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by NBA, New Delhi
(Validity up to June 2026)
(Validity up to June 2027)


Accredited with A Grade

CET Code: E133
COMEDK Code: E055



Department of Physical Education

Physical Education is an integral part of education programme, designed to promote the optimum development of an individual. It makes one physically, and mentally strong. The primary aims of physical education have varied based on the needs, time and place. GSSSIETW is always enthusiastic in organizing inter-zone competitions, inter-departmental sports activities during Geethayaana. Students have participated in state and national level events.


To provide adequate infrastructure facilities for sports and games, so that students chooses to participate in the event for which they have flair. To spot and groom the women sports talent to faster, better and higher relations through sports and games.


  • To provide the adequate physical education facilities and program, that are wholesome and attractive so has to enshrine sound mind in a sound body.

  • To produce national and international women players.

  • Providing high-tech sports facilities to the students to attain the top most position in sports arena of the university colleges.


GSSSIETW provides the sports facility to meet the students requirements and university standards. 

Multi-Gym :

GSSSIETW launched Multi-Gym on 01/10/2016 at GSSSIETW campus. This provides Fitness Training, Weight Loss/ gain, Aerobics classes. Gym is equipped with well modernized equipments like CU upright bike, E Glide elliptical, Multi station GYM EXM, Infinite rower model, Commercial use step board, Neoprene ankle weight 2.0 Kg, Anti burst gym ball, Dumbbells. Around 20 students are taking befit of the Gym. Students are trained by well experienced Gym instructor. The Gym runs in 2 sessions From morning 6Am to 8 Am and in the evening 5Pm to 7Pm.


Inside the GYMInside the GYMInside the GYMInside the GYM


Indoor :






Throw ball court : An out door throw ball court the court dimension 18.50×12.50 meters.Basket ball court : An out door basketball court the court having a concrete posts. The court dimension 28×15 meters can   accommodate 1500 people.Volley ball court : An outdoor volley ball court the court dimension 18×9 meters.




Mr. Harish Gowda B N, M.PEd
Physical Education Director
GSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology of Women
Cell: +91-9611602803
Tel: 0821-4257304 Extn:206
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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SL.NO Event Title Details of The Event Student Details Report
1 South zone Inter-University Volleyball Championship Held at Padmavayhi Mahila Visvavidyalayam Tirupati, 04/12/2023 to o8/12/2023. Veeksha Patel 4th Sem ECE
2 South Zone Inter-University Kho-Kho Tournament, Held at Central University, Tamilnadu 26/12/2023 to 30/12/2023 Amrutha S L, 4th Sem CSE
Keerthana A K 2nd Sem EEE
3 South Zone Inter-University Badminton Championship Held at VTU Belgavi Campus 2/1/2024 to 05/1/2024 Smruthi Desai 2nd Sem ISE
4 South Zone Inter University Foot Ball Championship Held at Calicut University Kerala 30/12/2023 to 04/01/2024 Ganavi A 2nd Sem EEE
5 All India Inter University Cricket Championship Held at Alagappa University , Karalakudi ( TN ) Mysuru, 17/01/2024 to22/01/2024 Pavanika AJ 1st Sem EEE
Lahari M V 1st Sem EEE
6 VTU Intrcollegiate Mysore division Badminton Championship 2023-24 ( Secured 1st Place ) Held at NIE Mysore,12/07/2023 to 13/07/2023 Smruthi Desai 2nd Sem ISE
Shreya R 4th Sem AIML
Sanjitha Harish 3rd Sem AMIL
Chandana Pallegar 2nd Aiml
7 VTU state level Badminton Championship 2023-24 (Secured 3rd Place ) Held at NIE Mysore,12/07/2023 to 13/07/2023 Smruthi Desai 2nd Sem ISE
Shreya R 4th Sem AIML
Sanjitha Harish 3rd Sem AMIL
Chandana Pallegar 2nd Aiml
8 VTU Intrcollegiate Mysore division Table Tennis Championship 2023-24 (Qualified to Semi-final) Held at NIE Mysore,12/07/2023 to 13/07/2023 Sanjibani Mishra 2nd EEE
Gouri 2nd Sem CSE
Krupa M U 2nd CSE
9 VTU state level Base Ball Championship 2023-24 VTU state level Base Ball Championship 2023-24 Ninada S 2nd AI & DS
Kushi B G 2nd CSE
Sinchana B 2nd ISE
Keerthana A K 2nd EEE
Ganavi A 2nd EEE
10 VTU rest of Bangalore Zone Kabaddi Championship 2023 - 24 (Secured Winners) Held at PESCE, Mandya, 31/07/2023 to 01/08/2023 Pooja M B 6th Sem ISE
Bhoomika H D 6th Sem ISE
Pallavi K 4th Sem ISE
Varsha S 5th Sem EEE
Maithri S 5th Sem EEE
Boomika G R 4th Sem ECE
Kavitha H C 6th Sem ECE
Disha 4th sem CSE
Yamuna K 2nd ECE
11 VTU State Level Yoga Championship Held at NMAMIT , Mangalore, 30/08/2023 to 31/08/2023 Anvitha B 3rd Sem ISE
Neeriksha 4th Sem ECE
12 VTU rest of Bangalore Zone Hand Ball Championship ( secured 3rd place) Held at JNNCE, Shivamogga, 04/12/2023 to 05/12/2023 Shimsha G D 7th sem EEE
Thanmai P 7th sem CSE
Megha k Prasad 7th sem ISE
Hema P 7th EIE
Inchara G A 3rd sem CSE
Pavanika A J 1st sem AI & DS
Lahari C N 3rd sem ISE
Lahari M V 1st sem EEE
Sahithya G L 3rd sem AI & DS
Priti D 1st sem AI & DS
Nidhishree H M 1st sem CSE
13 VTU Sate Level Hand Ball Championship Held at RRIT,Bengalore, 07/12/2023 to 08/12/2023 Shimsha G D 7th sem EEE
Thanmai P 7th sem CSE
Megha k Prasad 7th sem ISE
Hema P 7th EIE
Inchara G A 3rd sem CSE
Pavanika A J 1st sem AI & DS
Lahari C N 3rd sem ISE

