester 2020 : Click Here

Departmental News Letter ODD Semester 2019 : Click Here

Departmental News Letter EVEN Semester 2019 : Click Here

Departmental News Letter ODD Semester 2018 : Click Here

Departmental News Letter EVEN Semester 2018 : Click Here

Departmental News Letter ODD Semester 2017 : Click Here


Applications of Cryptography and Network Security" by Soundarya B C, Total Electro Technologies from 29th - 30th November 2024

Linux FOSS Club organized Linux Quest - A coding competition on 3rd October 2024


Two days workshop on Data Structures Applications using Python in Association with IVIS LABS Pvt. Ltd. on 21st and 22nd October 2024.


Three days workshop on Open Source Mobile App Development from Data Insights with Power BI to UX Excellence by Bharath T S, Director, iRobo Automation Pvt. Ltd. from 24th to 26th October 2024


INNOVATE NXT-2024” Ideathon in Association with DLithe Consultancy Services Private Ltd, Bengaluru on 5th November 2024

A virtual Tech session on " Safety and Reliability Engineering in Product Design" by Ms. Deepa Natarajamani, Sr. Safety Reliability Engineer, Amazon Labs, Sunnyvale, California, USA on 27/07/2024 by Linux FOSS Club

Two days workshop on "Python and Data Science" for IV semester students from 15th - 16th July 2024

Industrial Visit to System Consultant Information India Innovation with Intelligence, Tumkur" on 23rd May 2024

Three Days workshop on Python Fullstack Development for 6th Semester students from 27th to 29th May 2024

Linux FOSS Club organized a One Day Workshop on "Linux Learathon" on 26th Feb 2024

A two days Workshop on Python Flask Environment on 12th and 13th of June 2023

7th National Level Coding Competition Code Igniter - 2023 on 28 June 2023

National Level Project Exhibition "TECH X-2K22" on 24th May 2022

Code Igniter 2019

Code Igniter 2019Code Igniter 2019Code Igniter 2019Code Igniter 2019
Fourth International Conference on Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT-2019) on 13th and 14th December 2019
Fourth International Conference on Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT-2019) on 13th and 14th December 2019Fourth International Conference on Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT-2019) on 13th and 14th December 2019Fourth International Conference on Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT-2019) on 13th and 14th December 2019Fourth International Conference on Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT-2019) on 13th and 14th December 2019Fourth International Conference on Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT-2019) on 13th and 14th December 2019Fourth International Conference on Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT-2019) on 13th and 14th December 2019Fourth International Conference on Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT-2019) on 13th and 14th December 2019
International Seminar on Research and Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ISRIET-2019) on 16th December 2019
GAN_7743.jpgGAN_7618 2.jpgGAN_7689.jpgGAN_7625.jpg
Three Day FDP on “Machine Learning with Python
Three Day FDP on “Machine Learning with PythonThree Day FDP on “Machine Learning with PythonThree Day FDP on “Machine Learning with PythonThree Day FDP on “Machine Learning with PythonThree Day FDP on “Machine Learning with PythonThree Day FDP on “Machine Learning with PythonThree Day FDP on “Machine Learning with Python
 3rd “National Conference  on  Engineering Innovations and Solutions”  (NCEIS – 2019)
Dignitaries during InaugurationBest Papers being awarded Cash PrizeSmt. B.P. Dakshayani Former Group Director Flight Dynamics Group Space Navigation Group ISRO Satellite Centre BangaloreParticipants Session chair and dignitaries in various sessionsSession Chairs receiving Memento from dignitariesDignitaries during the release of Conference ProceedingsSession Chairs receiving Memento from dignitariesParticipants Session chair and dignitaries in various sessionsParticipants and Session chairs at 3rd National conference on Engineering Innovations and Solutions. NCEIS 2019Dr. Shivakumar M General Chair NCEIS-2019 Principal GSSSIETW addressing the audienceParticipants Session chair and dignitaries in various sessionsBest Papers being awarded Cash PrizeDr. Shivakumar M Principal GSSSIETW Mysuru Mysuru presenting memento to Smt. B.P. Dakshayani
 Second National conference on Engineering Innovations and Solutions. (NCEIS – 2018)
Second National conference on Engineering Innovations and Solutions. (NCEIS – 2018)Second National conference on Engineering Innovations and Solutions. (NCEIS – 2018)Second National conference on Engineering Innovations and Solutions. (NCEIS – 2018)Second National conference on Engineering Innovations and Solutions. (NCEIS – 2018)
 Three Day National Level Faculty Development Program on A Practical Approach Towards Big Data Analytics And Artificial Intelligence
Second National conference on Engineering Innovations and Solutions. (NCEIS – 2018)Three Day National Level Faculty Development Program on A Practical Approach Towards Big Data Analytics And Artificial Intelligence held at GSSSIETW, MysuruThree Day National Level Faculty Development Program on A Practical Approach Towards Big Data Analytics And Artificial Intelligence held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru
Industrial Visit
Industrial Visit to ACE Components MysuruIndustrial Visit to Advanced Electronic System BengaluruIndustrial Visit to CMMAC BengaluruIndustrial visit to GLOBAL CYBER SECURITY RESPONSE TEAM PRIVATE LIMITED Jayanagar Bengaluru Industrial Visit to ISRO Satellite Center BengaluruIndustrial Visit to Karnataka Milk Federation MysuruIndustrial Visit to Master Control Facility HassanIndustrial_VisitHands on session to HTML tagsIndustrial visit to GLOBAL CYBER SECURITY RESPONSE TEAM PRIVATE LIMITED
Department Activities
Technical Talk on File Structures and its ImplementationParent Teachers Meeting was organized on 23rd September 2017Technical Talk on Uses Approaches of Java in Corporate SectorProject Symposium -2018Technical talk on Software Testing and its Formal ApproachesTechnical_Talk on_Overview on Software Testing ToolsTechnical Talk on Evaluation of Pointers with respect to FunctionTechnical Talk on Introduction to Salesforce-Cloud Computing PlatformTechnical Talk on Software Development Life CycleTechnical Talk on IoT using Raspberry PiTechnical Talk on Selenium Web Driver Automation Testing ToolTechnical_Talk_on_Selenium Web Driver Automation Testing ToolTechnical Talk on Business Intelligence and ProgrammingTechnical Talk on File Structures and its ImplementationTechnical Talk on An overview on Software Development Life Cycle and Testing Life CycleTechnical Talk on Evaluation of Pointers with respect to Function


Dr. Gururaj K S, 
BE, M.Tech, Ph.D
Professor & Head,
Department of ISEGSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology For Women
KRS Road, Mysore - 570016
Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone : 0821-4257304 Extn: 1305

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