Lahari M V 1st sem EEE
Sahithya G L 3rd sem AI & DS
Priti D 1st sem AI & DS
Nidhishree H M 1st sem CSE
14 VTU rest of Bangalore Zone Voley Ball Championship (secured Runner Up) Held at KIT, Tiptur, 02/01/2024 to 03/01/2024 Veeksha K patel 5th sem ECE
Varnika K S 3rd sem ECE
Pallavi B L 3rd sem AIML
Stuti S Seeba 3rd sem AI & DS
Rakshitha M S 3rd sem AI & DS
Shubhangi Singh 3rd sem AIML
Shwetha 3rd sem ECE
Vijaya LAkshmi T C 5th sem ECE
Preksha Soudri 1st sem AI & DS
Srinidhi 1st sem ISE
15 VTU State Level Volley Ball Championship Held at KIT, Tiptur, 12/01/2024 to 13/01/2024 Veeksha K patel 5th sem ECE
Varnika K S 3rd sem ECE
Pallavi B L 3rd sem AIML
Stuti S Seeba 3rd sem AI & DS
Rakshitha M S 3rd sem AI & DS
16 VTU State Level Swimming Championship Held at MSRIT , Bengalore, 09/08/2023 to 10/08/2023 Keerthana M S 2nd Sem MBA
Shreya M Ramesh 2nd Sem MBA
17 VTU Stae Level Soft Ball Championship Held at PESCE, Mandya 08/02/2024 to 09/02/2024 Ninada S 2nd AI & DS
Kushi B G 2nd CSE
Sinchana B 2nd ISE
Keerthana A K 2nd EEE
Ganavi A 2nd EEE
Sunidi S Babu 2nd CSE
Pallavi B L 2nd AIML
Harshita P P 4th CSE
Lahari M V 1st sem EEE
Pavanika A J 1st sem AI & DS
Veeksha Patel 4th ECE
Amrutha S L 4th CSE
Manasa 1st sem EEE
Karunya M Siddi 7th sem ISE
18 VTU Mysuru Zone Throw Ball Championship (WINNERS) Held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru 15/02/2024 Sinchana V 1st Sem ISE
Karunya M Siddi 5th Sem ISE
Veeksha Patel 3rd Sem ECE

Chandana A 1st sem ECE
Meghana G 8th sem ISE
Bhoomika H D 5th Sem ISE
Prajna H K 5th sem ECE
Meghana M 1st sem CSE
Pallavi 1st sem AIML
Kushi B G 1st sem CSE
Shruti M 3rd sem ECE
Charvi R Gowda 1st sem ISE
Dhanya S S 3rd sem EEE
Kushi B G 3rd sem CSE
N D Pannaga 1st sem ECE
19 VTU State Level Throw Ball Championship(Runners) Held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru 16/02/2024 Sinchana V 1st Sem ISE
Karunya M Siddi 5th Sem ISE
Veeksha Patel 3rd Sem ECE
Chandana A 1st sem ECE
Meghana G 8th sem ISE
Bhoomika H D 5th Sem ISE
Prajna H K 5th sem ECE
Meghana M 1st sem CSE
Pallavi 1st sem AIML
Kushi B G 1st sem CSE
Shruti M 3rd sem ECE
Charvi R Gowda 1st sem ISE
Dhanya S S 3rd sem EEE
Kushi B G 3rd sem CSE
N D Pannaga 1st sem ECE
20 VTU State Level Kho-Kho Championship (Secured 4th Place) Held at Brundavana College of Engineering , Bengalore, 27/02/2024 to 28/02/2024 Amrutha S L 3rd Sem CSE
Chaithra M N 3rd Sem AIML
Impana Koushik B 3rd Sem AIML
Bhoomika H D 5th Sem ISE
Keerthana A K 1st Sem C Cycle
Harshitha P P 3rd Sem CSE
Aishwarya J 3rd sem EEE
Harshitha C 3rd sem EEE
R Yashashwini 3rd Sem ISE
Ganavi A 1st Sem EEE
Pallavi K 5th sem ISE
H M Bindu 3rd sem EEE
Gagana C S 1st sem CSE
Vyshnavi M 1st sem MBA
21 Mysuru City Intercollegiate Kabaddi Tournament 2023-24 (secured 3rd Place) Held at Maharani Commerce college , Mysuru , 28/02/2024 Pooja M B 6th Sem ISE
Bhoomika H D 6th Sem ISE
Pallavi K 4th Sem ISE
Boomika G R 4th Sem ECE
Sushmitha G 4th sem AIML
Puneetha 1st sem MBA
22 Mysuru City Intercollegiate Badminton Tournament 2023-24 (secured 3rd place) Held at Sports pavilion , Mysuru 04/03/2024 to 05/03/2024 Smruthi Desai 2nd Sem ISE
Shreya R 4th Sem AIML
Sanjitha Harish 3rd Sem AMIL
Chandana Pallegar 2nd Aiml


SL.NO Event Title Details of The Event Student Details Report
1 South zone Inter-University Volleyball Championship Held at Mahathmaghandhi University Kottayam,Kerala, 27/02/2022 to 31/12/2022 Veeksha Patel 3rd Sem ECE
2 South Zone Inter-University Kho-Kho Tournament, Held at Alliance University, Bangalore 23/01/2023 to 26/01/2023 Amrutha S L, Keerthana A K
3 South Zone Inter-University Kabaddi Championship Held at AMET University Kanathur,Channai 21/12/2022 to 24/12/2022 Bhoomika H D,Pooja M B
4 All India Inter University Ball Badminton Championship Held at B S Abdul Rehaman Crescent Institution of Science and Tech, 27/01/2023 to 30/01/2023 Poornima M 5th Sem EEE
5 All India Inter University Cricket Championship Held at JCE Mysuru, 31/01/2023 to 5/02/2023 Vaishnavi T S 7th Sem EIE
6 All India Inter University Softball Championship Held at Panjab University Chandigarh, 17/03/2023 to 21/03/2023 Ninaada S ,Harshitha P
7 VTU Mysuru Zone Badminton Championship Held at VVCE Mysuru, 3/11/2022 to 4/11/2022 Sharanya K P,Shreya R, Nandini H N, Suchithra K J
8 VTU Mysuru Zone Table Tennis Championship Held at VVCE Mysuru, 3/11/2022 to 4/11/2022 Harshitha B V, Sanjana R
9 VTU Rest of Bangalore Intercollegiate Volleyball Championship Held at PESCE Mandya, 24/11/2022 to 26/11/2022 Veeksha Patel ,Vijayalakshmi T C , Naithanya Y, Nisarga K , Kavana A , Sahana G, Vaishnavi C E , Megha K P, Varanika , Vaishnavi T S , Kannika
10 VTU rest of Bangalore Zone Basketball Championship Held at ATME Mysuru, 06/12/2022 to 07/12/2022 Veeksha Patel , Megha K Prasad, Atira T P,Harshitha R, Deeksha B , Jiya M S ,Inchara G A , Pallavi P L
11 VTU rest of Bangalore Zone Kabaddi Championship Held at Govt. Engineering College Kushalanagara, 28/11/2022 to 29/11/2022 Pooja M B ,Bhoomika H D ,Pallavi K ,Varsha I S ,Varsha S,Maithei S ,Boomika G R ,Kavitha H C,Devika L,Sandya V J
12 VTU State Level Kabaddi Championship Held at APSCE Bangalore, 02/12/2022 to 03/12/2022 Pooja M B,Bhoomika H D ,Pallavi K,Varsha I S ,Varsha S ,Maithei S ,Boomika G R ,Kavitha H C ,Devika L,Sandya V J
13 VTU State Level Yoga Championship Held at Bahubali college of Engineering Shravanabhelagola,9/12/2022 to 10/12/2022 Anvitha B,Shushmitha G
14 VTU Mysore Division Tournament 2022- 23 Shuttle Badminton Tournament Held at VTU Sathagalli on 08/03/2023 Shruthi Desai, Shreya R
Secured 1st Place
15 VTU rest of Bangalore Zone Kho-Kho Championship Held at PESCE Mandya, 12/01/2022 to 13/01/2022 Amrutha S L, Keerthana A K ,Impana Koushik B , Bhoomika H D ,Panchami N , Keerthana A K, Harshitha P P,Sahana C ,Kamini M,R Yashashwini ,Thejaswini G ,Anupriya ,Ganavi A
16 VTU State Level Kho-Kho Championship Held at PGHC Engineering College ,Vijayapura ,12/01/2022 to 14/01/2022 Amrutha S L,Impana Koushik B ,Chaithra M N,Bhoomika H D,Panchami N,Keerthana A K ,Harshitha P P ,Sahana C,Kamini M,R Yashashwini ,Thejaswini G,Anupriya ,Ganavi A
17 VTU State Level Base ball Championship Held at DBIT College Bangalore, 4/01/2023 to 5/01/2023 Karunya M Siddi ,Mega K Prasad ,Harshitha R ,Amrutha S L ,Harshitha P P ,Sinchana V ,Ganavi A,Aishwarya S M,Ninaada S,Sunidhi S Babu
18 VTU Mysuru Zone Power Lifting Championship Held at VVCE Mysuru, 9/02/2023 to 10/02/2023 Amrutha S L ,Ganavi A ,Keerthana A K ,Harshitha P P
19 VTU State Level Softball Championship Held at SJMIT, Chitradurga , 3/03/2023 to 4/03/2023 Jamun N, Amrutha S L, Keerthana A K ,Impana Koushik B , Bhoomika H D ,Panchami N , Keerthana A K, Harshitha P P,Sahana C ,Kamini M,R Yashashwini ,Thejaswini G ,Anupriya ,Ganavi A
secured 3rd place
20 VTU Mysuru Zone Throw Ball Championship Held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru 16/03/2023 Chaitra H S ,Madushree N ,Sinchana V,Karunya M Siddi ,Veeksha Patel ,Chandana A ,Meghana G ,Bhoomika H D,Prajna H K,Meghana M ,Pallavi ,Kushi B G
21 VTU State Level Throw Ball Championship Held at Saividhya Institute of tech, Bangalore 18/03/2023 to 19/03/2023 Chaitra H S ,Madushree N ,Sinchana V,Karunya M Siddi ,Veeksha Patel ,Chandana A ,Meghana G ,Bhoomika H D,Prajna H K,Meghana M ,Pallavi ,Kushi B G
(qualified to quarter finals)
22 VTU rest of Bangalore Zone Chess Tournament Held at VTU PG Centre , Mysuru 01/12/2022 to 02/12/2022 Sanjana R ,Kannika gowda ,Disha C M ,Tejaswini M R
(secured 4th place)
23 Mysuru City Inter-Collegiate Kabaddi Tournament Held at Maharani’s Science college , Mysuru 15/12/2022 Pooja M B,Bhoomika H D ,Pallavi K,Varsha I S ,Varsha S ,Maithei S ,Boomika G R ,Kavitha H C ,Devika L,Sandya V J
Runner up
24 Mysuru City Inter-Collegiate Hand Ball Tournament Held at Maharani’s Science college , Mysuru 15/12/2022 Megha K Prasad, Hema P,Moulya ,Shimsha G D ,Inchara ,Harshitha R ,Ganavi A
25 Mysuru City Inter-Collegiate Throw ball Tournament Held at JSS Women’s college , Mysuru 21/12/2022 Chaitra H S ,Madushree N ,Sinchana V,Karunya M Siddi ,Veeksha Patel ,Chandana A ,Meghana G ,Bhoomika H D,Prajna H K,Meghana M ,Pallavi ,Kushi B G Runner up


1 2021-22 South Zone inter University Hand Ball tournament "Held on27th February to 2nd March 2022 at Bharathi Dasan University, Tiruchirapalli" Megha K Prasad, Hema P Participated
2 South Zone inter University Kho-Kho tournament Held on 17th to 20th March 2022 at Kakatiya University,Warangal,Tamilnadu Amrutha S L, Bhoomica H D Participated
3 VTU MYSURU ZONE TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT "Held on 25th November 2021 at NIE Mysuru" Srunga, Ayushi Sharma, Hima B P, Stanzin Choskait Secured 1st place
4 VTU INTER TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT "Held on 27th November 2021 at RVCE Bangalore " Srunga, Ayushi Sharma, Hima B P, Stanzin Choskait Participated
5 VTU MYSURU ZONE BADMINTON TOURNAMENT "Held on 24th December 2021 at NIE, Mysuru" Raksha K, Tinu Tom, Swathi R, Darigala Ashritha , Manasa Qalified to Semi final
6 VTU Rest of Bangalore Zone Volley Ball Tournament. "Held on 29th November 2021 at MIT, Mysuru" Vaishnavi T S, Manasa, M , Monisha V, Karunya M siddhi, Madhushree N, Soundarya Bai G, Sahana G, Hema P Participated
7 "VTU REST OF BANGALORE ZONE KABADDI TOURNAMNET" Held on 13TH TO 14th December 2021at BIET , Davanagere Pooja M,Bhoomika H D, Karunya M siddhi, Shimsha G D ,Pratiksha M, Varsha S secured runner up position
8 VTU Inter Zone Kabaddi Tournament. Held at KSIT, Bengaluru on 15th and 16th Dec 2021. Pooja M B, ,Bhoomika H D, Karunya M Siddi,Shimsha G D,Pratheeksha M, Varsha S,Hema P, Smitha B,Harshitha R, Kavya M J, Mythri S, Participated
9 VTU Mysore Zone Throw ball Tournament. Held at GSSSIETW, Mysuru from 7th June, 2022. Veeksha Patel,Pragna H K,Madhushree, Spoorthi U, Manasa M, Tejaswini G, Harshitha V,Tejaswini N ,Chaitra H S, Bhoomika H D, Karunya M Siddi,Meghana G Participated
10 VTU Inter-Zone Throw ball Tournament. Held at KIT, Tiptur from 11th & 12th June, 2022. Veeksha Patel,Pragna H K,Madhushree,Spoorthi U ,Manasa M,Tejaswini G,Harshitha V, Tejaswini N Bhoomika H D, Karunya M Siddi,Meghana G, Participated
11 VTU Rest of Bangalore Zone Hand ball Tournament. Held at NIEIT, Mysuru on 13th & 14th June 2022. Megha k Prasad ,Hema P, Shimsha G D,Sanjana M,Rakshitha Y R,Anusha S T,Rakshitha S,Lekhana,Anupama C Swamy Participated
12 VTU Inter Zone Rest of Bangalore zone kho-kho Tournament Held at GMIT Davangere on 3rd and 6th July Madhushree N ,Chayashree S, Bhoomika HD,Karunya M Siddi,Amrutha S L, Tejaswini G,Preethi N Babu,Nisarga TS ,Chithra M,Manasa P ,Chaithra MN ,Spandhana YN, Participated
13 VTU Inter Zone Inter collegiate kho-kho Tournament Held at GMIT Davangere on 14th and 15th July 2022 Madhushree N ,Chayashree S, Bhoomika HD,Karunya M Siddi,Amrutha S L, Tejaswini G,Preethi N Babu,Nisarga TS ,Chithra M,Manasa P ,Chaithra MN ,Spandhana YN Participated
14 VTU Inter Zone Inter collegiate Ball badminton Tournament Held at GCE Ramnagar on 14th and 15th July 2022 Nidhishree S,Nidhishree S,Poornima M,Vinutha G,Veeksha Patel,Bhoomika HD,Sharanya KP,Prathiksha,Nikitha KM ,Shravya Participated
15 VTU 23rd Inter Collegiate Athletic meet Held at SJCIT , Chikkaballapura on 28th june to 01st july 2022 Veeksha patel,Pooja M B, Bhoomika H D, Karunya M Siddi, Amrutha S L,Smitha D , Navya V Sannu Veeksha Patel Secured 2nd Place in Discuss Throw


1 2019-20 VTU MYSURU ZONE BADMINTON TOURNAMENT "Held on 24th August 2019 at NIE Mysuru " Raksha K, Tiniu Tom, Nanadana R, Anjali R, Harini S Qualified to semifinal
2 VTU MYSURU ZONE TABLE TENNIS TOURNAMENT "Held on 24th August 2019 at NIE Mysuru " Ayushi Sharma, Shrunga, Siri Samjay, Rakshitha U C Qualified to semifinal
3 Mysore City inter collagiate throw ball tounament "Held on 3rd September 219 at Maharani's Science College, Mysore" Drushya,Shreya Alva, Harshitha, Manushree, Spoorthy U, Preeya D, Bhuvana, Madhumitha, Manasa, Anupama P Secured runner up position
4 Mysore City inter collagiate throw ball tournament "Held on 13th September 219 at Sheshadripuram Degree College Mysuru" Drushya,Shreya Alva, Harshitha, Manushree, Spoorthy U, Preeya D, Bhuvana, Madhumitha, Manasa, Anupama P Secured runner up position
5 VTU MYSURU ZONE THROW BALL TOURNAMENT "Held on 22nd November 2019 at GSSSIETW, Mysuru" Drushya,Shreya Alva, Harshitha, Manushree, Spoorthy U, Preeya D, Bhuvana, Madhumitha, Manasa, Anupama P Secured runner up position
6 VTU intezone throw ball tournament "Held on 25th and 26th November 2019 at East West Engineering College, Banaglore " Shreya Alva, Harshitha, Spoorthy U, Preeya D, Bhuvana, Manasa, Anupama P, Pooja S B, Chitra, Meghana , Madhushree, Jyothi Participated
7 ALL INDIA INTER UNIVERSITY KABADDI CHAMPIONSHIP "Held on 3rd to 6th October 2019 at VEL TECH RDSIT, Chennai" Preeya D, Vindhya S R, Monica V Participated
8 VTU WOMEN SINGLE ZONE TENNIS TOUNAMENT "Held on 26th September 2019 at PES College of Engineering Mandya " Shreya Patil, Harshitha V Participated
9 South Zone inter University Hand Ball Championship "held on 10th to 14th November 2019 at University of Calicut, Kerala" Preeya D Participated
10 VTU Athletic meet "Held on 22nd to 25th october 2019 at Gurunanak Dev Engineering College, Bidar" Ruchitha M V T, Varshitha S M, Shreeranjitha N, Anusha A S, Niya Bollamma, Harshitha V Participated


1 2018-19 All India inetr university championship - Ball Badminton "Held on 5th to 9th January at Dravidian University, Kuppam, Andrapradesh " "Manushree R, Kavitha, Thanushree S" Represented
2 VTU REST OF BANGALORE ZONE BALL BATMINTON TOURNAMENT "Held on 16th april 2018- 17th april 2018 at MCE Hassan " "Netravathi, Kavitha Nagaraj, Ananya Tanushree S, Sangeetha, Ananaya, Varshitha S N, Tejaswini D , Sandyashree,Uma D " "GSSSIETW has won VTU rest of Bangalore zone ball badminton tournament "
3 VTU INTERZONE BALL BATMINTON TOURNAMENT "Held on 16th april 2018- 17th april 2018 at MCE Hassan " "Netravathi, Kavitha Nagaraj, Ananya Tanushree S, Sangeetha, Ananaya, Varshitha S N, Tejaswini D , Sandyashree,Uma D " Secured runner up position
4 VTU INTERZONE KABADDI TOURNAMENT "Held on 7th May 2018 to 9th May 2018 at Channabasaveshwara institute of engineering, Gubbi " "Nethravathi, Bindu R, Sindhushree K M, Vindya S R , Monica V, Nisarga R, Shruthi H S, Anvitha muttamma K C " Secured runner up position
5 VTU REST OF BANGALORE ZONE KBADDI TOURNAMENT "Held on 4th May 2018 to 5th May 2018 at Alva's Institute of engineering and technology, Moodabidri" "Nethravathi, Bindu R, Sindhushree K M, Vindya S R , Monica V, Nisarga R, Shruthi H S, Anvitha muttamma K C " Secured runner up position
6 VTU REST OF BANGALORE ZONE HAND BALL TOURNAMENT "Held on 18th april 2018- 19th april 2018 at JNNCE, Shivmogga " "Varshini,Prarthana N, Rachana Selar, Swathi S, Preeya D, Nischitha B R , Anvitha Muthhamma, Jestina J Fedric" Participated
7 SPORTS FEST - Volley Ball 6th to 8th March 2019 at Shri Vishnu Engineering college for women, Bhimavaram, Andrapradesh "Varshini,Prarthana N, Rachana Selar, Swathi S, Preeya D, Nischitha B R , Anvitha Muthhamma, Jestina J Fedric" secured 3rd place
8 VTU REST OF BANGALORE ZONE HAND BALL TOURNAMENT "Held on 27th and 28th March 2019 at Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan " "Varshini,Prarthana N, Rachana Selar, Swathi S, Preeya D, Nischitha B R , Anvitha Muthhamma, Jestina J Fedric" Winner
9 Mysore City inter collagiate hand ball tournament "held on 26th February 2019 at VVIET Mysuru" "Varshini,Prarthana N, Rachana Selar, Swathi S, Preeya D, Nischitha B R , Anvitha Muthhamma, Jestina J Fedric" Secured runner up position
10 VTU INTER ZONE HAND BALL TOURNAMENT "Held on 30th March 2019 at MCE Hassan " "Varshini,Prarthana N, Rachana Selar, Swathi S, Preeya D, Nischitha B R , Anvitha Muthhamma, Jestina J Fedric" secured 3rd place
11 VTU REST OF BANGALORE ZONE KBADDI TOURNAMENT Held on 11th May 2019 at VSMIT , Nipani, Belagavi "Akhila S M, Anvitha Muthhamma, Monica V, Bindu R, Sindhushree K M, Laxmi Prasanna, Vindhya S R, Nisarga N D , Archana, Monica B R " secured 3rd place
12 "UNIVERSITY KABBADDI (WOMEN) IN THE SOUTH ZONE INETER UNIVERSITY TOURNAMENT 2018-19" Held on 12th 15th November 2018 at Bangaluru Noth University, Banagalore Monica V Participated
13 International yoga sports cup 2008 Held on 31/10/2018 to 4/11/2018 at Karnal , Haryana Surabhi G Participated
14 Inter collegiate sports tournament 2018-19 Held on 12/11/2018 to 15/11/ 2018 Monica V Participated
15 Inter collegiate sports tournament 2018-19 - Athletics "Held on 26/10/2018 to 29/10/ 2018 at SJCIT Chikkaballapura" "Harshitha R, Priya D, Aishwarya C, Ashwarya H A, Varshitha S M, Prarthana K M, Akhila P " Represented
16 Inter collegiate sports tournament 2018-19 - Ball Badminton "Held on 22/04/2019 to 23/04/ 2019 at RLJIT, Doddaballapura " "Sandhyashree B M, Chandini SS , Sangeetha K S,Uma D, Rachana K P, Kavitha Nagaraj " Represented


The GSSSIETW Mysuru Women's Kho-KhoTeam secured the Runner Up position in the VTU state level Women Kho-Kho Championship held on 19th and 20th December 2024 at MYCEM college Mysore

The GSSSIETW Mysuru Women's Kho-KhoTeam secured the 1st place in the VTU rest of Bangalore zone Kho-Kho Tournament held on 18th December 2024 at MYCEM college Mysore

The GSSSIETW Mysuru Women's Throwball Team secured the 1st Runner Up position in the VTU state level Women Throwball Tournament held on 18th December 2024 at KLE Engineering college Chikodi

The GSSSIETW Mysuru Women's Throwball Team secured the First position in the VTU Mysuru Division Women Throwball Tournament 2024-25, held on 7th December 2024 at ATME Mysuru

The GSSSIETW Mysuru Women's Handball Team secured the 1st Runner Up position in the VTU rest of Bangalore zone Women Handball Tournament 2024-25 and qualified to state level held on 6th December 2024 at BEC college Bagalkote

The GSSSIETW Mysuru Women's Softball Team secured the 1st Runner Up position in the Mysore City Inter-Collegiate Softball Tournament 2024-25, held on 26th November 2024 at SBRR Maharana College Mysuru

The GSSSIETW Mysuru Women's Softball Team secured the 1st Runner-up position in the VTU State level women's SoftBall Championship 2024-25, held on November 10, 2024, at SJMIT Chitradurga

The GSSSIETW Mysuru Women's Handball Team secured the Runner up position in the Mysore City Intercollegiate Hand Ball Tournament 2024-25, held on 7th November 2024 at NIE, Mysuru

The GSSSIETW Mysuru Women's Throwball Team won the match and secured the First position in the JSS Memorial City Intercollegiate ThrowballTournament 2024-25, held on 25th October 2024 at JSS Science and Technology University Mysuru

The GSSSIETW Mysuru Athletics 4*400 Relay Team secured the 2nd position in the Mysore City Intercollegiate Athletic Championship 2024-25, held on 25th October 2024 at GSSS Ovals ground Mysuru

The GSSSIETW Mysuru Athletics in Discuss Throw Ku. IMPANA secured the 3rd position in the Mysore City Intercollegiate Athletic Championship 2024-25, held on 25th October 2024 at GSSS Ovals ground Mysuru

The GSSSIETW Mysuru Athletics 100mts Running Ku. KANCHANA secured the 3rd position in the Mysore City Intercollegiate Athletic Championship 2024-25, held on 25th October 2024 at Ovals ground Mysuru

The GSSSIETW, Mysuru Women's Kho-Kho Team secured the runner-up position in the Mysore City Intercollegiate Kho-Kho Tournament 2024-25, held on 23rd October 2024 at GSSS Simha subba Mahalakshmi first grade College Mysuru

The GSSSIETW Mysuru Women's Throwball Team secured the runner-up position in the Mysore City Intercollegiate Throwball Tournament 2024-25, held on 23rd October 2024 at GSSS Simha subba Mahalakshmi first grade College Mysuru

GSSSIETW Mysuru Women’s Badminton Team secured ‘First position’ and qualified for State level in the ‘VTU Inter-Collegiate Mysuru Division Badminton Men & Women Championship 2024-25’ held on 8th July 2024 at NIE College Mysuru

GSSSIETW students have secured the 2nd Runner Up position in the VTU State level Base Ball tournament held on 5th and 6th July 2024 at DON BOSCO Institute of Engineering, Bangalore

GSSSIETW Students secured the 1st Runner Up position in the VTU Women State level Tennis Tournament held on 11th and 12th June 2024 at PESCE College Mandya

GSSSIETW has secured a cash prize of Rs. 1 Lakh for its excellent achievement in Intercollegiate Sports organized by VTU and Inter-University Sports events in the academic year 2021-22

VTU State level  Kho-Kho Women's tournament-2024,  GSSSIETW women team secured 3rd place at Brindavan College of Engineering, Bengaluru held on 28th Feb 2024


The Women's Kabbadi Team of GSSSIETW secured 2nd Runner Up for Mysore City intercollegiate tournament held at Maharani Commerce College Mysuru on 28th Feb 2024


VTU State level Throw ball Championship 2023-24 on 16th Feb 2024

Mysore City Zone Inter Collegiate Kho-Kho Tournament-2023, held on 24th November 2023

Mysore City Zone Inter Collegiate Throw Ball Tournament-2023, held on 24th November 2023

VTU State Level Women Badminton Tournament 2023-2024, held on 23rd July 2023

VTU Inter Collegiate Rest of Bengaluru Zone Women Kabaddi Tournament 2023-2024, held on 31st July 2023

VTU Inter Collegiate Mysore Zone Badminton Tournament 2023-2024, held on 12th July 2023

VTU Inter Collegiate Mysore Zone Throw Ball Tournament 2022-2023, held on 16th March 2023

VTU Mysore Division Tournament 2022-2023, held on 08th March 2023

Secured  2nd place in VTU Rest of Bangalore Zone Women Kabaddi Championship 2021-22Secured  2nd place in VTU Rest of Bangalore Zone Women Kabaddi Championship 2021-22
Secured 1st place in Inter Collegiate Mysuru Zone Table Tennis Championship 2021-22
Secured 1st place in Inter Collegiate Mysuru Zone Table Tennis Championship 2021-22Secured 1st place in Inter Collegiate Mysuru Zone Table Tennis Championship 2021-22
 VTU Mysuru Zone Throw Ball Tournament 2019-20
VTU Mysuru Zone Throw Ball Tournament 2019-20VTU Mysuru Zone Throw Ball Tournament 2019-20
Mysuru City Inter Collegiate Throw Ball Tournament
Students represented GSSSIETW at VTU Mysuru Zone and Rest of Bangalore Zone and Inter zone sports eventsGSSSIETW Students have won VTU rest of Bangalore zone Ball badminton tournament held at MCE Hassan on 16th 17th April 2018 qualified for VTU inter Zone Ball Badminton tournament.VTU INTER- ZONE KABADDI TOURNAMENT Held at Chennabasaveshwara Institute of Engineering Gubbi from 7th May 2018 to 9th May 2018VTU Interzone Ball Badminton Tournament was held at MCE Hassan from 17th to 18th April 2018VTU Athletic meet at Dr. T Thimmaiah Instituite of Technology Kolar.VTU Single Zone Inter Collegiate Weight Lifting Power Lifting Tournament Held at SIT Tumkur on 15th to 17th September 2017VTU INTERZONE BALL BADMINTON TOURNAMENT Held at RLJIT Doddaballapur from 10th April 2017 to 11th April 2017VTU REST OF BANGALORE - ZONE KABADDI TOURNAMENT20th VTU INTER COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC MEN WOMEN MEET 2017-18VTU rest of Bangalore-Zone Handball Tournament was held at JNNCE Shivmoga from 18th to 19th April 2018.VTU Inter Collegiate Kabaddi Tournament Held at VSMIT Nipani on 19th April 2017VTU Mysuru Zone Table tennis Tournament at GSSSIETWGSSS Institute of Engineering Technology for Women Mysuru has won in VTU Rest of Bangalore - Zone Ball Badminton tournamentVTU INTER ZONE THROWBALL TOURNMENT.VTU REST OF BANGLORE ZONE HANDBALL WOMEN TOURNAMENT Held on 31 st March 2017 at JNNCE Shimoga.VTU REST OF BANGLORE ZONE BALL BADMINTON TOURNAMENT Held on 28th March 2017 at PES College of Engineering Mandya


Mr. Harish Gowda B N, M.PEd
Physical Education Director
GSSS Institute of Engineering & Technology of Women
Cell: +91-9611602803
Tel: 0821-4257304 Extn:206
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

© 2014 | GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women